Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

Wow great mod and much need to improve the games looks, two thumbs up :goodjob: :goodjob: Can it get any better? :lol: Thanks for the mod!
Looks great, Sn00py! Thanks for taking the time to do this. It's cool that there's neat alternative artwork such as this, so soon after release.

And did I read somewhere correctly, that you're a fellow australasian? :)


Great terrain!

I have a question regarding your second style of tree, the conifer sort that is in temperate regions. Are pale dots seemingly betweens tree intentional or are they areas of transparancy? It would be great if you could fix these at some point. Also the jungle left around mountains looks a bit odd with the old colours.

These are small things only. Once again great mod!
Icedan/ Sn00py

BTW, do you have any objection to others incorporating your terrain mod into their mods? Full credit given off course, and (so far) no actual modifications to your files?
Hmm I really like this patch but I do have to say the two much yellow patch from Thunderfall works really well for me since I have vision problems :( .
I would think one cancels out the other, any chance of getting the two combined? Cause I really like what you have done with the terrain must say easier to tell forest and jungles apart. :goodjob:
I think he included a de-yellower, as his water looks much better. Could you clearify this for us Snoopy?
I've attempted to download two graphics mods tonight (Sn00py's Terrain Graphics Modpack and the Less Yellow Modpack v1.0), but have been having problems. I've attempted to download the one big file and the several smaller files, but each time the download takes a very long time, and only downloads a small fraction of the file.

When I check the file, it only has one notepad file in it called ERROR - Please Read with the following: This archive is either invalid or is part of a multi-volume zip archive. If it is part of a multi-volume archive, you can extract the contents with the ZipMagic ZipWindow.

Am I doing something wrong? Any suggestions on what I need to do to properly load these files? I'd really like to use them for the game. Thanks ahead of time to those of you responding and offering advice.
That has something to do with your download...

Make sure you can download things correctly... and use winzip if you can...

But it sounds like some sort of modem problem to me...

Sometimes they say success in measured in small steps. I attempted to download Sn00py's Terrain Mod again, but was only successfull in downloading the smaller Rivers file. All other attempts encountered the same problems as I mentioned earlier. I've had no problems downloading other Modpacks and Maps from this site, or any other zipped files from other Internet sites in the past. I'm starting to believe the evil Germans, Russians, and Egyptians are colluding against me for my successfull wars against them in my current game as the Romans! There must be a previously hidden Information Warfare advacement that these empires have gained and are using with apparent success against me.

I know this may be asking much, but if any kind soul could email the files, I'd really appreciate it. I'd even trade you any technology advance, give you right of passage in perpetuity, and first choice of any wealthy city in my burgeoning and wealthy Roman Empire. A friend of Caesar's is never forgotten.
It looks great, thank you for sharing it with us. I would suggest
to make the railroads darker, sometimes when there is a lot of
irrigation and railroad it is not easy to see whether a square has
railroad or not. Just my opinion.
these 2 files gives different colours between hills
u forgot to change it !

good artwork =)
i only think one square forest and jungle are "too big"
Originally posted by Eyn
these 2 files gives different colours between hills

I noticed that as well. I originally downloaded these alternate graphics from Apolyton, and didn't notice the different hill colours. But then I reinstalled Civ3, and used the version of Sn00py's alternate art from *this* thread and I noticed the hill colours were a bit conflicting. I just think it's a case of updating these files with the ones used on Apolyton.

Sweet mod. One thing that would be nice, would be cities that were somehow changed(reduced yellow or redrawn or something). Of course that would have to be done for all the civs' cities and at different ages and sizes. Has anyone done anything like that?
I reduced yellow a bit...

but i am not pleased with the result.

I'll play a little more with the settings and see what i can do
Well its good to be a perfectionist sometimes, and this is one of those times.:goodjob: I mean sometimes (for me especially cause im kinda colorblind) colors can be to intense in some areas and that can make the game less fun to play, cause even if your not colorblind you sure can get a b!tch of a head ache heh. :eek:
I was just browsing through the forums here when i seen the picture of your mod pack and think it looks excellent. I went ahead and downloaded it, but i am not sure where i should unzip the files too. Does it act as a scenerio with different graphics or will it change the look of every game i play, once i get it installed of cource. Would really like to try it out if anyone could post a reply with some simple instructions i would be gratefull.
Read the DontReadMe.htm.


Instructions: Extract the files into your /art/terrain/ directory and overwrite the files.

Backup: If you are unsure if you will like the grapical mod, please backup the files before you overwrite them. Otherwise you will have to reinstall Civ3 to get your original graphic files back.

Icq: 70204663


Handles: Icedan, Sn00py.


The graphics will replace the old ones.
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