SGOTM2 Germany - Staff Team

I have been away for several days. I went to check the score of the other teams and noticed that our latest score is for 590 AD. I think ainwood must have posted the wrong game for the score table also. Please take a look.

It also looks as if Kuningas' team finished in 980 AD. Can we equal that?
zagnut said:
I have been away for several days. I went to check the score of the other teams and noticed that our latest score is for 590 AD. I think ainwood must have posted the wrong game for the score table also. Please take a look.

It also looks as if Kuningas' team finished in 980 AD. Can we equal that?
Yes, I did :( I'll repost it. :)
Well, whatever. It worked, and we moved on :D

We've got so much money that I fall to the temptation of rushing settlers in the russian cities and libraries where border expansion can help us.

Ah, ok. We *are* at war with the English :D

Switch a couple more inland cities from Library to Settler, then press Enter.

English Swordsman kills veteran Knight.
English Archer redlines Knight but leaves single Spear in Liverpool

Turn 1 - 660 AD
Liverpool is taken with no losses.
Move troops, workers and settlers.

Order a few more Galleys, send a couple of Knights north in preparation for an attack on the Japanese outposts.
Make some plans to settle the tundra island north of Bonn too.

Nothing much

Turn 2 - 670 AD
Keep on moving troops.
Found New
A stupid Swordsman of ours gets killed attacking Coventry.

Nothing really

Turn 3 - 680 AD
Coventry is taken. Attack Newcastle and Dover. The former is brought down to one spearman (no losses on our side), the second is guarded by Pikemen and resists a two-Knight-attack (one Pike dead, the second redlines our unit).

Move three Galleys south-east from Bonn.

Huge border expansion.
Our Palace looks really good with a middle-eastern wing...

Turn 4 - 690 AD
Little Sense founded in the tundra island
Just Because founded on the coast north of Frankfurt

Coventry and Newcastle taken for no losses (but no great leader!)

Saw the French Galley sailing. Where is she going?

Turn 5 - 700 AD
She thinks I still Care founded not far from See the pretty fishies

Wait for troops to heal before launching the final attack on England.

We discover Gunpowder from the Great Library. Now I don't know what to do with research: Education at max to reach Astronomy and be able to invade the other continent? Or Chemistry? It would take about 15-20 turns to reach Military Tradition even at max science,

Turn 6 - 710 AD
Name founded to fill a gap

Hastings and Brighton are taken for the loss of one (elite) Knight.
And the English are no more? No! They've got a Settler in a Galley, who has just left the harbour of Brighton. I can't believe this. There are two civs floating around... :lol:

Anyway. They know Education, so I believe it will come around shortly, and goodbye Great Libary.
I set research to Chemistry at 60% (due in 9 turns)

Rouen flips to France. You only let me put my hands on their Galley...

Turn 7 - 720 AD
This town founded
Troops march towards Rouen

Rien du tout

Turn 8 - 730 AD
Everybody has the blues and Green River founded

Well, the Japanese cities on "our" islands have all reached pop 2, so why not declare the Japanese...


Turn 9 - 740 AD
We liberate Rouen and gain 490 gold

Capture Bizen


Turn 10 - 750 AD
Attack the elite French Galley with a regular one, redline it but horribly sink.
Rush two more Galleys in Dover and Born Again Avignon. The French are surrounded.

Chase the English galley (I think we should keep it alive until we get Education)

Capture Fukushima with a Japanese Settler.
Resistance ends in a couple of French cities in the west, which riot.

Sorry -once again, I left some units on auto-move. They are mainly knights, going towards our east coast, and Settlers heading to free coastal spots on our continent.

There is still one easy Japanese city to take. After that, we could either sign peace or ally with someone on their continent just to entertain them a little bit while they are waiting for us... :D

I am not really sure that we can or even need to reach Military Tradition to win the game. I kept research on at a relatively high rate not to waste turns, but if can decide to switch it off completely it's ok with me. We haven't invested too much yet.

** The save! **
Looks Good, Karasu!

Do the Japanese still have their iron, or did they lose it? Perhaps it would be a good time to get alliances signed against Japan, so that the other continent can weaken itself by waging a few wars? We can then rock-on-in and clean up! :)

Score-graphs going back the right-way too! :D Rushing those settlers was a good idea. :)
Should we just turn off research and use our cash to upgrade units? Perhaps disconnect Iron, build Horses, upgrade them to Knights, ship them across the ocean (is there a safe passage) and blitz through the other civs.

