Snoopy's Terrain Graphics Modpack

in the snoopy-archives are maybe some subfolders first, because he created it as scenario-playable mod, so the you can install the terrain-mod permanently in this way
1. search for "terrain"-folder in snoopy's archives
2. copy the terrain-folder to "...\Civ3\Art" or if you've installed an addon to this "...\Civ3\Civ3PtW\Art" resp. "...\Civ3\Conquests\Art"
3. try it, it should now be available in all older savegames too, but not in sceanarios/mods with own terrain-folder
i just relized i was extracting to Civilization III\art


umm by "archives" do you mean the download?
problem i extract the .bix file to Civ3\Art but it wont come up

i also tried extracting EVERYTHING to the folder but it still wont come up
also EXACTLY where should i extract, i mean include the ... you give me

is c: the correct drive?
A Bix file needs to be in the scenarios directory to be found
really impressive graphics !!
but is it possible to play on this map with conquest civs?
Yes I just copied the files into my main conquests folders replacing the backed up originals and now all my conquest games have great graphics.
I have extracted the files but no change in the game. I note you say it will put the files in the appropriate directory under "ART".
It does not ask if I want to overwrite existing files. Guess I will have to find each file and extract them one at a time.
in the download-archives there is a "run-as-scenario"-folderstructure, you need to copy the content of the included Art-directory (the terrain-folder) to your Civ3/Civ3AddOn-Art-directory, then you've to overwrite existing files ;)
Worked fine! I figured out where each file was located and extracted them to the appropriate folder.

GOOD JOB SNOOPY! They look great!
recently I was looking for a good alternate game to everquest, which I have been playing for about 5 years now. yesterday I picked up civ III and loaded it, got the 1.29f patch and then started looking for information... by luck I found my way here and am in the proccess of downloading the standard pack from this thread.

My question is, can this be used in the standard civ III game with the 1.29f patch? I do not have conquest or the other expansion, frankly I'm tired of playing against other humans :crazyeye:
thanks :goodjob:

the game has been fun so far.. no lagg.. no overcamping it's great :king:

one last question, anyone know where Sn00pys Terrain.bix is supposed to go?
In the Scenarios directory
Question: I am not entirely fond of the forest, jungle graphics and such. Could i just use the original forest and jungle graphics instead of snoopy's and it would look ok on the terrain? or would it look like crap?
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