Im starting to get quite confident now. The Celts are really ripping the Russians a new one. There are a few Infantry, Cossacks and even a Marine in my territory. Artillery should get rid of them quickly. Now the main problem is
. Where to go now, to be honest getting Uralsk was the only thing I thought we were capable of but now the tide seems to have turned. Ive got three options-
A) Head down the West Coast, which would finally allow me a border with the Celts
B) Head right down the center and rip the heart oout of the Russian Empire
C) Head down the East Coast, taking St Petersburg and Tblisi which would allow me to reconnect up my Gem supply which the Russian Airforce so nicely took away from me.
Ok, Im not kidding myself here. Im not powerful enough to go down the middle. I think the Gems will win it for me. If I get them then I can lower luxuries.
The pic says it all really. Once more unto the breach!!
Obviously artillery is the key here, a Cavalry taking on an Infantry front up is just asking for trouble.
IBT- No movement really. A lone Cossack tries to take Pamplona but fails.
If you look at the picture closely next to Uralsk there are Russian units, thats a stack of 4 Infantry and 2 artillery. I use my armies to take it. Hey, 2 more guns is 2 more guns. Ill start the attack on St Petersburg in 2 turns, 1740AD. With everything I can spare.
IBT- The Celts offer a ROP. No damage could be done. Yeah fair enough. Sure Ill agree.
I finally rid the land of all Russian invaders, and in the progress a hero rises. Hello Mr Cordoba!! I think another Infantry Army is in order. Ive not had this many armies in one game before since the time I had a Military Academy in the same city as a Iron Works. And even then it was on Regent!!
With no more Russian troops in Spanish lands to spy on troop movements Im forming my whole offensive army outside Madrid. When you look at it all in one place, Im quite pleased with it. The following units will be used in the assault on the Russian Motherland-
Eight Armies (4 Rifle, 3 Infantry, 1 Cavalry)
5 Cavalry
8 Infantry
28 Cannons
18 Artillery
One thing Ive now noticed. Yes I destroyed 9 Bombers when I took Uralsk, but I was being attack from about 5 different cities by bombers
. Why are they not attacking now. If they took out my rail link to the edge of my territory then it would take several more turns to move my artillery into place. Are they that bogged down by the Celts. Will they Celts turn on me when they finish off the Russians??
Ok, see if that pic makes sense. Thrust for St Petersburg and Tblisi (aint that in Georgia?), then Sevastopol with a secondary attack on Minsk to protect my flank. Then head for Kiev (thats gonna be a beast) and then onto Moscow, Sverdlovsk and then Krasnoyarsk. The lands North West of Moscow and Kiev (the area Im not worried about) is mainly small cities, packed with Jungle (at least it is on my map, but they are quite old). The Rifle Armies will escort the Artillery while the Cavalry Army will be the main strike and the Infantry Armies will attack anything that might be appropriate. Whatever any unit is doing I must form them all into one for the attack on Kiev, I cant do a half arsed attempt at taking that city, its Russias biggest and I can sense a artilleryfest coming on.
IBT- Note to self. Make sure all cities are suitably fortified. Two Cossacks attempt to take two of my cities. One dies but one kills an elite Rifleman, not cities taken but there are two marines heading for Vladivostok.
St Petersburg falls without much of a fight. Two artillery barrages weaken the two infantry defending it, and the First Cavalry Army wins twice to take St Petersburg with a artillery unit and two workers.
As I take St Petersburg I notice that a Russian Battleship/a transport and a Destroyer. They could be moving up land some troops behind my lines. Ill need to keep an eye on them. Not enough speed to get to either of my next objectives so move units into range. Take out the Cavalry that killed the rifleman
Christians 3 Lions 1
IBT- Two Marine attacks Uralsk. One dies but the second kills an infantry man.
Capture Tblisi. Two Infantry and a Marine fall under the boot of the advancing Spanish legions
Taking out the Marine which was victorious at Uralsk produces yet another surprise, another MGL. Hello Bartolome!! Another Infantry army would be very nice
. But Ill break with tradition just once, and I rush the Intelligence Agency in Madrid.
