Spanish Rise to Power - My First Emperor Game

WOOOOOOOOOOO, after some creative thinking I've finally got the saved game. I'll hopefully try to complete it in the near future
I realise I won’t get anywhere by just sitting back like last time. So, for the loss of a lone elite Cavalry, my armies push forward and I capture the Russian city of Vladivostok, no longer will the cities of Seville and Madrid be in range of enemy bombers. The only problem now is defending the city, and also the 5 red lined Cavalry units sitting outside it. my next attack will be directed towards the city of Uralsk, if I take this then that means that my border with Russia is more or less completely straight, no enemy cities protruding into my empire. But I’ll need to wait at least 2 turns before my Cavalry is completely healed. To save my red lined cavalry I move a stack of 20 conscript riflemen to defend them, these units, used first during the opening days of the war have become subject to requirements after I constructed enough veteran riflemen to take their place but they’re still useful, I have 7 of them defending a saltpetre source on my border which is subject to bombing raids. And also to make sure that the newly captured city stays in my hands I move the Second Rifle Army from Seville to help out. Seville is no longer close enough to be attacked so I can leave it undefended for the time being.

Good things bad things.

Good thing – another GL is produced, hello Columbus (thought he was Italian??)
Bad news – 31 Cossacks head into my territory, towards the city of Zaragoza. I just don’t have the units to defend against a force that size.

Columbus immediately forms another army, the Fourth Rifle Army is sent immediately to the front lines. The problem is where to put it….. I have four armies.

I finally acquire Replaceable Parts from the Chinese for 3290 and WM, I kinda regret building that Rifle Army now. I can’t stop and wait for them to just keep coming. Use all my wealth to upgrade as many cannons to artillery as I can (only 5, but at 442 a turn I’ll get more each turn) Used the cavalry I had left to attack one of the stacks, kill 5 Cossacks for the loss of 3. ok that’s the end of the turn. After about 2 months of waiting, lets see what the Cossacks are really made of.

IBT- China offer a MPP and a ROP. Allies are in short supply and I’m desperate for any help I can get……. But China are a second rate power. They’re too far away to help and I might be drawn into a war of theirs. Thanks but no thanks, maybe later. God what I wouldn’t do for about 100 Celtic Swordsmen about now.... ok maybe not Swordsmen but any help would be nice from the Celts.

Russians attack. God bless the skill and courage of the Spanish rifle. For the loss of two riflemen, 6 kills and ten retreats :hammer:

The Russian Airforce attacks but its becoming so common place I’ve reluctant to mention it.

Despite the attack on Pamplona (just south of Zaragoza, the seemed to have decided against taking on the Rifle army) the rest of the stack moves north towards the unprotected cities of Murcia and Jaen. If I was them I’d head for Murcia so I’ll move the Forth Rifle Army there from the now relatively quiet right flank. Kill 9 more Cossacks for the price of 2 riflemen and a Cavalry unit (an elite one :( )

Note- I’m now playing this game on Conquests……. Do I use C3C rules or PTW rules?? I’m asking about because I’m sure the whole Army system is different

Ok, here goes. BRING IT ON!!

IBT-Iroquois and China sign an alliance against Russia. Cool. Iroquois and China sign an alliance against Japan…….. oh well, they’re gonna get a severe kicking! Iroquois and China sign an alliance against India, why are these guys so pally all of a sudden?? Pft, one attack. A Cossack tried his luck and lost. The Cossack stack(s) are heading towards Jaen. I’m assuming this is cause there’s nothing there defending it.

Move the third rifle army there. I wonder what 20 odd Cossacks do when they’ve got nowhere to go?? Would they attack a Rifleman Army?? Or is the AI still scared of that??

IBT- Indians ask for a MPP, I laugh at them. Am I at war with the Japanese?? They seem to be moving around a lot in ships just outside my territory.

Question- I wonder what 20 odd Cossacks do when they’ve got nowhere to go??
Answer- Go Home. The stack head back towards Russian territory……. But another stack of 21 head Vladivostok. To hell with it, I’m gonna take out stack :hammer:

I think I’ll end end tonight, I dunno whats worse, facing a huge army of Russian Cossacks........ or doing my Java project
1895AD – con’t

Ok, I move all the artillery and cannons I can muster into the city of Vladivostok. There are two stacks, one of 8 Cossacks (Stack A) and one of 10 (Stack B), the stack of 8 will be my target, I’ll throw everything I can at it (which ain’t much!!) hopefully the two stacks will head towards one of the undefended towns at the coast so I can pummel them as they move. I’m going to use the relative safety of the 3rd Rifle Army here to block their path, forcing them to go over hills which should slow them down as well. Stack A is redlined (artillery rocks!!) Elite Cavalry attacks, and kills 1, another Elite Cavalry attacks and…..

:hammer: Hail to the king baby!!!! :hammer:

Hello Zuniga. Can you say Infantry army???

Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill, Kill. Wooo, no more stack. My newly created First Infantry Army moves Santander to help defend that, the large amount of Cossacks near there is worrying. I’m also going to try to funnel the Russians into the open plains around Toledo where I’ll rip them to shreds with my artillery, but that all depends on the Russians doing as they’re told.

