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SPLC = EVIL of course the original was closed

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Apr 13, 2007
wish I knew
SPLC = EVIL Lots of post; lots of conversation; but closed; Hum?
Please expand. Who or what is the SPLC?
Please stop, this obsession with the Southern Law Poverty Centre is really annoying
OMG it was closed! with no explanation!

i guess there is a SPLC member on off-topic who doesn't want truth to be revealed!
Please expand. Who or what is the SPLC?

The acronym is Southern Poverty Law Center but since I have been censored I am in fear of being banned. And I like this site so... I bow down to the others
Please stop, this obsession with the Southern Law Poverty Centre is really annoying

Absolutely, this should be stopped. No wait... posters were responding.. that's OK we'll just ban it. GOOD JOB! :goodjob:
Mods generally don't like people re-starting a thread they have locked.

If you want a responce as to why a thread is locked, PM a mod.

Chances are that the other one just got too spammy (tons of posts within minutes) Not just a mod not liking the subject.

Perhaps if you put more thought into your OP, you would have greater success.
Before I am eliminated from the site. I started talking about SPLC and my post were banned. SO hey good luck to you.
why do you hate the SPLC???

Hey look it's my fault. I should have not started this whole truth thing. SPLC is great we should all give to the organization. Obviously the reason the post was banned had nothing to do woth woth "SPLC=EVIL". I'm sure SPLC would love an honest conversation. Hell, that's why they ban the opposition... for an open conversation. SPLC=EVIL
Before I am eliminated from the site. I started talking about SPLC and my post were banned. SO hey good luck to you.

SPLC = EVIL Lots of post; lots of conversation; but closed; Hum?
Moderator Action: If the thread was closed and you have a question, then pm the mod who closed it or an admin and ask about it. Discussing moderator action in public is not permitted(PDMA).this thread is closed.
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