SGOTM2 Germany - Team Peanut

Here we go, fellow Generals …

Pre-turn : Looks good. We upgrade a Galleon & a Galley to Transports for the fun of it.

IBT : Dull. The Barb galleys practice rowing on the lake – when’s that Ironclad going to be ready ??

1255AD : Some workers built, more ordered. There’s a whole lotta working on dem railroads all over the land folks. Oh, and some jungle clearing near Bremen.

:) Well serve me up an extra strength Vegetable Curry ! Ghandi has mastered Replaceable Parts ! He will swap RP+WM+9gpt for Electronics. Ok.

Well now – hasty strategy rethink – Flight in 2, Mass Prod in (say) 5, Motors in (say) 5 ? I don’t think the AIs will help us with research now, so lets suck their cash dry and then give away Indust. We switch Novgorod to Universal Suffrage.

Sell RepParts to Joan for WM+87gpt+140g, and Elect for 5g+46gpt. Everyone else is broke ! So we give Indust away for free to everyone.

We also push alomg a few universities – research is key now.

IBT : We sign an ROP with Cathy – it improves relations a bit.

1260AD : Bingo. The Chinese start Universal Suffrage in … Beijing ! That will take them 29 turns ! More clearing & railroads.

IBT : Boring. Cathy is marching a Longbowman across our little northern island … Hmmm.

1265AD : Flight done. MassP in 4 (Great !). More clearing & railroading.

IBT : Boring. That Russian Longbowman is determined on something ! No good I expect ...

1270AD : We start some Airports in case we need to do some airlifting. India starts Universal Suffrage in Karachi – 48 turns there !

IBT : Boring .... and he’s still marching …

1275AD : More clearing etc. We give Cathy some incense and Tokugawa some Ivory. We sell Corp to Joan for 10gpt, and to Ghandi for 90g+52gpt. We also give him spices for free.

IBT : Boring.

1280AD : We trade Elect+Corp to Japan for Wine&Dyes. Then we give him Spice for free.

IBT : Cathy declared war on Japan. She captures Suo with the Longbowman !

1285AD : Boring. More clearing and railroads. More Airports.

IBT : Joan starts Universal Suffrage … in Lyons .. 32 turns.

1290AD : Boring stuff. More clearing. Novgorod slowed down to finish UnivSuff in 8 (allows 3 for MT, and 4 for Fission if we need it.).

IBT : Boring

1295AD : More clearing. Surprise, surprise – everyone is polite to us – even Cathy ! More Airports finished. We are building Infantry and Artillery for an invasion.

IBT : Boring.

1300AD : More clearing & railroading. More infantry & artillery. The French have mastered Communism and the Indians Economics. What clever chaps they all are !

Homely advice : We are on the threshold of the last stage. We will have Motor Transport next turn, which will put us into the Modern Age. Novgorod (artificially slowed down) will finish Universal Suffrage in 6 turns.

If we don’t get gifted with Fission by the AI gods, and Cathy doesn’t either with a little bit of help from us, then we will have four turns to research it and gift it around before we complete Universal Suffrage (with some tweaking at Novgorod we could stretch to five). If we do get it then gift it and return Novgorod to full production. Beijing looks like the best bet for the first AI city to get the UN, if they switch to it that is !

We have 16 Infantry, 10 Cavalry, 26 Knights (cheap upgrades to Cavalry if needed), 7 Artillery, 3 Rifles (cheap upgrades to Infantry if needed). There are 5 Transports, 4 of which are at New Cologne on the coast closest to the other continent. We have 11 Airports, 2 more ready next turn, and more to come. That should be able to support an invasion with airlift follow-up once we capture a city and rush an airport, particularly if we switch all production to Panzers next turn.

Over to you, General Peglegasus !

The 1300 AD Save
Awesome! Gandhi came through for us, and methinks he'll play a key part later, too! You know, I originally wanted to take Cathy out, but if she signs an alliance with us against the UN builder, she can stay for the vote IMO.

I think I'd slow down Novgorod's build of UnivSuff for one turn, just to see if we get Fission for free, or if we have to research it; I'd recommend taking at least one more citizen off the hills near Novgorod, and extend the build to 8 turns (IIRC, from just checking it out.) We can easily add the citizen(s) back later to speed up the build, if it's warranted, just as we can control when the AI gets to know about Fission or any other Tech.