I’m thinking more and more of how to strike back at the Russians. I just can’t wait until they get tanks, that’s suicide. The best opertunity for a counter attack is the city prodruding into my own land, where a lot of the Cossacks come from to threaten my great cities of Zaragoza and Toledo, Uralsk. Its only a size three city, hmmm I’ll give this some thought. Now I’m interested to see where Stack B goes.

IBT- Indians offer a MPP and ROP against Korea, I laugh at them again. Not much in the way of fighting that round, just a lot of movement. Unfortunately the Cossacks aren’t heading for Toledo, instead they move towards the city of Seville, around 24 Cossacks head there with the upmost haste. I’m not worried though, the Russians will not attack any of my armies so I just need to try and funnel them out into the open.

Ok, Seville is now defended by the Fifth Infantry Army while the Third Rifle Army sits on the hill directly in front of the raging Cossacks. If they want to get to Seville in one turn they need to get through that and a fortified Rifle Army in a fortress (hastily constructed) on a hill armed with cannons is not something I’m sure the AI want to mess with.

Dear Brennus, What may I give you in exchange for your help against the blood thirsty Russian barbarians??

How about 201gpt??

Hmmmm, I can afford it. I earn 241gpt with 70% tax and 30% lux. Would mean it would take longer to upgrade my cannons to artillery………. But then again, 20 turns of bliss would be nice……… CELTS DECLARE WAR ON RUSSIANS :hammer:

The Southern Front is now reopened, hopefully that’ll take a lot of heat off me. I’ve left Toledo completely unguarded in the hope that the Cossacks will head there, but I’m not pinning all my hopes to it. If the Celts can even keep half of the Russians at bay then I could maybe go on the counter attack for the first time since the war began.

IBT- Sign a peace treaty with the Iroquois. Yup, they’re buying it. The stack which I bombarded is heading home, hopefully they’ll keep going and head for the Southern Front, the rest of the Cossacks are now heading for Toledo (with one actually getting to the outskirts, god I thought I’d miscalculated for a second there) The Celts start building Hoover Dam, this is bad. Electronics is one step from tanks.

I kill 14 Cossacks for the loss of a lone infantry unit surely that must slow them down. I’m starting to get stronger, I can feel it, my Cavalry is almost all elite (although I only have about 10 of them, and 4 of them have already spawned leaders) and I’m starting to have more Infantry than Riflemen on the front. 5 more turns of just having the Cossacks moving about, moving from one empty city to another and I should have enough to take the war to the Russians.

IBT- Loose 2 Riflemen (both conscripts haha) and kill 3 Cossacks with 2 retreats.

Wooooo, first attack. An elite infantry attacked a redlined Cossack and……. Hello Olivares. I think its time to grab Russia by the balls here, the First Cavalry Army is formed from cavalry units that have proved themselves in battle and produced a great leader.

Use Cannons to wear down any Cossacks in range and use my Cavalry and Infantry, its beginning to form into this routine, they come towards a city that’s undefended, I garrison the city and I wear them down as the Cossacks try to reatreat and eventually take them out.

IBT- Russians attack, loose 3 Cossacks for no loss. They also move 12 Cossacks towards the “undefended” city of Zaragoza. Also on looking at the mini map its obvious to see the Celts are winning on the Southern Front. I can’t say exactly but I know that Oslo, Bergen and another city have been captured. I’m not that excited. These are not exactly core cities of the Russians, it would be like me loosing one of my northern French cities. If I see a big city fall then I’ll start to get excited.

I really like my artillery. Without it I’d be doomed, using my artillery/cannon combo I can redline a stack of 12 Cossacks with some guns left to spare. Kill, Kill, wooo hello Mr Zumalacarregui. Now what to do with you, hmmmm. Ain’t no time for matters on the home front. This is war, blood must be spilled!! Second Infantry Army!!

LET THE MARCH ON MOSCOW BEGIN HERE!!! The Brave soldiers of the Spanish Empire went forth on this day and struck back at the Russian Barbarians that had invaded their lands. Taking out 4 Infantry, 3 Cossacks and NINE Bombers the city of Uralsk is now in Spanish hands. This is the beginning. No retreat, onward, to victory!!.
I’m starting to get quite confident now. The Celts are really ripping the Russians a new one. There are a few Infantry, Cossacks and even a Marine in my territory. Artillery should get rid of them quickly. Now the main problem is……. Where to go now, to be honest getting Uralsk was the only thing I thought we were capable of but now the tide seems to have turned. I’ve got three options-

A) Head down the West Coast, which would finally allow me a border with the Celts
B) Head right down the center and rip the heart oout of the Russian Empire
C) Head down the East Coast, taking St Petersburg and Tblisi which would allow me to reconnect up my Gem supply which the Russian Airforce so nicely took away from me.

Ok, I’m not kidding myself here. I’m not powerful enough to go down the middle. I think the Gems will win it for me. If I get them then I can lower luxuries.

