Does the Sold out Software version work on American computers?
Yes, and it was a huge bargain!
Does the Sold out Software version work on American computers?
My order from (UK store) is delayed because they ran out of copies. Got it for $9 shipped, though.
Alpha Centauri complete $9.00
Fee from credit card company $50.00
Learning to order products that come from the U.S. Priceless
I"Notice: This game contains technology to prevent copying that may conflict with some disk and virtual drives."
There is a copy protection warning on the back of the case.
"Notice: This game contains technology to prevent copying that may conflict with some disk and virtual drives."
Does anyone know what type of copy protection this is and what the potential problems with it may be?
Certainly not going to put any junk DRM on my system.
The DRM on the new issue is SecuRoM. One that has complaints