Good job, Karasu. I see you have reversed our little downslide in the score. :)
Thanks, mates -I just built on your previous work :D

I was thinking along the same lines as Zagnut: I haven't checked mapstat, but if there are no hidden landmasses we should not be too far from domination.
Which means that MT may arrive too late, especially if we want to close the game within the next 20-30 turns (that is, I wasted quite some gold with Chemistry :blush: ).

So, a massive buildup of Knights is probably the way to go -disconnecting our Iron sources.

Unfortunately, I don't think there is any safe passage that won't require either Lighthouse or Astronomy. So, shall we wait for someone else to discover it (only the English have it for the time being, and they didn't want to trade for it a couple of turns ago) and then go full speed to Astronomy?
I had a bit of a play with some scoring things...

The unhappy and content are costing us quite a few points / turn, so perhaps we should up the luxuries a bit? Perhaps raise luxuries by 10% and see what the effect on #happy actually is?

Also, we are still quite a way from the domination limit, so closing-out ownership of the easy tiles on our continent and the little islands has to be a priority. :)

How much gold do we actually have? We don't have Leo's, do we? If we had that then cutting-off the iron would be a great option. :)
I looked at the save just now and things *are* looking good guys! Well done! :thumbsup:

I like Ainwoods suggestion to up the lux slider a bit to max out points. I'm currently milking my COTM1 effort so I'm gaining some experience in it. :ack: If there's one thing to completely cure any builder inclinations it's milking, BTW. So many hours went into it already and I still only in the 17 hundreds. :crazyeye:
I just don't have the patience for a milking game. My games seem to take long enough as it is. If I milked a GOTM I would never finish! If I did try it I am sure I would stumble over the domination limit by accident.

I admire all you folks who can stick to it and milk all the way to 2050.
OK, so what's the plan for the balance of the game? I must admit I have been unable to pay much attention to the game recently. I just took a look and see that we are magnificent and getting more so.

Ainwood asked if we have Leo's. We do not. We are 18 turns away, but could decrease that to 15 by putting the citizen to work on the mining square.

Japan still appears to have only one source of Iron, near their capital. I second ainwood's capital idea to land there when we start the invasion. HOWEVER, there is no safe way across the ocean that I can find. We are going to have to get to Magnetism before we can invade. Therefore, shouldn't we just give up on the Great Library and head as fast as we can to Magnetism? That will probably take about 30 turns unless we can trigger a Golden Age. We haven't had one that I can remember. Sun Tzu and Leo's can trigger for a militaristic civ and Copernicus and Newton for a scientific. So many other civs are going for Sun Tzu it is unlikely we can get it, but perhaps we should start a prebuild for Copernicus in case Leo's doesn't trigger our GA. Nuremburg could probably build it the fastest.
We already own a Scientific wonder, and Leo is militaristic. So our GA is safe. Actually, the Great Wall is militaristic too, so our GA is going to be triggered by the first wonder we build, whatever it is.

Since Japan reached our continent with Lighthouse-powered galleys, there should be at least one safe sea route available to us with Astronomy + Caravels.
This means that we may not need to research as far as Magnetism. Will we need Military Tradition? If we have to compete with a pre-1000 AD finish, we should be able to close the game within the next 20-30 turns.

What does Mapstat say? (I still have to install it on this PC... :blush: )
Karasu said:
We already own a Scientific wonder, and Leo is militaristic. So our GA is safe. Actually, the Great Wall is militaristic too, so our GA is going to be triggered by the first wonder we build, whatever it is.

You are correct. I forgot about the wonders we captured.

Karasu said:
Since Japan reached our continent with Lighthouse-powered galleys, there should be at least one safe sea route available to us with Astronomy + Caravels.

:blush: I forgot that Astronomy means we can safely start from a sea square.

Karasu said:
This means that we may not need to research as far as Magnetism. Will we need Military Tradition? If we have to compete with a pre-1000 AD finish, we should be able to close the game within the next 20-30 turns.

Probably not. Let's build a bunch of Knights, pre-build Caravels and invade the other continent ASAP. Then we can research MT and finish the game even sooner.
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