The pic says it all really. Once more unto the breach!!

Obviously artillery is the key here, a Cavalry taking on an Infantry front up is just asking for trouble.

IBT- No movement really. A lone Cossack tries to take Pamplona but fails.

If you look at the picture closely next to Uralsk there are Russian units, that’s a stack of 4 Infantry and 2 artillery. I use my armies to take it. Hey, 2 more guns is 2 more guns. I’ll start the attack on St Petersburg in 2 turns, 1740AD. With everything I can spare.

IBT- The Celt’s offer a ROP. No damage could be done. Yeah fair enough. Sure I’ll agree.

I finally rid the land of all Russian invaders, and in the progress a hero rises. Hello Mr Cordoba!! I think another Infantry Army is in order. I’ve not had this many armies in one game before since the time I had a Military Academy in the same city as a Iron Works. And even then it was on Regent!!


With no more Russian troops in Spanish lands to spy on troop movements I’m forming my whole offensive army outside Madrid. When you look at it all in one place, I’m quite pleased with it. The following units will be used in the assault on the Russian Motherland-

Eight Armies (4 Rifle, 3 Infantry, 1 Cavalry)
5 Cavalry
8 Infantry
28 Cannons
18 Artillery

One thing I’ve now noticed. Yes I destroyed 9 Bombers when I took Uralsk, but I was being attack from about 5 different cities by bombers……. Why are they not attacking now. If they took out my rail link to the edge of my territory then it would take several more turns to move my artillery into place. Are they that bogged down by the Celts. Will they Celts turn on me when they finish off the Russians??

Ok, see if that pic makes sense. Thrust for St Petersburg and Tblisi (ain’t that in Georgia?), then Sevastopol with a secondary attack on Minsk to protect my flank. Then head for Kiev (that’s gonna be a beast) and then onto Moscow, Sverdlovsk and then Krasnoyarsk. The lands North West of Moscow and Kiev (the area I’m not worried about) is mainly small cities, packed with Jungle (at least it is on my map, but they are quite old). The Rifle Armies will escort the Artillery while the Cavalry Army will be the main strike and the Infantry Armies will attack anything that might be appropriate. Whatever any unit is doing I must form them all into one for the attack on Kiev, I can’t do a half arsed attempt at taking that city, its Russia’s biggest and I can sense a artilleryfest coming on.

IBT- Note to self. Make sure all cities are suitably fortified. Two Cossacks attempt to take two of my cities. One dies but one kills an elite Rifleman, not cities taken but there are two marines heading for Vladivostok.


St Petersburg falls without much of a fight. Two artillery barrages weaken the two infantry defending it, and the First Cavalry Army wins twice to take St Petersburg with a artillery unit and two workers.

As I take St Petersburg I notice that a Russian Battleship/a transport and a Destroyer. They could be moving up land some troops behind my lines. I’ll need to keep an eye on them. Not enough speed to get to either of my next objectives so move units into range. Take out the Cavalry that killed the rifleman

Christians – 3 Lions – 1

IBT- Two Marine attacks Uralsk. One dies but the second kills an infantry man.

Capture Tblisi. Two Infantry and a Marine fall under the boot of the advancing Spanish legions

Taking out the Marine which was victorious at Uralsk produces yet another surprise, another MGL. Hello Bartolome!! Another Infantry army would be very nice………. But I’ll break with tradition just once, and I rush the Intelligence Agency in Madrid.

Christians – 7 Lions – 1

IBT – The Russians counter attack with 3 Cossacks. 2 try to take the city of Vladivostok while 1 steals two of my workers that were left unattended. I think the way is going badly for the Russians. Apart from the obvious city lossage they are now also taking my workers back to Russia instead of simply disbanding them

Nothing much happened today. Moved troops into position, but that’s it

IBT- The RUSSIANS come up to me looking for peace…….. I tell them where to put it. I want more cities or the Celts won’t even stop when they finish with the Russians. And speaking of the Celts if I make peace the Celts are just gonna LOVE me.

After 2 attempts, I’ve finally got an agent in Moscow.
27 workers (which exclude the ones they stole off me)
5 Marines
1 Rifleman
75 Infantry
15 Artillery
1 Transport
1 Battleship
1 Destroyer (note- the only fleet the Russians have is heading up round my territory. Where are they going??)
6 Fighters
2 Bombers
6 Cossacks
1 Guerrilla

Apart from the Infantry that army SUCKS!! I have 38 Infantry, but I have 43 Riflemen waiting to be upgraded when I get the money. They have 15 artillery. I have 21, with 28 waiting to be upgraded. I even have more Cavalry. Its not so much as when I can beat the Russians, as when. I need to be fast. These guys can crumble if the Celts give them one good solid kick. I’m advancing too slow, but I need the artillery. Once I take Sevastapol, I’ll upgrade more cannons

IBT- Now the Japanese move in on Russia. They sign an alliance with the Celts. I sense I dog pile coming on, the Koreans have moved a transport/ironclad/destroyer trio into range of the Russian homeland. Everyone wants a piece. But I must get the cities I want. I need room, a buffer zone between the Celts and I, cities I can afford to loose in the retreat if war ever happens. Let them

