Sometimes they say success in measured in small steps. I attempted to download Sn00py's Terrain Mod again, but was only successfull in downloading the smaller Rivers file. All other attempts encountered the same problems as I mentioned earlier. I've had no problems downloading other Modpacks and Maps from this site, or any other zipped files from other Internet sites in the past. I'm starting to believe the evil Germans, Russians, and Egyptians are colluding against me for my successfull wars against them in my current game as the Romans! There must be a previously hidden Information Warfare advacement that these empires have gained and are using with apparent success against me.
I know this may be asking much, but if any kind soul could email the files, I'd really appreciate it. I'd even trade you any technology advance, give you right of passage in perpetuity, and first choice of any wealthy city in my burgeoning and wealthy Roman Empire. A friend of Caesar's is never forgotten.