Sick Math Joke

not this one ;)
Originally posted by Perfection
but aren't all polynomials divergent, as opposed to convergent?

Well, it may not neccesarily refer to the behavior of the graph as the input grows or diminishes. It may refer to the taylor series expansion of that polynomial, which would make sense since taylor series of polynomials are just the polynomials themselves, which would indeed converge to a finite value with any given any input.
Okay, so your saying that it refers to the finite value of any finite input rather then behavior as it approaches negative and positive infinites.

And yes that is the movie screen from Sim City 2000
I know the terms, just not in that language... :(
I'm so confused.:confused:
Read this before but it is funny indeed. :D
"Curly went on operating until he was completely and absolutely orthogonal." :lol:
Originally posted by cgannon64
Why is one the sluttiest number?


It goes into everything. :lol:

Well, it would be in competition with 0, since everything goes into it.

I read half of the first line in the "joke" and gave up. Too much thinking...I hate you've reminded me of school and how I will be returning to it in a month :sad: .
Originally posted by cgannon64
I'd like someone to translate that into English.

Well, it wouldn't be funny then.
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