So Beijiang is the leader now. Still has 20 turns for Univ Suff or so; 29 turns originally means about 25 spt so another 180 Shields to complete Fission = +8 turns for 28 turns from now or so. I think I'd still rather see Canton build UN, especially if they've got a factory there now! That would make Canton at least 54 spt, finishing UN in 18 turns or less, 10 turns faster than Beijiang. We could time a Fission trade/gift to just before or just after Canton finishes something. Which is better? Will the AI switch Canton's build to UN, or does Canton need to have just completed something to be assigned to UN? General Peglegasus will have to monitor Canton closely to see if this will work. (Oh yeah, we can't afford any more 20 turn deals with China; they all have to expire on their own now.)

Good Transport placement! From where they are they can load up and move halfway over on turn1; turn2 moves adjacent to Indian coast where a future ROP with Gandhi will allow a landing and we're in position to strike! (Assuming China builds the UN somewhere.) I'd still rather see 6 Transports, or maybe a few more. If we have the troops already over there, we don't have to worry as much about an airport (although I'd still rush one, anyway.)
BTW, here's the turn status:

Keith Larson -- Passed
Peanut --- Just Played
Peglegasus <---- UP

Peglegasus - give us a got it when you can
oh bugger! as excited as i am about nearing the end game i'm afraid i have to pass my turns! sorry all. i'm having computer troubles :sad: and don't have much time to spend on fixing it so it's slow going.

have fun!
Peglegasus sorry to hear that.

I'll pick up the game and play Saturday, but it might have to be after a concert. It is a very busy weekend.

Suggestions on what how to play the next 10 turns?

Peglegasus: quite unfortunate; that has got to cut into your civ time! Hope you're able to get your computer running nicely soon.

planetfall: you're going to learn Motorized Transport in 1 turn. That means lots of Panzers start getting built right after that (we're heavily industrialized right now). If we get Fission as a free tech, the rest is pretty straight forward. If not, at some point (soon after) we want to gift Russia into the Modern Era, and see if she gets Fission; if so, we can use our ModEra tech to trade for it (might require a bit more, but it's worth it). If neither of us gets it, we'll have to research it, as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, Novgorod is building UnivSuffrage. We want Novgorod to finish UnivSuff after we've learned Fission and given it to the other AI's. I'd probably give it to all of them (and of course all required IA Techs), just so another civ doesn't score points by doing the same. Then we can finish UnivSuff, which will cascade the AI's building UnivSuff to the UN. If we have to slow down the production in Novgorod, slow it down; we must not under any circumstances finish UnivSuffrage before we've given Fission to the other civs.

Earlier investigations of the Chinese city of Canton show it has killer production. It would be nice to get Canton to build the UN for us; currently it's not building a Wonder according to the F7 screen, so it can't cascade to UN. I would try to time getting Fission in China's (and everybody else's) hands in a manner that Canton would be available to start the UN. I don't know if that time is the turn before it finishes whatever it's currently building, or on the turn it has just finished something and has 0 shields in the hopper. Investigate City will tell you when this is. (I'd lean towards the former, when it has 1 turn left to finish something; that way, we give them Fission, on China's turn they finish their builds, and hopefully choose UN as the next thing to build in Canton.) Either way we should complete UnivSuff in Novgorod at least 2 or 3 turns after this Fission trade; that gives China a chance to use Canton, and if it doesn't we can still cascade the UnivSuff builds over to UN.

Other than that, just build up the army, Tanks, Infantry and some Artillery, finish off a few Airports, maybe rush a few more Transports on the East Coast. Do not renew or start any 20 turn deals with China, especially if Canton starts the UN!! They are giving us a Luxury; we'll have to do without it when the time comes to renew the deal. When bringing the other AI's into the ModAge, take them for every gold piece and gpt with the first Tech or two, then Gift them. I think we've just renewed the Luxury deal with Japan, so that wont come up (yup, I see Peanut did that in 1280). I'd probably research another ModAge tech or two, just to gift at the end or maybe to use as part of an Alliance deal.

The timing of the Fission deal and finishing UnivSuff is the most sensitive issue; the rest should be pretty routine.
Well, it's been 3 days with no notice from planetfall. Semi-official SGOTM guidelines provide for 48 hours to play a set of turns. If we get a turn log from planetfall, okay; otherwise, I think you're up bigchief!
CS and all,

Thank you for your great notes and help. I need to bail out until at least July 19th. I am holding up the play too much. I kept hoping I could squeeze in play, but too much stuff keeps coming up.

Thanks for your support and help.

Good luck BigChief.

planetfall: I was afraid that would be the case. You've got a lot happening in RL. Thanks for the update, and take care. Perhaps we'll be starting SGOTM3 about that time, and we can run a hack-a-thon next time around! :)
Turn 0 - Adjusted citizen workers in Novgorod to build US in 8.