After about a 30 Gun barrage (damn RNG) I eventually launched the attack on Sevastapol. 2 Cavalry and an Infantry smash against the walls and die fighting gloriously but the brave defenders of this Russian fortress were eventually pushed aside, 3 Infantry and 1 Marine die against the guns of my armies. Amongst the rubble we find a usable artillery piece which will immediately be pressed into battle. Fortify Sevastapol and move units towards Kiev. My first major objective, if I take Kiev then I really don’t see the Russians lasting. If I was playing as the Russians I’d conscript everything I could and rush it into Kiev. Planes, guns, troops, everything, but then, the AI isn’t as objective as I am. Kiev should fall when I get in range.

IBT- From the looks of it the Celts have conquered more or less all the land taken by the Russians from the Scandinavians years before.

Capture Minsk. Troops are now within range of Kiev, I’ll attack next turn.

Kiev falls with little to no funfare. I’m quite disappointed about it, straight forward artillery barrage, followed by Cavalry. Capture another Artillery piece. Moscow looks oh so tempting on the horizon.

IBT- One main problem about getting closer and closer to the Celtic front is that, the bombers that are being used to hold off the Celts, can now be used to attack my units, I’ve moved into range of them. Oh well, they only have about 3 anyway. Artillery fire from Moscow.

My cannons are now relegated to defensive work, until they can be upgraded that is, but at 160g a pop I can only upgrade one a turn. I’ve got 6 Cavalry, 8 Infantry, 30 Artillery, 2 Infantry armies and a Cavalry Army all in place for the attack on Moscow, I really doubt I’m in much danger of loosing this battle. Hell, I could probably take a Celtic Core City with this stack.

IBT- Mongolia is “Furious” with me…… what did I do??


TREAT!!!! :hammer: I didn’t realise Moscow had Sun Tzu!! I thought it only had the Great Library!!

Its getting awfully close to the Celtic border. I don’t think I’ll get to my finish line before the Celts. I’ll need to start thinking about how to deal with my profusely larger neighbour. I don’t even need to have a spy in Entremont to know they are extremely powerful. I don’t think I can go toe to toe with these guys…………… although I did say the same about the Russians……….. but by the time the Russians are finished…… the Celts will have tanks….. or maybe more. Science isn’t a priority for me and I’m certain they have tanks at LEAST now. Hmmm
IBT- Worst losses of the offensive so far. Loosing 2 Cavalry and an INFANTRY ARMY :cry:, it was red lined and left on its own by accident. DOH!! Korea and Celts sign a MPP <note to self, don’t annoy the Koreans>………. Holy mother of god…… the Koreans are building SETI!! (checks Civopedia) YES!! I thought that was computers. Awww crap

No attacks this turn, just troop movements. I sense that Odessa and Sverdlovsk will fall next turn. The Celts are awfully close

IBT- The city of Amiens, which was once Korean, which was then captured by the Japanese, but now the “mighty” Mongolians have gotten a piece of the action, but they only have 1 Mongolian UU in that city and there is a Japanese Cavalry heading over to it. Russia capture 2 of my workers and the Koreans declare war on them.

Goddammit!!! My whole artillery barrage barely even scratches the surface of the defences of Sverdlovsk!!

Loose 1 Rifle army in the attack on Odesa. DOH!! Kill 3 Infantry and 1 Cossack in Odessa, capture the town.
Loose 5 Infantry in the attack on Sverdlovsk but kill 3 Infantry and a Marine. Destroy a bomber (Russia’s last) and a fighter.

My alliance with the Celts against the Russians ends in 1 more turn. After that my treasury will get 201gpt more, boosting it to 492gpt. I wonder if the Celts will make peace with the Russians, that would be amazing, but I doubt it, Russia is to far gone. I take out the 2 Marines that killed my workers.

<shudder> planet a spy in Entremont, really wish I hadn’t-

20 Riflemen, 12 Cavalry (big whoop)
229 Infantry (as a comparison, I have 59
43 Tanks
15 Mech Inf
1 cannon and 45 Artillery (I have 32Artillery and 23 Cannons)
35 Ironclads
10 Transports
3 Carriers
4 Submarines
21 Destroyers
13 Battleships
1 Army (only 1?? Wonder whats in it, a Mech Inf army <shudder>)
15 Guerillas

<they also have a number of other units, like Longbowmen and Med Inf, but I’m not bothereda bout them>

IBT- Nothing really happened this turn that I could see. The Japanese Cavalry failed to take Amiens

Don’t do ANYTHING this turn. No attacks, no troops being moved into position. Just settling down for a bit to heal some units. I might regret this later.

INT – My alliance with the Celts finishes. They want to renew it but I want that gpt. So I tell them thanks but no thanks.

I’m getting just under 500gpt so I upgrade more cannons to artillery. Still got some left but that should change in the next few turns. Move my 2 Infantry armies, all my artillery and my 2 Cavalry armies towards the Russian capital of Krasnoyarsk.

