Snofru's Space Maps

@Toffer90 @Thunderbrd I suppose SVN has a read-only for most people, I would commit in it if I had write permissions but I don't think that's the current protocol for C2C modifications. I think it's only pull requests on github. Right?
Github push request is the way for you to go, we'll give you write access to git if you're interested in being an active team member and we see you are motivated.
Invite to our discord server: (expires in 30 days)
There is probably no need to go so complicated as the space maps are relative simple. There are just horzontal rows of tiles "north" of the earth that represent ever increasing space regions - moon, mars, outer planets, outer rim, milky way and so on. In general you can reduce the width of many of these as e.g. the moon is pretty large (symbolyzed in a 80x5 area (no real numbers!)which could be reduced to 60x5). It is more critical with the smaller objects and also with a few resources. You need to have a minimum number of those as the gameplays needs you to build something like 3 stations on Mars to proceed in the game and so Mars must have enough space therefore. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what is needed there. Anyway, that's why I wouldn't go for 48x32, that would give a really long narrow map that needs a totally redesign that at best looks very strange and at worst cannot include everything you need and also has some distances in between (you don't want the star "cities" grow into a totally different region). And I also think that someone who plays such a small map wants a quick game and probably never reaches the "space time" anyway.
That leaves us with 96x64, 84x56 and 72x48. The available space areas are 96x136, 84x144 and 72x152, we have already have 108x128 and 124x144. As far as I remember was the 124x144 the original which was truncated both horizontally and vertically to produce the smaller one. So I would start from 124x144 and make 96x136, 84x144 and 72x144 out of it by removing parts of the map (height needs to be changed only with one map). It is probably doable even if things will become quite tight with the smallest map. But in the end it is probably best to be done by hand either in WorldBuilder (I need to learn how to do it) or even in Notepad++ (at least defining the map size and taking out rows of tiles isn't too complicated even more me).
Github push request is the way for you to go, we'll give you write access to git if you're interested in being an active team member and we see you are motivated.
Invite to our discord server: (expires in 30 days)
I can't tell for how long I'll be around, but I can tell I won't mess around ;)

I do have indeed more stuff only on my comp for C2C, some are totally personnal subjective tweaks of no commit use; but I think some also might interest some people (more buildings filters and sorting on top of my head).
As said I'm going away for 5 days so I'll check the invite when I come back. Thanks again.

There is probably no need to go so complicated as the space maps are relative simple. There are just horzontal rows of tiles "north" of the earth that represent ever increasing space regions - moon, mars, outer planets, outer rim, milky way and so on. In general you can reduce the width of many of these as e.g. the moon is pretty large (symbolyzed in a 80x5 area (no real numbers!)which could be reduced to 60x5). It is more critical with the smaller objects and also with a few resources. You need to have a minimum number of those as the gameplays needs you to build something like 3 stations on Mars to proceed in the game and so Mars must have enough space therefore. Unfortunately I don't know exactly what is needed there. Anyway, that's why I wouldn't go for 48x32, that would give a really long narrow map that needs a totally redesign that at best looks very strange and at worst cannot include everything you need and also has some distances in between (you don't want the star "cities" grow into a totally different region). And I also think that someone who plays such a small map wants a quick game and probably never reaches the "space time" anyway.
That leaves us with 96x64, 84x56 and 72x48. The available space areas are 96x136, 84x144 and 72x152, we have already have 108x128 and 124x144. As far as I remember was the 124x144 the original which was truncated both horizontally and vertically to produce the smaller one. So I would start from 124x144 and make 96x136, 84x144 and 72x144 out of it by removing parts of the map (height needs to be changed only with one map). It is probably doable even if things will become quite tight with the smallest map. But in the end it is probably best to be done by hand either in WorldBuilder (I need to learn how to do it) or even in Notepad++ (at least defining the map size and taking out rows of tiles isn't too complicated even more me).
I see. Since I'm going away, in the meantime if you (or anyone) want to play with WB before I improve the script, you can at least define your zones/source map easily for the current copypaste routine by modifying it.
For this first quick thing I did just put hard constant in code that you can change locally. Of course they are temporary and will be replaced by autodetect later, but still.

