SGOTM3 Rome - Xteam

klarius said:
BTW, I wouldn't mind if you do a few turns more than five, if you find the time before your vacation. Maybe you could put me in the position to put this game to rest.
I'm impressed by your optimism :hmm: Well, I'll see how far I can get, but time's running short.
klarius said:
Another small point for Alan. I found a cav in our furs colony. This could already move to the Japanese city, before hitting enter. Or do some other useful things.
Yes, I found him and sent him to Hakodate. He found a barb horse standing outside the city, killed a 3/3 rifle, lost 3 HP and moved to the coast. Stupid! He was then bombarded down to 1 HP by an ironclad in the interturn!

klarius said:
Another point, you could sacrifice some healing cavs with full movement to pillage Indias saltpeter already, it doesn't really matter if the counterattacks hit on this tile or some other.
Being on saltpeter this has the nice effect that we could redo the road later by just using one worker for a colony.
There are 3 cavs and a cannon in Curia. They are not needed there. If somebody should capture the town that's even better than a counterattack on a healing cav. Also the cannon should either be disbanded or serve as bait.
The cavs with the workers could do some reconnaissance, before returning to guard.
Good point - missed these, but I'll bear them in mind.

BTW, I saw your AA spoiler for GOTM 34. Looks like this could be your best GOTM result, if you stayed on a nice warmongering course. Though I don't think you will beat my result ;) .
I'd finished my game before I posted the first spoiler, and I looked at the submissions as soon as I'd finished. We chose the same victory condition, but I suspect that's where any similarity between our games ends! :hmm:
AlanH said:
I'm impressed by your optimism :hmm: Well, I'll see how far I can get, but time's running short.
Well, I don't really believe in it either, but one can try. ;)
At least I want to get to a position where the enemies are no real threat anymore and the rest is just cleaning up.
This may then still take some time after.
I can't believe I missed the cav at the fur colony. It just stood there for all my turns :(
I've played 6 turns now, I'll finish up the current turn and maybe one more, and I'll write it all up and post later.

To whet your appetite, here's the minimap at 1355 AD


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Very good, Alan :goodjob:
Maybe we can finish by 1400AD after all?
Good progress Alan, looks like you've taken a nice bite out of the Japanese! :goodjob:

Just checked the submission page and Tean Sesn has finished in 1365 AD but I don't know the victory condition. I assume conquest because of the curve?
leif erikson said:
Just checked the submission page and Tean Sesn has finished in 1365 AD but I don't know the victory condition. I assume conquest because of the curve?
Team Sesn obviously lost. They didn't get a final bonus.
So they try to achieve the wooden spoon.

looking very good.
If there are still some cavs left after your turns, we may have a chance for 1435 goal.
But there are still some PITAs around, like the rocky Indian peninsula, so don't everybody expect wonders.
klarius said:
Team Sesn obviously lost. They didn't get a final bonus.
So they try to achieve the wooden spoon.
Thanks for waking me up this morning. I should rub the goobers out of my eyes and :coffee: before I try to do any detail work first thing in the morning. :lol: :lol:

Sorry for my ignorance, but what are PITA's? :blush:
Capt Buttkick said:
Pain In The Behinds? :lol:
Thanks again, Capt.! A guy really get an education at this site. Here I was straining, looking at the mini-map Alan posted trying to make out what Klarius was talking about, and not seeing anything. :rolleyes: :crazyeye: :p

I think I'll go back to bed, sleep an hour or so, and then get up and start this day all over again. That's what I get for staying up late with GOTM 34! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
leif erikson said:
I think I'll go back to bed, sleep an hour or so, and then get up and start this day all over again. That's what I get for staying up late with GOTM 34! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ah, you've got JOMTOCSD? The well-known just-one-more-turn-of-civ-sleep-deprived syndrom :D
In fact, I just read the article about it linked from the homepage, in case you haven't been there yet. The article is so, so true!!
Here we go! Red highlights are main city destruction. I've not highlighted rebuilds I destroyed.

