Solitaire screwup?


¡Patria y vida!
Jul 11, 2005
up yours.
Talk about Microsoft products crapping up…

(No, it's not photoshopped)

Anybody know this is happening? Second time this week.
2 aces of clubs might be the problem I reckon.
Hey, I only play loaded decks IRL, not on Windows!

How on Earth would there be two aces of clubs?
I've never seen that problem before, although I don't play solitaire very often.

If you can view resources in DLLs (Visual Studio can do this) you could see if somehow you have 2 ace of clubs bitmaps in cards.dll

Or you could do what normal people do and use a pack of playing cards to play solitaire ;)
But I've got three aces of clubs in my deck, Para.
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