IBT- Celtic and Korean ship movement. Nothing much else

Kill 4Infantry to capture the city of Krasnoyarsk and along with it 3 artillery pieces, which is nice. What is nicer is that I only used 2 of my Cavalry armies to kill the units, so all my infantry armies can still be moved so I move them in the direction of Rostov. The final city in my roadmap to victory. After I take Rostov I can head up and start to clean up the less important cities before the Celts do. How knows? I might even try to make peace for some techs……. Although even now the Russians won’t give me Refining in the peace treaty and I’ve almost researched that tech myself.

IBT-The ‘friendly’ Celts use their Naval power to take out the defences of Rostov, redlining some of the Infantry there. I’m also now starting to see Celtic land units move about, we’ve finally met up. Pusan (Korea) complete Hoover Dam

Kill another 4 Infantry to capture Rostov and an artillery piece. (shudder) as I take Rostov I finally get my first look at a Celtic tank, they seemed ready to move in and take it. This is now definitely a land grabbing battle now. I wonder how many of the 21 Russian Infantry left are conscripts? 11 cities, 21 Infantry, 9 artillery. I think I can afford to take risks here

Ok, 4 thrusts. Priority will be give to the Green Thrust and the Purple Thrust as these cities are most at risk from the Celts.

2 Infantry armies will take the Yakutsk / Tiflis road while my Cavalry Armies (one is currently healing in Krasnoyarsk) will go take the cities of Bordeaux and Brest

IBT- Greedy AI want more money. My luxury deals run their course and I need to renegotiate. Saw the Celtic army roam past. Pillaging everything it could find. It seems to be a Cavalry army but it might not be all Cavalry in it.

Capture Yakutsk with no loss. Capture three artillery units.
Capture Bordeaux with no loss.
Capture Smolensk with no loss. Capture an artillery piece and two workers

I’m proud of my soldiers here. Most gains at any point of the war. Hopefully I’ll have similar gains next turn (doubt it though)

IBT- Mongolians and Celts sign an alliance against the Russians. Apart from that I’m not that worried about that. The only worrying thing this turn is that the Japanese and the Celts have moved troops towards the city of Brest. I’ll need to try and rush units to grab it before they do.

Capture Brest using a redlined Cavalry army. No losses, Capture EIGHT workers.
Capture Novgorod. No losses

God, even the Mongolians have more tech than I do!! And they won’t share!! I might have to take them out next.

IBT- The Celts move a REALLY large stack of Mech Inf and tanks towards the city of Tiflis, I’ll need to take it next turn to stop them falling into Celtic hands. In a “point and laugh at the Celts” moment, an elite tank tries to take Tiflis and falls to a veteran Infantry. Ok not really funny, but nice to see the Russians are still putting up a fight. The Japanese also offer me an Alliance against Mongolia, but I decline, I want to finish off the Russians first

Capture Tiflis. No losses, Capture 1 artillery unit.
That must pi** the Celtic off something cronic!! I keep stealing their cities
Capture Riga. No losses.

The Russians now have three cities left. Batum (Capital), Dnepropetrovsk and Kubyshev. Dnepropetrovsk is closest to my borders and was a good place for the Cossacks to drive deep into my territory for, so that will need to be taken to prevent its use by the Celts. The two other cities…….. well I don’t think the Russians are gonna try a revivial now are they? The Celts are itching to take them out, so I’m gonna let them. I’m gonna take Dnepropetrovsk, then sue for peace and take whatever they’ll offer

IBT- The Koreans begin building the United Nations :( damn. In other news the Celts and Koreans land troops near the Spanish city of Leon (just north of Bordeaux) You know you’re in trouble when the Celtics can escort a single transport with 4 battleships. I’ll need to reinforce Leon incase the Celts of Koreans are attempting a sneak attack. The Celts also move a stack of 55 units (from Longbowmen to Mech Inf) towards the city of Kubyshev (maybe its got a resource I don’t know about??)

Capture Dnepropetrovsk. No loss.
Open peace talks…………. :lol: oh my word.

The AI WON’T give me ANY tech for peace (why???????????) HOWEVER, they will give me their last two workers (cool)……….. and the city of Kuibyshev!! That’s surely annoy the Celts. Oh well. Just because I can, I take their WM and all 3 of their gold. They won’t need it where they’re going. Yeah I’ll accept.

The Great Russian War of 1675 – 1784 is now over. The death toll is impossible to count. Hundreds of infantry, thousands of horses. Gone. And from the ashes a new super power appears. They are the Spanish, and they are strong!

Now……….. for the Mongolians.

In my haste to ensure that I bet the Celtic to the best pick of the cities, I’ve more or less ignored the build queues for the cities I’ve captured. So I’ve just corrected that now, all cities are building temples to ensure that the space between the cities is filled asap.
i've found this a great read, good luck with Mongolia...
also could you post a picture of the foreign advisor screen, so we know the alliances and stuff...
whats the small yellow nation to the South?

Also, maybe instigating an AI war against Japan would help...
I'm at college so I can't post a screenshot but I'll do that when I get in tonight.