Maybe you already found them but just in case, here are what you might want to change from the zip I posted earlier:

in \Python\Screens\Worldbuilder\ line 1570-1571 :
outputFileName = "Last_ExportMapWithSpace"
spaceMapName = "Space Map - Snofru Standard10_V6"

in \Python\pyWB\ line 1850 and below:
spaceMapTotalWidth = 124
spaceMapTotalHeight = 200
spaceStartHeight = 58
locDir = os.getcwd()+"\\Mods\\Caveman2Cosmos\\PrivateMaps\\" # TODO : when not on windows

So you can for example add the polar tiles easily by just changing spaceStartHeight to a smaller number (56 in that case I suppose) so they get copied too (just don't have a total height above max after the copy paste output, or you'll have to remove stuff with notepad++ afterwards).
Or simply use a different map. It's just a copy-paste machine at this point :lol:

See you guys!
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Somehow I have overlooked the big maps, so the missing spacemaps do contain these sizes of the earth part:
Duel: 48x32
Tiny: 72x48
Small: 84x56
Standard: 96x64
Huge: 120x80
Giant: 132x88
Gigantic: 144x96

I have spent some time on how to convert the current spacemaps to these sizes and I have to admit I have given up. This would take me too many hours. I had hoped that there would be some kind of copy/paste in worldbuilder but there is not. The maps need some redesign as there is either not enough enough space in height or width and for my very basic knowledge in modding this would take too much of my time. And I think having the large maps available is already a great thing.
Somehow I have overlooked the big maps, so the missing spacemaps do contain these sizes of the earth part:
Duel: 48x32
Tiny: 72x48
Small: 84x56
Standard: 96x64
Huge: 120x80
Giant: 132x88
Gigantic: 144x96

I have spent some time on how to convert the current spacemaps to these sizes and I have to admit I have given up. This would take me too many hours. I had hoped that there would be some kind of copy/paste in worldbuilder but there is not. The maps need some redesign as there is either not enough enough space in height or width and for my very basic knowledge in modding this would take too much of my time. And I think having the large maps available is already a great thing.
I'm not sure I will have time to get back on that now (irl). But if I do, I will!
Update June 9th 2023: Maps have been adapted to the save-breaking new version from April 30th 2023 (SVN 11552, v44.BETA.7700). The file "" contains the maps that are already in the game and in addition 5 duel sized maps and 5 large maps (no. 6 - 10).

If you are playing an older version of C2C you can still use the file "". These maps work with any version between SVN 11549 and SVN 11551 (v43.1.7578 and v43.BETA.7584).

If you play an even older version you can contact me directly so I can provide older maps.

These maps contain all the space areas that are necessary for the full late game experience of Caveman2Cosmos. They are based on KaTiON's space maps (they contain the only slightly changed space areas of these maps) combined with a starting earthlike world that was randomly created by Toffer90's "World" map script.

The Spacemaps can be used just like any other map in Caveman2Cosmos. You can just play with them and if you finish or quit before space comes into play you won´t see any difference to a normal game. Playing on a Spacemap just means that you have the opportunity to use all the space-related stuff in the late game which you don´t have if you start playing on a normal map.

Be sure to use Caveman2Cosmos version 43.1 with SVN 11549 or later. Download "", unzip the file and copy one or more of the included map files to ...\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\Caveman2Cosmos\PublicMaps. Start Caveman2Cosmos - Single Game - Custom Scenario where you can select your civilization, your name, difficulty, game speed, game settings and victory conditions.

I strongly suggest using raxo2222's modmods with these maps. Only then all lattitude relying buildings can be constructed and only then all animals can appear. Only for the standard and the large size maps use "Rescaled Latitude Limits for Large Solar System map", for the duel maps I recommend "No Longitude and Latitude Limits" (removes all lattitude and longitude restrictions and therefore could be used for all space maps).

Map descriptions (in general I recommend using the maps with higher numbers as they are newer and include the improved "World" mapsript from Toffer90):
Details are in "Readme_26Space_Maps.txt" that is part of the zip file that can be downloaded below.

Question: is it possible to use these maps with later era starts? Whenever I load them up in a custom scenario it doesn't give me a choice of era. Are there any changes I would need to make to the maps? Thanks.

PS I know later era starts are unbalanced/broken, but I like trying out the advanced units and buildings without having to play through all the way from prehistory. It's also a nice challenge playing against super-advanced barbarian hordes.
Question: is it possible to use these maps with later era starts? Whenever I load them up in a custom scenario it doesn't give me a choice of era. Are there any changes I would need to make to the maps? Thanks.