Turn 255 1325 AD Preflight

MM - not much to do :goodjob: Capt.
Adjust Cumae shields, trading increased shields to Brundisium for a couple of turns at -1fpt

We need to upgrade a horse currently in Bagacum to defend against the German rifle threatening our gems and Byzantium. He needs to get to Gem City before upgrade to be within reach of the rifle, but will have no movement points left when he gets there. So we need a bulk upgrade (Shift-U). The minimum horses we can leave in cities is two the one we want to upgrade and one in Ravenna. We need 100 gold, so let's sell the family jewels! Sell 4 temples, 2 granaries, 2 harbours and 3 walls to raise 62 gold to add to our existing treasury of 38. A side benefit is an extra 9 gpt from reduced maintenance.

Japan has built Hakodate in the north west and we have a cavalry sitting in our fur colony keeping warm. Send him to Hakodate where he kills a 3/3 rifle, but there's another one in residence.

I decided to set up a ship chain to shorten the cavalry delivery pipeline. Move two caravels into Ravenna.

We have a redlined cavalry sitting on the Iroquois saltpetre he's pillaged. I can't see any safe haven for him, so fortify and hope!

Japanese ships bomb HPs off our cavs
Indian and Aztec cavs kill two cavs
India builds Delhi on the silk north of Augustodorum
Iroquois build Salamanca next to the saltpetre and a LB kills our redlined cav. At least they didn't settle on top of i!

German rifle moves to gems mountain as predicted by leif :thumbsup:
A German rifle retreats our cav near Leipzig. I should have attacked.
A barb horse dies on our army in the north west.

Horses are produced by 11 cities, and Syracuse completes its market.

Turn 256 1330 AD
We have 432 gold and 23 horses. Upgrade 8 horses. Join a worker to Brundisium - that looks like the plan.
Land 18 cavs in Azteca.

@ Tlacopan (Pop 9 on a hill):
13 cavs attack and kill 3 rifles and a LB. 4 cavs die, 5 retreat. Raze Tlacopan 7 workers disbanded.
In the open:
A cav from Curia kills a 2/4 Aztec cav.
A 3/5 cav kills a 4/4 Japanese cav, redlines.
Land settler and two cavs at the choke point and dyes.
2/4 cav pillages Indian dyes near Lahore, but they still have them. They built Lahore on top of dyes.
Move a big stack towards Karachi under a 10/18 army.
Pillage our saltpetre and switch production in 11 cities to horses.
Move our north west army to Hakodate gates.
Move cavs to cover a couple of gem mountains, and shift horses and legions north to reinforce.
Cav pillages German iron @ Berlin, but they still have a source :hmm:
And Japan has no iron now.
Disband cannon in Curia for 10 shields.
Move 10 horses towards Ravenna ready to upgrade.
Move some workers towards the old saltpetre colony. We'll try to set that up again.

Japanese cavs kill 2 cavs
Indians kill 2 cavs
Japan builds Ise in the north west.
German rifle attacks our cav near Leipzig and dies
German rifle pillages the gem mountain.
We learn about Physics, but can't really see how to apply our newfound wisdom to the job in hand :confused:

6 cavs and 10 horses ccomplete.

Turn 257 1335 AD
@ Karachi (Pop 11, plains):
7 cavs kill 4 rifles and a LB. 2 retreat, no losses. Karachi razed for 50 gold, 5 workers disbanded.

@ Hakodate:
Cav army kills 3/3 rifle and razes city for 6 gold. Moves on to Ise.

Move stacks north in Azteca.

Transport two workers from MiddleLand to the mainland to help with the saltpetre project. Can't see that they have anything else to do.
Connect the saltpetre and upgrade 10 horses in avenna. We'll have 13 to ship next turn. Switch 6 high production cities to cavalry. Leave the saltpetre road between turns for the extra gold.

2 Japanese cavs kill cavs.
2 Indian cavs die, one kills a cav.
1 Iroquois cav dies
German rifle moves next to a second gem mountain.
A barb warrior dies.

8 horses complete.

