Snofru's Space Maps

I didn't understand what the problem was with "EndPlotta". I can't repeat it.
But I noticed that I missed deleting the information of the BeginUnit - EndUnit part and the TeamReveal parameter.
I fixed it.
Added the output of three files: processing.txt - edited Earth file, WBlist.txt - Earth Plot list, spacelist.txt - Space Plot list.
Perhaps if the problem with "EndPlotta" repeats, you could show them to me, maybe something will clear up.
Hi. I don't understand how to use this file. can you explain it to me in layman's terms? how do I use this file? How do I open the file? etc.
As I have mentioned you need to be able to work with Notepad++ or a similar software. Then you can follow the information from posting #270. If you are able to do 1) to 3) and provide me with the WorldBuilder map(s) created in this way I could do the rest for you. You won't need to use the script file to do this.
I am sorry, but there is no really simple way to do this. It was even more difficult and way more time consuming before this script existet.
As I have mentioned you need to be able to work with Notepad++ or a similar software. Then you can follow the information from posting #270. If you are able to do 1) to 3) and provide me with the WorldBuilder map(s) created in this way I could do the rest for you. You won't need to use the script file to do this.
I am sorry, but there is no really simple way to do this. It was even more difficult and way more time consuming before this script existet.
OK. I understand. I've download all of the maps that you and others have posted here. I'll give them a try. You actually made me a map a while ago that I downloaded and played. Thank you. It was fun.
Crap! WTH? I went into world builder once and exited out. I didn't think I had changed anything, but now I can't play any of the maps because I get an error concerning world Builder. Any ideas?
Never mind. I deleted C2C and reinstalled. That fixed the error. I'm never going into World Builder again.
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