The small yellow nation to the South is Egypt. From what I can remember they've been a second rate power for most of the game, staying out of trouble most of the time. I think currently they're having a war with the Japanese at the moment. They are actually on an island of their own, yet they had somecities on the mainland as a foothold, but the Japanese took them pretty quickly.

I don't have a spy in Kyoto yet but I think they could go toe to toe with the Celts in open battle but it would be a close one. For some reason they seem to be ignoring culture in their newly aquired cities, thats why if you look at the mini map(I'll try and post a screen shot later) you'll see gaps between their cities to the North and West (the areas that once were the Aztecs and the Americans)

Both the Koreans and the Celts are building the UN, I'm hoping for a very quick war against the Mongolians (they only have riflemen and no artillery or cannons) consolodate my power and then push on to Korea. hopefully by that time the MPP between Korea and the Celts will have finished. If I take Korea then the Celts will get the UN, then all I have to do is try to get an alliance against them with everyone else........ and get a right beating lol.

In voting for the UN there are three options isn't there?? You, the person who made the UN, and to abstain.... am I right in thinking that? that means I would probably prefer the Koreans to get the UN as they will be easier to intimidate. Hmmmmmmmmmm............ I can't really remember whatelse to say (just a wee bit hungover lol) I'll post some screen shots when I get home tonight of the world in general. Japan's teritory, foreign advisor screen and anything else I can think of.

Rock on

just a few pics-

Foreign Advisor Screen

I'm getting the feeling I'm not well liked!! :lol: dunno why though..... :hammer:

And this is my planned target in 5 turns or some.

I'm not gonna play tonight, I'm just too tired and I've got too much stuff to do


well good luck, make sure korea's pact is gone before u attack, maybe you should wipe out egypt after Mongolia?
Great story, I really read it like a tale ;).
Hope to see the final ending one day when you'll have time to finish your game.
Good luck ! May Mars God of War be with you against your ennemies !
IBT- Korea land more troops in order to attack the Russians. Where are these troops going to go when the Russians are destroyed?? Celts also offer me an Embargo against the Russians. I say yes because it own’t hurt and it should help my rep with the Celts. I HATE that Celtic Cavalry Army, its chewing up all the railways I’m hoping to gain control of when my culture rises. The Celtic move 82 units towards the last Russian city of Batum. I sense a wee bit of overkill.

Fortified my border towns and sent my armies home to heal

IBT- The Russians are no more. Oh well. Don’t mess with us. EEK!! Koreans begin Manhattan Project. P’yongyang complete SETI.

Once upon a time, the Glorious Spanish Empire annihilated the puny French, and the world was at peace…… but the Spanish didn’t want peace, they looked hungrily at other lands and imagined the Spanish Flag being raised above them. They wanted to extend their empire across the globe…… but where, to the South was the Mighty Empires of Russia and the Celts and to the East there was the mysterious Aztecs and Japanese. So where to go?? There was only one option……. West. To the Mongolians. And on that day a fleet was constructed which the world had never seen before. Those ships were moored outside the port of Tours, waiting for the signal to go. And the signal was give. But before the mighty fleet of ships could even get halfway to the Mongolian homeland, the clumsy Russians declared war, and the fleet was recalled. The troops they were transporting were hastily moved to the front lines. But what happened to the fleet you ask?? Well my engrossed reader, those ships sat alone, and unused in the city of Tours, waiting for their time. Some were disbanded to provide funds for the war on the Russians but the majority sat waiting. And now the time has come. Seven galleons will move, packed with infantry and artillery towards Mongolia and take them. Puny Riflemen only stand in the way. They do not even understand the power of the cannon!!

I can send over 28 units…… 14 infantry and 14 artillery, maybe some cavalry. I can’t send any armies, don’t have the room for them and I can’t buy Combustion.

1 Galleon of Infantry
1 Galleon of Cavalry
1 Galleon of 2 Inf and 2 Cavalry
2 Galleons of Artillery

Celts and Iroquois sign a MPP. Apart from that nothing much else happened apart from the fact that the Koreans are moving quite a sizable fleet around what once was the French coast. Hmm, I’ll need to keep an eye on them

92 Celtic units are still sitting right outside my borders. This seems to include the majority of their tanks. They now also have 200 Mech Inf. I have 70 normal foot infantry. It there’s a war it’ll be short and bloody to the highest order. Done a bit of research (spies). The true standing of the world most powerful Civ’s (going by size or army) is

