SNEAK PEAK: Interstellar Colonization AND cIVRPG

I just want to say that we are working hard on cIVRPG, and the conversion from the old base to the new .22 FfH Code base is complete, as well as all the XML and Python conversion.

We are basically working on Design work and implementing the base features of the game, so far we have a base prototype, and soon me and my teammates will start testing and implementing stuff at a higher rate.

Details will come later, I don't want to tell too much cause much can still change.
sounds great! Any Information on how you will do it scale wise? I mean for a real rpg, you should have bigger Units. Which requieres a bit Terrain tweak (complete revamp :)), like bigger single Trees, Walls, Ruins, Interesting Objects, etc.
Any thoughts about that?

And second question, any Idea if the AI will be able to handle it from start on?

keep up the great work! I am really looking forward to this!!!
sounds great! Any Information on how you will do it scale wise? I mean for a real rpg, you should have bigger Units. Which requieres a bit Terrain tweak (complete revamp :)), like bigger single Trees, Walls, Ruins, Interesting Objects, etc.
Any thoughts about that?

The only thing we have done is increased the scale on the units so far. We have discussed what to do about the terrain graphics but all we have come up with is mostly what we WANT to do, not always HOW to do it.
We want larger mountains, trees, etc.
Our cities will cover multiple tiles, having certain keypoints like an Inn/Tavern, quest NPCs, maybe a Temple to a certain religion, etc.

We are going to try making the Day/Night cycle show through the graphics too, hopefully we can do this simpler in BtS, but atm I am doing a test with replacing terrain graphics only on the tiles you can see during night.

We will probably also include seasons, since they will happen so rarely and the ambient value is hopefully going to be awesome. Since we have 4 turns in a day, Dawn->Noon->Dusk->Night, a year will be 1460 turns, with a season change every 365 turns or however we make it. The biggest change is of course winter. Spring and Summer are probably too similar to have any changes for, but Autumn could be nice to have. Winter might be longer than the other seasons, so I'm guessing we'll have 3 seasons; Summer->Autumn->Winter.

And second question, any Idea if the AI will be able to handle it from start on?

The AI wont be much of an Issue as we are not designing the game to be played by them. The only AI we use is the barbarians as enemies. With events and bosses we will try and manipulate the AI to behave like we want them to.

Atm, if you include an AI in your game, his unit(s) will be deleted.

Once we are done with the Single Player experience, we want to start working on Multiplayer modes. Like Capture the Flag, Victory Locations (like Battlefield) etc. Or something like that.

keep up the great work! I am really looking forward to this!!!
Check your PM ;)
are you gonna update the first page (with the details and screenies for civrpg/ffhrpg)?
A long while for either of them. We're pretty much working on cIVRPG right now until BTS (with that one IntCol-looking scenario) comes out... and even then, we may keep working on it.
We won't have wonders cause we don't have cities. At least not in the same way as a regular game of civ does.
have you tried out the space mod for bts yet? i've looked at it a bit (even though i cant read the fonts :mad:) and it looks a lot like what you were planing.. were you working with the company on this?
Yeah it looks a lot like what I wanted to do with Interstellar Colonization. But it's a hell lot more polished than I could ever do I think.

And yeah it is very similar to my ideas, but no I did not work with Firaxis on this one. It's made by Jon 'Trip' Shafer at Firaxis.
so, i guess this means interstellar colonization is off the map...

good luck with civ/ffhrpg
There is still plenty of room to mod Final Frontier. Carrier ships, IP mythos designs, all the other good things in most space games... It's really just a pretty skeleton of a mod, that needs someone to flesh it out :)
There is still plenty of room to mod Final Frontier. Carrier ships, IP mythos designs, all the other good things in most space games... It's really just a pretty skeleton of a mod, that needs someone to flesh it out :)

Yeah, I might get our team together and make Interstellar Colonization out of it, but that's later.

Maybe flesh out it's civilizations as well a bit. (I haven't played it enough to know exactly how it is yet)

I might lose my internet connection for a while (maybe long) after the weekend, and that means I got a lot of time without distractions (except a game of BtS, GalCiv2 and FfH2 at times) to work on cIVRPG.
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