Simultaneous turns in PitBoss means what?


Enforcing Rule 34
Retired Moderator
Oct 2, 2003
Igloo, New Hampshire
A buddy and I have just finished a PitBoss game with 'simultaneous turns' unchecked in the Pitboss config. During the month-long game, either of us could connect at any time and play out our turn, but if we were both logged in at the same time (as we did for a few multi-hour sessions), the turns were sequential - I'd finish my turn, then he'd get to play his, then back to me, etc.

If 'simultaneous turns' is checked, does that mean that if we're not both logged in, neither of us can run through a turn? I'd prefer to save time during the sessions when we're both on, but not at the cost of not being able to complete a turn every day or so otherwise.
as far as I can tell, 'simultaneous turns' just means that you don't have to wait until the other players have finished their current turn before you can start yours. of course, you can't start your current turn until all players have finished the previous turn.

what this means for a 2-player game is that each player could make 2 moves per session. on turn 1, you could go 'first'. then, the other player could connect and go 'last' for turn 1, then immediately play turn 2 (going 'first'). then you could connect and play turn 2 (going 'last'), then go 'first' for turn 3, and so on.

of course, if you're both connected at the same time, you could move simultaneously (though the game won't advance to the next turn until you've both finished the current turn), or you could both sit there and wait for the other player to move first before you commit yourself to a plan of action (neither of you willing to move until you see what the other is going to do first). enabling turn timers is a good way to prevent this situation.

Thanks, that answers my question perfectly. :)
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