Turn 258 1340 AD

@ Bangalore (Pop 11, plains)
At least 12 cavs attacked - I lost count! Killed 3 rifles with maybe 8 losses. Thanks RNG. I suspect the last 3/3 rifle was Arnold Schwarzenegger's Bollywood opposite number. He promoted to elite and took 5 or 6 cavs down before surrendering. :eek:
I had to send the covering army in to finish the job, and Bangalore was razed for 65 gold, 5 workers disbanded.

@ Madras (Pop 6, hills)
2 cavs attacked. One died, one retreated. This was not my favorite turn!

In the open, 3 cavs kill 2 Japanese cavs with one loss.

@ Ise (Japanese rebuild in north west):
Cav army loses 2 hp kills vet rifle razes city for 3 gold.

Built New Rome in the choke point connecting dyes.
Moved troops north under army cover. Cav takes barb camp for 25 gold.

Upgrade 10 horses, ship chain 9 cavs to Aztca. 5 left behind as we set up the chain.

Move some excess horses north to scout the wasteland.
Pillage the German furs at Berlin. He now has no lux. He's still a Republic :hmm:

2 Japanese cavs attack. One kills a cav, one dies.
Indian LB kills a cav
Aztec LB dies.
Japan builds Hakodate again in the north west! Honestly! Some people will just not listen!
German rifle pillages second gems.
German galleon spotted in the Aegean sea.
9 horses completed
Our gardeners plant trees in front of the Palace to commemorate the dead of the Bangalore campaign. We also get a second floor on the Palace west wing to get a better view of the carnage to the west.

Turn 259 1345 AD
The Indian culture border is getting in our way. Madras has to go!
@Madras (Pop 6, hills):
5 cavs kill 3 rifles and a LB. One retreat, no losses. That's much better!Madras razed for 43 gold and workers disbanded.

Now we have a clear path to the Japanese border, complete with some shiny rails!

In the open:
6 cavs kill one Japanese cav, one Indian rifle, and 2 Indian LBs. One retreat, one loss.

In the north west:
Our army attacks Delhi on the silks north of Augustodorum. Kills one rifle, but has a bad time with a second and retreats redlined :blush:

Time to advance into Japan. We deliver a big stack of cavs, 3/4/5 HP under cover of an army, within strike range of Tokyo and Izumo.

@ Hakodate, Japan's latest foothold in the far north west, 2 cavs attack. One dies, one kills redlined rifle and razes the city.

Deliver 12 cavs to Azteca. Move one stack of 9 west towards the Iroquois/Aztec remnants.
Pillage saltpetre and upgrade 10 horses. 2 workers start work on the saltpetre colony road.

Naval bombardment knocks hit points off cavs.
Japanese cav kills a cav
Japanese cav dies
Aztecs land a cav and a LB somewhere.
German rifle descends from mountains having been baulked. Probably tempted by an unoccupied city.
7 horses produced. Aesonesium completes a worker.

Turn 260 1350 AD
@ Tokyo (Pop 12, grassland):
11 cavs kill 3 rifles and a LB. 5 losses, 2 retreats. Tokyo razed, 7 workers disbanded.

@ Izumo (Pop 12, grasssland):
10 cavs kill 3 rifles with 2 losses, 4 retreats. Izumo razed 5 workers disbanded.

In the open 7 cavs kill 5 Japanese cav. Two losses.
German pillager is killed by two cavs, no losses.
2 cavs kill Aztec cav and LB. I think they landed near Lauriacum.

Move cav stack towards Kyoto, capturing and disbanding 2 workers on the way.
Move some cavs west in India. That area is going to take time to clear., so we'd better get started.

Upgrade 9 horses, ship 9 cavs to Azteca.

That was my five, but Klarius suggested I play a few more before my vacation. Can't refuse an offer like that :thanx:

More Japanese bombardment vs our cav stack moving west in India. No cavs though. They're hurtin'
Iroquois cav kills one cav, Aztecs kill one cav.
German galleon lands one rifle on MiddleLand.
8 horses complete.

Turn 261 1355 AD
On open ground west of Curia 2 cavs kill Iroquois cav and LB.

Near Tula, 3/4 cav kills Aztec cav.

@ Tula (Pop 9, grass):
7 cavs kill 2 rifles. 3 losses, 2 retreat. Still a 1/3 rifle defending and we can't reach him ... yet!

