Something wrong with Babylon

Your city is Ashur not Babylon as required.

But I'm amazed, how could it be possible to build all that your have built to turn 87??! :confused:

Hadn't noticed that. It's yet another bug then, as I didn't rename it.
Are you referring to the 5000 culture? One hint: Great Artist ;)
I cannot check the save here, but did you move your initial settler ? If so, it's not Babylon

Ouch! Yes I did, I founded the city in turn 2. Ok that probably explains it, although it doesn't make much sense imo. Thanks.
That explains it then. As the previous poster mentioned, you did not found Babylon but the city of Ashur.

The Babylonian UHV, as well as the French one (and some others?) require the UHV city to be the one where you stand right at the beginning. So even if you rename Ashur to Babylon it will not validate the UHV.
Too bad that isn't mentioned in the scenario information, it would have saved me a few headaches :D
Thanks again!
That explains it then. As the previous poster mentioned, you did not found Babylon but the city of Ashur.

The Babylonian UHV, as well as the French one (and some others?) require the UHV city to be the one where you stand right at the beginning. So even if you rename Ashur to Babylon it will not validate the UHV.

That sucks because Ashur is a much better starting position than settling in place.
I managed it, on Viceroy, then Persia spawned and wanted my second-best city. Oracled Feudalism (was planning for Monarchy, but got it just before) and I refused the flip, forgetting that the Immortals get 50% bonus against my longbows and I gave up. Maybe I could have won, but I forgot where the save was. Was easily going to get most cultured with both SH and Oracle (if I survived!), HR would help with population.
I managed a Historical Victory in 100 turns with them in RFC-DOC (same UHVs), the one holding me back was the "first to discover Code of Laws" because I didn't know that you could only get techs from your current era from The Oracle. Should have left it until Monarchy finished. Played an OCC for all but the last two turns.


  • Hammurabi Stone Age Turn 100.CivBeyondSwordSave
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Tried Babylonia on Monarch today, got all the techs and........
Beijing got to size 8, even babylon was 8, 1 turn to to 9 grow and.........................
Spoiler :

Send 1 warrior to harass China from start, they won't stand a chance.
Send 1 warrior to harass China from start, they won't stand a chance.

That doesnt sound like it makes much sense though, if I am trying to "play as Babylon". I am trying to immerse myself as a ruler of Babylon. Why would I send a warrior to china, far off land, just to kill some workers? I think the historical victories should at least be possible if you were playing as immersion based, doing things that make sense historically. I don't think historical babylon would be sending warriors to china, so why would a historical victory near require it? Perhaps I look at the game differently, I do not try to "min max" when playing Ryse and Fall
I suppose you cant just remame it from Asur to Babili? I have tried couple of times and failed. Now I am ready try the harrasment strategy :)...
The renaming doesn't work. Even, when in some cases there are several tiles with this name possible, it will only count one specific tile.
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