Turn 1 - Mao asks for MPP and RoP. I give him 20 gold as a gift instead. He has no rubber. That will be good later. We learn Moto Trans. & get Fission for free. Set research to Computers in 7. Ironclad finishes and begins patrol of Lake Barb by sinking one boat. Many panzers being built. Many worker moves. Adjusted citizens workers in Novgorod to build US in 3. Gandhi has Economics. Hope this doesn't cause a cascade to Smith's instead of the UN. Joan has Communism. Trade Joan Radio for Communism, 35 GPT, 52 gold, WM & TM. Traded Gandhi Radio for Economics, 90 GPT, 111 gold, WM & TM. Gifted Liz Military Trad. Gifted Catherine The Corportaion.

Turn 2 - All barb boats attack our ironclad. No more barbs. Investigate Beijing - US in 15. Investigate Canton - Coal Plant in 1. Investigate Lyons - US in 27. Investigate Karachi - US in 32. Investigate Banglore - Smiths in 48. Investigate Kagoshima - US in 66. With Canton finishing a coal plant next turn, I decide it's time to make the move. I gifted Catherine up to the MA. She got Rocketry. I traded Catherine Fission for Rocketry, WM & TM. Traded Mao Refining for WM & TM. Traded Joan Refining for 17 GPT, 50 Gold, WM & TM. Traded Joan Steel for 19 GPT. Traded Gandhi Refining for 27 GPT, 87 gold, WM & TM. Gifted Mao up to, and including, Fission. Did the same for the others.

Turn 3 - Japan lands a couple of cavs on our island next to the Russian city of Suo. France is building the UN. Many worker moves. Silks trade with China is over. Increase luxury slider to 10%. Investigate Canton - they are building Hydro Plant.

Turn 4 - Japan takes Suo from Russia. France, Japan, India, & China building the UN. Many worker moves. Pollution is starting to get bad.

Turn 5 - Nothing but worker moves.

Turn 6 - More of the same.

Turn 7 - We learn Computers - Ecology in 7. Some of the others have Sanitation.

Turn 8 - Jungles, Forests, & Railroads.

Turn 9 - Working.

Tunr 10 - Japan has moved ships close to Catherines Ice Palace. Since we have a RoP with Russia, I move our units to surround her city so Japan can't get there. Gifted Joan incense. Gifted Liz ivory. Investigate Beijing - UN in 13.

We have 2193 Gold. +114 GPT - Ecology in 4
We have 26 infantry, 15 artillery, 36 panzers, & 5 transports.
Good job, bigchief! We got lucky with Fission, but leave it to the AI to build a Hydro plant right after finishing a Coal plant :crazyeye: It might have been possible to delay UnivSuff another few turns to see if Canton started UN after building it's Hydro plant; at some point it is time to move on.

UN in 13 means I get to set Keith up to do the deed. I've got it.

Another thought: should I let Japan finish off Russia? I'm not convinced we'd get her vote (we've done a lot of damage to Russia), and if Japan finishes her off, I think that generates some negative diplomatic effect which would benefit us if Japan is the other nomination for UN SecGen. What does the team think?
Here's the turn log:

Turn 0, 1350 AD
Not much, decide to keep Catherine in the Game (we need 4 votes with either 6 or 7 civs)
If Beijing builds UN, we have to take 2 Chinese cities; Hangchow is best border city to take

Turn 1, 1355 AD
Upgrade our Infantry to MechInf
Build more MechInf
Set up some Cruise Missile builds
Renew ROP with Russia
Gift Saltpeter to England

Turn 2, 1360 AD
Automating Workers (162 is a lot to handle every turn; most spaces are already improved)
Gift Saltpeter to France

Turn 3, 1365 AD
Nothing much.

Turn 4, 1370 AD
France starts Manhattan Project
We learn Ecology, start on SynthFibers
India lands a Spearman adj to our Tundra City

Turn 5, 1375 AD
Nothing much.

Turn 6, 1380 AD
Luxuries with Japan are up for Renewal.
Trade Ecology to Japan for 2 Luxuries, Sanitation, gold and WM
Trade Ecology to everybody else for GPT, WM's and Gold
Trade Ecology to China for WM and 80ish Gold.
Transports move to St Pete's; 2 turns to Indian zone near Hangchow
(and we get to land in Hills)

Turn 7, 1385 AD
Gift more Luxuries and Resources around

Turn 8, 1390 AD
Sign ROP with India, he becomes Gracious
Load up 10 Transports

Turn 9, 1395 AD
Land Forces near Bangalore in Hills
1 Settler, 4 Workers, 8 Cruise Missiles, 15 Artillery, 20 MechInf, 32 Panzers

Turn 10, 1400 AD
Learn SynthFibers; start on Rocketry with 1 Scientist
Income goes to +1271 gpt.
Workers build Road to get off Hill in India zone


Here's the screen shot of Beijing I did right at the end (Gold has already been deducted from the save file.)