1) Celtics (200 Mech Inf, 116 Inf, 67 Tanks, 17 Marines, 47 Art)
2) Korea (114 Mech Inf, 3 Inf, 8 Tanks, 19 Marines, 2 artillery)
3) Japan (110 Inf, 75 Marines, 10 Cannons)
4) Iroquois (102 Inf, 33 Cavalry)
5) Spain (70 Inf, 63 Artillery, 15 Cavalry)
6) China (67 Inf, 6 Marines, 22 Cavalry, 6 artilery)
7) Egypt (33 Inf)
8) Mongolia (24 Riflemen)
9) India (2 Spearmen)

take out the Mongolians and that leaves me with the Egyptians (someone did mention that, I’m taking it under consideration) The main problem is with the Mongolians gone my empire will share borders with both the Celts and Korea, the two “super-powers”. Japan seems a paper dragon to me, sure they have 100 Inf but only ten cannons?? Sure if they had enough transports then they’d be really hard ass with all those marines but if I take one of their cities then I’d like to seem them get anywhere near it with all my artillery, lambs to the slaughter. Ok, I’ll land on the Mongolian peninsula at the original point, Kazan, then just sweet south very quickly. Make sure the war lasts NO LONGER than 10 – 12 turns. This is gonna be a blitz, take out the Mongolians with as little loss as possible, try to get Combustion, upgrade to transports, transport over everything I can. My fleet set sail for Mongolia. A Galleon of reinforcement Infantry will try to get past the Mongolian Ironclads later on. I decide that frankly I don’t want a beating by the Celts here so I try to butter up to them. I offer them a MPP and they say yes. Hmm….. I didn’t even to give them anything for it. Should I be worried about that?? Well anyway when I attack Mongolia they’ll come in on my side and that should make them gracious.

IBT- The majority of the Celtic stack moves homeward <phew> its as they move that a scary thought dawns on me. I have a ROP with them, they could have went and taken any city in my Empire <shudder> One problem is there are still a large number of units…… just……… sitting in my territory.

Don’t do anything else this turn, just watch as my Galleons travel West across the sea.


IBT- Celts construct UN. Crap. Time to get pally with everyone.

Sign MPP’s with the Iroquois and the Japanese and I give everyone else anything from 10 to 25gpt. I even gave the Chinese one of my spare Gems (I have 3 more to trade) My Galleons finally get within range of Mongolia. The Mongolians are gonna be pi**ed!! Troops will land next turn. If there is a next turn. The Celts have their finger on the Diplo victory button.

IBT- Mongolians tell me to leave. I say no. War has begun once more. I just hope there are no Mongolian Ironclads about to launch an attack on my fleet

Land 20 units at Kazan. Not the huge force I was hoping for but I don’t have the ships. Take Amiens (mongolian city on my main island that everyone seems to want, was originally japanese, now its mongolian) without even breaking a sweat. I wonder what the Mongolians will do about that stack, will they even bother? Can they attack it? They don’t even have cannons and I don’t think a rifleman can even dent an Infantry unit with artillery support.

IBT- Iroquois declare war on Mongolians.

Its here I have an announcement to make. I’ve just realised I’ve got 3 ironclads sitting off the coast of Toulouse and I didn’t even realise it. They’ve been sitting there since the start of the Russian war. Oops. Anyway, to the battle….

Attack with Artillery pushes the 2 riflemen defenders to redline, leaving just a vet pike man, Cavalry goes in……. and looses EH???? Bombard him to redline and kill him with a Cavalry. Kill the two redlined riflemen and a longbowman before finally taking Kazan. The Mongolian country side is LITTERED with pollution. Maybe I could say I invaded Mongolia to save the environment??

IBT- The Japanese are getting in on this!! They’ve taken the city of Ulaanbaatar. That doesn’t leave much for me :( The Mongolians kill one of my cavalry but loose 2 longbow men in the process.

Move troops into the vicinity of the Mongolian capital. I “should” be able to take it next turn.

IBT- Mongolians land 2 Keshik next to Tours.
Capture Karakorum. Manage to steal Steel from the Chinese. I’m getting close to 500gpt so it shouldn’t take long to get the money back and I really would like combustion. Galleon’s just can’t cut it to be honest and if I’m gonna get a foothold on this continent and maybe even get Egyptian territory as well then I’ll need some more firepower and transport capacity.

IBT – India and Egypt sign a MPP. I’m not bothered about that. India are a one city state. I’d wipe them out myself if I could work where their city is. Originally I thought they were a stupid settler in a Galleon thing but I’m certain they’ve settle somewhere. Japan and Mongolia sign a treaty. That’s cool, more of their cities for me :hammer: India declare war on Japanese. That’s just silly and finally the Koreans complete the Manhattan project. They’ll have nukes, but I don’t even have tanks yet :S but then again, I’ve never seen the AI launch a nuke before………………. Wait a minute, Charis’ Celtic Christmas :hmm:
Capture Dalandzadgad. But the price is heavy, 2 Infantry and 2 cavalry lost with one being forced to withdraw. On the plus side I kill a Mongolian Leader which the silly Mongolians decided to not use instead just store. Oh well. Build an Army at the Academy and name it the 1st Moscow Army in honour of the brave souls who died fighting to “liberate” the Russian people from the tyranny of Catherine.

IBT- annoying Mongolians strike out, capturing two of their workers back off me and destroying 2 Artillery I had rather foolishly left undefended. But all is well, the Iroquois seem to be mopping the floor with whatever Mongolians I don’t get to. Another thing I’ve noticed is the large number of Iroquois units that are plain regulars, they must not believe in barracks or something.