PS I know later era starts are unbalanced/broken, but I like trying out the advanced units and buildings without having to play through all the way from prehistory. It's also a nice challenge playing against super-advanced barbarian hordes.
It is impossible to start in later era in scenario.
Same with vanilla Civ IV.
My suggestion is to simplify the creation of a space map.
1) Go to the place where the mod is installed. In the PrivateMaps folder we find the file , open it and change the value of WorldSizeTypes.WORLDSIZE_HUGE to (31, 14)
2) Creating a game with Map , Size: Huge
3) Open the World Builder and save the map
4) In the attached script, set the value, the path to the files -
file1, this is a map saved in World Builder;
file2, this is a Standard Snofru Map;
file3, this is the file where the result of combining the maps will be placed
5) Run the script


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Thanks a lot, @imprus , I was always hoping that a script could solve this. Unfortunately all I get is a file that is way too small and ends at plot x=0, y=20. Surely I am doing something wrong, please give me some assist!

What I did:
1) 2) 3) as you described it. I get a Worldbuilder map in size 124x56.
4) I changed the script to:
file1: the location and name of the Worldbuilder map created in 3)
file2: I chose the space map that comes with the game in PublicMaps, "SM - Snofru Standard11_V5.CivBeyondSwordWBSave"
file3: location and name of the map that is to be created;
To simplify things I have copied all the files to D:\
5) Running the script does produce a file with the correct name in the right place but it is way too small and cannot be used as a map
I'm sorry, I posted a script on which I debugged the mechanism for copying Plot blocks in which I took only the 2X11 range.
I'll find the relevant one and post it in a few hours
updated the message above. I attached the correct script (I hope) and, for example, the map that I created with it.
Map parameters - temperate; continents; sealevel low; hills, peaks, resources 100%; rivers +4; breaker on
Thank you again @imprus !
Now it works - nearly. The created map gives a crash to desktop when I try it in C2C. Looking for a while through the map code I found the culprit: There is some code between the plot files that shouldn't be there, as can be seen in the extract below after "EndPlotta".

    x=123, y=54
    FeatureType=FEATURE_ICE, FeatureVariety=0
    x=123, y=55
    FeatureType=FEATURE_ICE, FeatureVariety=0
    grid width=124
    grid height=200
    top latitude=85
    bottom latitude=-14
    wrap X=1
    world size=WORLDSIZE_HUGE
    Randomize Resources=0
    x=123, y=56
    FeatureType=FEATURE_ICE, FeatureVariety=0
    x=123, y=57
    FeatureType=FEATURE_ICE, FeatureVariety=0

I removed the superfluous code and now it works
:thumbsup:! Maybe you can change your script to avoid this.

Added later: Strangely enough this is not in the map you have created, only when I did it. Maybe my error. Investigating...
Added even later: I tried repeated times and I always get the code as quoted above. I have no idea what I do differently to you. But at least it is very easy to correct the error.
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I didn't understand what the problem was with "EndPlotta". I can't repeat it.
But I noticed that I missed deleting the information of the BeginUnit - EndUnit part and the TeamReveal parameter.
I fixed it.
Added the output of three files: processing.txt - edited Earth file, WBlist.txt - Earth Plot list, spacelist.txt - Space Plot list.
Perhaps if the problem with "EndPlotta" repeats, you could show them to me, maybe something will clear up.


As it is so simple now to produce new standard size Space Maps I made 9 new ones that can be downloaded in post #1!
I kinda don't see the appeal, if the SPACE part is unaltered.
Sure, it's very much End Game stuff anyways, but why make it a "separate" Space Map in the first place, if the only difference is NOT in Space?
  1. The game happens >90% on the earth part.
  2. The space area is kind of boring anyway and that won't really change if you alter it.
  3. I don't have the expertise to quickly change maps. And I don't have the time/motivation to spend hours on this.
  4. We could change the name to "map with space":lol: ...
  1. The game happens >90% on the earth part.
  2. The space area is kind of boring anyway and that won't really change if you alter it.
  3. I don't have the expertise to quickly change maps. And I don't have the time/motivation to spend hours on this.
  4. We could change the name to "map with space":lol: ...
1. Precisely. This has nothing to do with SPACE in the first place. It's just another Random EARTH Map, lol.
2. Only adds to my point.
3. I wasn't complaining or asking you to do anything, just wondering why you made them to begin with.
4. Not my point. I'm totally for map randomness, it's just that this seems like missing the point of WHAT is actually randomized.
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