@ Texcoco (Pop9, grass):
7 cavs kill 4 rifles. 2 losses, 1 retreat. Texcoco razed

Now a cav from the Texcoco stack can reach Tula and kills the 1/3 rifle there. Tula razed, 3 workers disbanded.

@ Delhi in the north west, one cav dies and one retreats leaving the rifle at 1/3. Thi sis proving a tough nut.

@ Kyoto (Pop 12, grass):
9 cavs kill 5 rifles with 4 losses and 1 retreat. Kyoto razed, 5 workers and a cat disbanded.

Our stack can now reach Edo.

@ Edo (Pop 9, grass):
4 cavs kill 2 rifles, 1 loss, 1 retreat. Edo razed, several ships scuttled and 4 workers disbanded.

SW of Ivor The Engine a cav takes 25 gold from a barb camp. We also kill an Iroquois musket enar New Rome,and an Indian LB near Lahore.

The Germans landed a single rifle in Middle Land. He's dispatched by a cav, and we find another 25 gold stashed in a barb camp.

Upgrade 10 horses and complete the road to the saltpetre colony. 6 workers and a horse convene on the hill tile ready to do the pillage/build cycles.

A Japanese cav kills a cav
An Iroquois rifle dies
An Iroquois cav kills a cav
7 cavs complete, 9 horses complete.

Turn 262 1360 AD

@ Delhi a cav kills a rifle. There's another!
South of New Rome a cav kills a settler/spear pair.

@ Hamburg: 5/5 cav kills 3/3 rifle and razes Hamburg for 6 gold. I can't remember if this is a rebuild.

Pillage the Pisae saltpetre and start building a mine with the old road workers.
Upgrade 9 horses using the new saltpetre

@ Nova (Pop 10, grass):
6 cavs kill 3 rifles. 1 lost, 2 retreat. Raze Nova, sink ships, disband 4 workers.

Move stacks to threaten Oil Springs, Niagara Falls, Jaipur, Osaka, Leipzig.

Pillage saltpetre colony road, adjust some cav builds to horses. Deliver 8 cavs to Azteca.
India and Japan are now Communists. Iroquois is still Democratic and Germany is still a Republic.

Japanese navy bombs our dyes supply :(
Japanese cav kills cav, Iroquois LB kills cav, German LB kills cav.
WLTKD ends in several cities becase they can't change the color of their clothing! Fickle!
8 horses and a cav complete.

Turn 263 1365 AD

@ Osaka (Pop 10, grass):
Army kills Japanese cavalry getting in the way.
10 cav kill 4 rifles. 2 losses, 4 retreats. Raze Osaka, disband 6 workers

@ Jaipur (Pop10, grass):
10 cav kill 4 rifles. 3 losses, 3 retreats. Raze Jaipur

@ Lahore (Pop 2, grass):
3 cav kill 3 rifles. Raze Lahore for 44 gold

@ Delhi we finally kill the last rifle and raze the city.

North of New Rome 2 cav die vs rifle in jungle.
I spaced through the two workers and then remembered I was supposed to reconnect the dyes :(

@ Oil Springs (Pop 8, plains):
6 cav kill 4 rifles with 2 losses. Raze Oil Springs for 3 gold and destroy Shakespeare's Theatre. Who needs the English language? They should all speak Latin and read the great works of Caesar!

@ Niagara Falls (Pop 1, plains)
3 4/4 cav attack. 2 retreat, one dies. We're out of attackers. They have a 1/4 defender.

@ Tonawanda (Pop 6, grass):
3 cav kill a rifle, a spear and a redlined cav. No losses. Raze Tonawanda for 2 gold

In the open, a 4/4 cav kills an Iroquois LB and promotes to 5/5.

Build the saltpetre colony road, upgrade 5 horses. Pillage Japanese ivory with a couple of redlined cavs.

After action report
We probably need to finish this in the next 5 to 10 turns to stand a chance of the laurels. I think this is achievable with some smart route planning and careful positioning of all our 2/3/4/5 hit point troops.

