King Flevance
Strange, I cannot attach the save file. It looks like this and then won't upload.
Wow, sorry, I had one of those moments. I MUST be getting old. Don't tell anybody. I have it uploaded now to the playthrough post.Try putting the save file in a zip/compress folder?
On the disasters...yeah. I take back my "Are disasters even on?" comment from earlier in the game.Oh no! I didn't know we had that large of satellites in the early '60s to cause that much destruction! How incredibly unlucky!
I see the city in fact grew at a tremendous rate. It may have been the perfect first four years for convincing those fickle New Galway residents to finally re-elect a mayor if it weren't for that destruction from above. Hard to overcome that type of omen!
New Galway looks thoroughly modern with that island-dwelling nuclear plant, too! Harnessing the atom to power the future.
On the topic of screenshots - I use . It's a shame SC3K was never updated to include the higher-quality in-game screenshot option that The Sims has!
Ouch, that was a lot of fires to put out! - both literally and figuratively. It will be interesting to see how it impacts the city in the long term. It looks like you did a pretty good job managing the aftermath. I may download the save just to look around, as now I am a little extra curious as to what things look like.
I am curious on the "mixed-used development" if that is a strategy you use or a preference for zoning. I have seen a few of these areas around the city and found it interesting. I even removed a couple during a downtown remodel. I haven't seen anyone use it before but I also have not discussed/read zoning strategies in city games with many people. It does have a charm to it and I can see some value to using it but I am very curious if there is an aspect I should be aware of.
For me the mixed-use and trains are also because it reflects my current lifestyle. My early-2000s Sim Cities were all grid layouts of uniform building types per block, with little open space in between them - a reflection of what I was used to and aware of at that time. Now I live in a mixed-use building (in the proper real-estate industry sense as Smellincoffee described, not modellable in Sim City), take the train to work, and sometimes take it for recreation, such as taking it to the museum. The Josh Gibson University District, with museums, apartments, and commercial options nearby, and easily accessible by public transit, is actually pretty close in concept to where I was yesterday.
Whether it's optimal in Sim City 3000, I'm not really sure. I'm pretty sure my farms aren't optimal. But they look pretty and add variety.
The lower traffic is realistic! Yeah, the train was packed with Browns fans (and a few Chiefs fans) yesterday, but that took a lot of cars off the road. Hmm, I wonder if it's easy to take the train or subway to a New Galway Caesars game? Might have to check on that...
I wish it was easier to maintain farms in SimCity 3k. The industrial zones in Cities Skylines are something I always wished for.
I finally got around to loading up the save to snoop around and immediately laughed as it begins with a tornado severing the power connection to the new airport.
I am not gonna play through at the moment, but I just wanted to snoop around the save file. I want to use this opportunity for someone new to step in if they wish.
The Holiday Sale is on Steam right now so Sim City 3k Unlimited is $2.49 until Jan 2nd.
Feel free to join in on this if it sounds appealing. Even looking around the save files is enjoyable for me.