Christians 7 Lions 1
IBT The Russians counter attack with 3 Cossacks. 2 try to take the city of Vladivostok while 1 steals two of my workers that were left unattended. I think the way is going badly for the Russians. Apart from the obvious city lossage they are now also taking my workers back to Russia instead of simply disbanding them
Nothing much happened today. Moved troops into position, but thats it
IBT- The RUSSIANS come up to me looking for peace
.. I tell them where to put it. I want more cities or the Celts wont even stop when they finish with the Russians. And speaking of the Celts if I make peace the Celts are just gonna LOVE me.
After 2 attempts, Ive finally got an agent in Moscow.
27 workers (which exclude the ones they stole off me)
5 Marines
1 Rifleman
75 Infantry
15 Artillery
1 Transport
1 Battleship
1 Destroyer (note- the only fleet the Russians have is heading up round my territory. Where are they going??)
6 Fighters
2 Bombers
6 Cossacks
1 Guerrilla
Apart from the Infantry that army SUCKS!! I have 38 Infantry, but I have 43 Riflemen waiting to be upgraded when I get the money. They have 15 artillery. I have 21, with 28 waiting to be upgraded. I even have more Cavalry. Its not so much as when I can beat the Russians, as when. I need to be fast. These guys can crumble if the Celts give them one good solid kick. Im advancing too slow, but I need the artillery. Once I take Sevastapol, Ill upgrade more cannons
IBT- Now the Japanese move in on Russia. They sign an alliance with the Celts. I sense I dog pile coming on, the Koreans have moved a transport/ironclad/destroyer trio into range of the Russian homeland. Everyone wants a piece. But I must get the cities I want. I need room, a buffer zone between the Celts and I, cities I can afford to loose in the retreat if war ever happens. Let them
After about a 30 Gun barrage (damn RNG) I eventually launched the attack on Sevastapol. 2 Cavalry and an Infantry smash against the walls and die fighting gloriously but the brave defenders of this Russian fortress were eventually pushed aside, 3 Infantry and 1 Marine die against the guns of my armies. Amongst the rubble we find a usable artillery piece which will immediately be pressed into battle. Fortify Sevastapol and move units towards Kiev. My first major objective, if I take Kiev then I really dont see the Russians lasting. If I was playing as the Russians Id conscript everything I could and rush it into Kiev. Planes, guns, troops, everything, but then, the AI isnt as objective as I am. Kiev should fall when I get in range.
IBT- From the looks of it the Celts have conquered more or less all the land taken by the Russians from the Scandinavians years before.
Capture Minsk. Troops are now within range of Kiev, Ill attack next turn.
Kiev falls with little to no funfare. Im quite disappointed about it, straight forward artillery barrage, followed by Cavalry. Capture another Artillery piece. Moscow looks oh so tempting on the horizon.
IBT- One main problem about getting closer and closer to the Celtic front is that, the bombers that are being used to hold off the Celts, can now be used to attack my units, Ive moved into range of them. Oh well, they only have about 3 anyway. Artillery fire from Moscow.
My cannons are now relegated to defensive work, until they can be upgraded that is, but at 160g a pop I can only upgrade one a turn. Ive got 6 Cavalry, 8 Infantry, 30 Artillery, 2 Infantry armies and a Cavalry Army all in place for the attack on Moscow, I really doubt Im in much danger of loosing this battle. Hell, I could probably take a Celtic Core City with this stack.
IBT- Mongolia is Furious with me
what did I do??
I didnt realise Moscow had Sun Tzu!! I thought it only had the Great Library!!
Its getting awfully close to the Celtic border. I dont think Ill get to my finish line before the Celts. Ill need to start thinking about how to deal with my profusely larger neighbour. I dont even need to have a spy in Entremont to know they are extremely powerful. I dont think I can go toe to toe with these guys
although I did say the same about the Russians
.. but by the time the Russians are finished
the Celts will have tanks
.. or maybe more. Science isnt a priority for me and Im certain they have tanks at LEAST now. Hmmm