Despite my worst efforts and the wholesale destruction of 16 major cities, we still have 150 cavalry. The AI are gassed, and it's now mainly a logistical problem to get fit troops to their remaining cities in sufficient numbers to put them out of their misery as fast as possible. We have 150 cavalry still at large, and only about 30 AI cities left. We can lose 5 cavs per city - much more than I was on average - and we are still producing 8 or nine more per turn. We have troops in all the relevant locations, but not necessarily healthy yet, and maybe not in the right proportions for the remaining battles.

The problems left are the number of turns to heal the cavs I've injured, and the travel time to reach the inhospitable places where the AI cities are now. In prticular, India is holed up on a mountainous peninsula, and the Aztecs and Japanese are in the mountainous, forested tundra.

You may not have to wrestle with my ship chain, as I don't think we need to ship many more cavalry to the other continent. They'll have trouble reaching the fronts in the remaining time within one or two more turns. We should start diverting some to the rapid elimination of Germany.

The save is here

F3 says it all:


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leif erikson said:
Good progress Alan, looks like you've taken a nice bite out of the Japanese! :goodjob:
Well, that was on your shopping list as I recall :D

Just checked the submission page and Tean Sesn has finished in 1365 AD but I don't know the victory condition. I assume conquest because of the curve?

If you use the online Jason calculator for GOTM16 you can plug in the Firaxis score and date for a team and then check which victory condition gives the Jason score they've received. I'm not sure whether it works properly for a loss, I'll have to check it.
Nicely done, although it must have been tedious. Looks like I was wrong about infantry showing up in your turnset.

The worst thing that could happen to us now is having to track down a settler on a boat. Should we spend some cash on a navy and blanket the oceans? It could be very painful if that settler/boat is on the ocean between the middle continent and the Indian/Aztec/Japan/Iroquois continent

I thought ship chaining was not allowed in GOTM (or is that in the RBCiv rules?). It is an exploit in my opinion.
Looks like a solid piece of conquest tactics :goodjob: .
I will probably ponder today only about length of supply lines and number of cavs needed for every job (that will probably take already to after midnight here).
I already saw that it will take 8 turns to even reach the last indian city at the tip of the rocky peninsula.
If nobody objects I will try to close the game tomorrow in what it takes (hopefully 8 turns, but I will also invest 10 if necessary).

Just saw Adrians (cross)post.
The oceans are very big.
We can send out some of our ships in the end, but a lot of the sea is not even accessible. If we have bad luck with a ship settler we will probably have to wait till he settles. But that shouldn't take too long with all the empty land available.
We still have no better offensive navy options than the caravels already existing and need money for some more turns to upgrade some cavs for Germany. So magnetism could come earliest in 7-8 turns.
Ship chaining is allowed in GOTM, but I don't do it normally.
It's too tedious even for me and the gain is not much, if you are in a strong position already.
It didn't feel tedious, in fact it was one of those all-night JOMTOCSD experiences where dawn arrives to give a hint that p'raps you should have been in bed a while ago :D Yes, I was half-expecting an Infantryman to pop his head over the next Japanese city wall. Now that *would* have been interesting.:hmm:

Ship chaining bought me a quick surge of about 10 unit arrivals as I hit Japan. I think it made a difference, but probably only enough to offset my shortcomings in other areas. In view of the effort it takes to set up and operate a ship chain, I don't see it as an exploit, and neither does the GOTM rule set.

Given the speed with which the AI has been sending settlers to the wastelands I think we'll see any roaming monarch arrive on our cavalry's radar screen real soon. We don't need to scour the oceans.
AlanH said:
Well, that was on your shopping list as I recall :D
Fine piece of razing!! :goodjob: As usual, you didn't disappoint. Now you can go off for a well earned vacation with a huge smile on your face. :eek: Have a great time and we'll see you rested and ready for the next one. :mischief:
klarius said:
I already saw that it will take 8 turns to even reach the last indian city at the tip of the rocky peninsula.
If nobody objects I will try to close the game tomorrow in what it takes (hopefully 8 turns, but I will also invest 10 if necessary).
No objections! ;) Good luck, close them out, and send them all to hell!! :king:
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