They are 3 turns away from finishing UN. They have 4 Infantry protecting Beijing. OK, here is a screenshot of our landing zone, and my proposal for prosecuting this attack:

I put the Stars to show possible places where our SOD should be placed. I didn't think we should ever be directly adjacent to an Indian city; don't want to strain Ghandi's trust too much! It occurs to me that China will see our forces at any of the 3 spaces, so we should set up on the Hill directly next to China's border next turn, and use the workers to build a road off the hill the turn after (2nd turn). We'll then be ready to Declare on Turn 3, after UN should be finished.

So, just after they complete UN, that next turn, declare War on China, and get everybody else to ally with us; I'm pretty sure that any one of the extra Technologies we have should be sufficient. Once that's done, swoop down on Hanchow with Panzers until it is ours.

After that we have a couple of options. We can now use the tiles directly around Hangchow; this gets us within 3 spaces of Beijing, and the Panzers can continue the assault. Option 2 is to move the entire SOD to the space I've indicated with the lightning bolt, Abandon Hangchow, use our Settler to form a city within Chinese Culture. From this location, with a city, we are two spaces away from Beijing, allowing us to soften it up with Cruise Missiles and Artillery first before the Panzers sweep in. Only issue is if we take much of a Diplo hit for abandoning Hangchow.

Either way, we should own UN by the end of the turn, and there are 20 MechInf and some Artillery to move in to make sure we still own it the next turn. At the end of the turn I would turn up the gift meter; any loose Resources or Luxuries hand them out like Candy; give away any extra Technologies we have, give gifts of 100 or 200 gpt. Hopefully at the beginning of the next turn we'll get to call a vote, which we should win.

1400 AD Save

roster status:

civ_steve --- Just Played
Keith Larson <---- UP!! (for possible last turn)
I am wondering if it might not be better to declare on the turn before the UN is completed. He can call a vote on the turn he completes it. As far as I can tell, and as best as I can remember, I don't think China has been at war with anyone. If he calls for a vote, at that point, we will not have any alliances. Mao has a Rop with India and Japan. Our gifting may be enough to sway the votes, but some may like Mao better than they like us, despite the gifts. The only thing I can see that could go wrong, is that he could switch the build to something else if he feels threatened, though that would be really stupid, even for the AI.

The way I see it is that the worst case scenario for declaring before is that the UN wont get built when we expect it to, and the worst case scenario for declaring after is that we loose the vote and the game.

Something to think about.
bigchief: something to think about indeed. In fact we could take Hangchow the turn before, and have the bulk of the SOD just 2 spaces away from Beijing where the Cruise Missiles could do their job. An issue to consider is how much of a counter-attack you think China might have. Canton probably has made several Tanks by now, and they probably have 20 or so Cavalry; I don't think that will make much of a dent in our 20 MechInfantrys, especially with 15 Artillery defensive shots. Another possible down-side is if China decides to switch UN to Manhattan Project because of the attack and all the Alliances against them.

On the other hand, Keith could sign ROPs with everyone on the Turn before UN is complete. (In fact, I think he definitely should sign them!) That would counter the ROP's China has signed, and give the AI little chance to cause mischief. (There's big stacks of Units near our capital; some defensive units should be placed on all border spaces with France and England if we sign ROP's with them.) With all the other gifts we've given and are giving, that should be more than enough to sway the AI to vote for us if China calls a vote.

It's definitely a bit tricky!
He can't switch the build to the Manhattan Project because he doesn't have any uranium. Unless I missed some on the map, Japan is the only country other than us to have uranium. They have 2. I am assuming they are trading their spare to France, since she is building the Manhattan Project. Besides, if we ally everyone else against him, he can't trade for it anyway. So, if he would switch the build, it would have to be for something cheap, and he would waste all those shields, which is unlikely. Of course, it is also unlikely that we would loose the vote, should one be called. It probably doesn't really matter, but it may merit some further discussion.
bigchief: you're totally right about China not having Uranium (as can be seen in the screenshot above!) I think I gifted Uranium to France, just to make them a bit happier, so Japan still has 2, maybe.

OK, I'd agree the chance of them switching the build is pretty small. I'd probably lean slightly towards declaring the turn before, just to get all the Alliances in line before the UN is finished. Either way, I think we're good; and if China did call a vote and we won, that would be at least a turn faster, too.
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