SMAC Former (8-05-06)


Retired Moderator
Jun 12, 2003
Another homage unit to SMAC, the Former. I couldn't find any non-grainy pixelated pics so I had to ad-lib quite a bit on this one. Maybe if SMAC:Roanoke gets rejuvenated they can use it. In game screenie used 0.25 scale and can use any tracked unit for animations.

File found in the database here.
Once I learn rigging and animation I want to do robots, bots, borgs, cyborgs, everything like that. I don't want to do them an injustice right now though.
This is awesome! Have you notified the SMAC people at Apolyton?

I never noticed how phallic the former is...
Padmewan said:
This is awesome! Have you notified the SMAC people at Apolyton?

They have eyes everywhere... :crazyeye: Actually I made a Unity Pod for them over the weekend as well. I'm not the Former is SMAC remake worthy, but it gets the job done.

Padmewan said:
I never noticed how phallic the former is...

When I was making it I thought the same thing. I'm glad I'm secure in my masculinity. ;)
GarretSidzaka said:
This looks very nice. Looks just like original. Good job woodelf :goodjob:

Thanks Garret. It helps that no one can find a non-grainy pic so that enables my unit to look pretty good in comparison. :p
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