With two cities left the Mongolians are no more in just a matter of turns. There is one city to the north of what once was the Mongolian Peninsula (Almarikh) and their capital to the south (Darhan) my artillery stack is right outside Darhan and I “should” take it this turn. But unfortunately the more northern city of Almarikh I will have to leace to the Iroquois, they’ve sent a large number of units up there so its only a matter of time.

One really good thing about my earlier stupidity of leaving units unguarded is that there are now less units in Darhan to hamper my imminent victory. Kill 3 Riflemen for the loss of a lone cavalry and finally the Mongolian city of Darhan is mine. Think its now time to make peace. In the peace treaty I get Communism but I give the Mongolians Electricty (still can’t get techs off ANYONE :mad: )

IBT- erm………….. nothing much happened. Troop movement on all sides. The Celtic stack is STILL just sitting there :S

Disband my Galleon fleet. I’m planning on attack Egypt but they’re on the other side of the empire, it would take AGES for them to get round, so I’ll just save myself money.

IBT- Everything is quiet.

GODDAMMIT!! I want combustion and NO ONE is selling!! I WANT IT!!

Science Advisor: Ma’am I think if you unleash your spies you can get the thing you desire the most. It will cost us though…… but we can get it? Do you want to steal Combustion off of the Japanese??

Yeah, I think I do

IBT- “The rampaging Iroquois forces have destroyed the Mongols”. Oh well.

Now for the Egyptians :hammer:

Unfortunately this won’t be some little skirmish with few units like the Mongolian campaign, this will be a full fledged invasion. They have 24 Infantry right now and if I invade they could almost double due to conscription. I’m thinking of landing a large number of my armies in the first turn. Almost all of Egypt is flat, apart from a mountainous spine on the west coast. Cavalry armies?? NO cannon or artillery and only one ironclad. At least I don’t have to spend the time to actually defend the fleet. Maybe I could even get the Japanese in on it. I doubt they could do anything but it should improve my rep with them for a little bit at least.

Just swapped WM with them. From the looks of it their Eastern coast is the most developed. It’s the only place to have railroads.They have no coal of their own, I wonder where they are getting it from?? ……………………………… oh wait, they’re getting it from me :embarrassed: ok, it finished in 8 turns, that won’t be too bad. Biggest city is Elephantine to the north, size 10. 3 transports due next turn. Army one each? 2 cavalry and 1 infantry to escort about the artillery?? Yeah that sounds about right. Set up a contingency plan on the Mongolian peninsula. I have four cities there, move all remaining units to the port city of Dalandzadgad, its size 8, got a port and a barracks. If the Koreans get a bit too envious of our land then that’ll be the place where I’ll make my last stand on that continent. Kazan, Karakorum and Darhan are all defended by a lone infantryman, temples are ordered in all cities to boost culture against the Colossus that is Korea.

IBT- zzzzzzzz

More transports to the embarking city of Tbilisi

IBT- Japanese cancel our Dye agreement, greedy swines!! Someday they’ll pay.

OH Koreans offer me a MPP for 8gpt. I can’t say no to that……. Can I?? no, not with the Celts sitting on the UN, I need allies and at the moment I have none. I wonder who’re they’re about to attack

Decide that I might as well butter up the Celts as well. With the majority of my army going to be away someplace else a sneak Celtic attack scares me. So for the “cheap” price of 45gpt I secure a MPP. I’d like to see someone attack me now!! :hammer: Current fleet is 3 transports, 2 due next turn.

IBT- Nothing happened :eh: nothing. I didn’t even see any troop movements

Hmm, ok just noticed a few things. 1. the Japanese are already at war with the Egyptians. That’s nice of them. I only noticed when I realised that the Egyptians didn’t have any ironclads anymore. I’m gonna rip these guys a new one!!
4 Transports

1st transport-
The Second Rifle Army (they have no horses, that means no cavalry (also means no UU doesn’t it??) so why waste a perfectly good infantry army)
3 Artillery

2nd Transport
8 Artillery

3rd Transport
2nd Cavalry Army
2 Cavalry
1 Artillery

4th Transport
1st Cavalry Army
3 Cavalry

I’m planning on having 2 transports coming later with a few occupying infantry units but the four transports above are just the attack force. If I can I’ll have another transport with artillery but I hardly find it necessary, it’s a substandard army.

Lets see how this one goes!!
I've also noticed that my story has now passed 1100 odd views. ok ok, its not that big or anything, but this is my first story, so its groovy :D true probably about 1000 of them was me constantly checking to see if anyone was writing anything else but we'll not go into that :D

I'm very much enjoying reading your story. Keep up the good work! I must admit, that even though the Russians are gone, you position seems more difficult now than before. Having both Korea and Celts as MPP was a good (if expensive) move. Either it will keep both of them off of you, or get them going at each other. You didn't mention the outcome of the first UN vote. How did it go? Good luck!
well...... the UN is tricky :hmm:

The Celts have it

but they seem to be sitting on it :hmm:

not that I'm bothered though, I'm quiet happy for them to sit about not using it. gives me time to catch up

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