star trek mod month version( for main beta 3)

It is for playing my realtrekmap. You have to delete them over worldbuilder with editing a city.

Thank you, the new map will realse on a few days after I am back. ( All system are done , I only have to debug it)
Hope you had a nice vacation.


changelist beta 2

- added a refitsystem
- only unique units in game ( starbase and colony/constructenship still ununique)
-shipnames added ( USS Hood, USS Intrepid .....)
- technologies added

...I tried loading the beta 2 thrice, but each time the screen freezes on "Initializing". Wonder if I'm doing something wrong? (I even made a new copy of ST b3 and loaded the beta 2 into the XML folder, but still no go. BTW, I tried playing Custom Game, as this allows me to play Alpha Quadrant-style; previous beta-version loaded OK.)
Yes, I noticed this problem. Please tested the the mod with the real trek map, if you want.
I will fix the problem, if I can on the weekend, but there wil also somee new maps i will make.

p.s ( The Delta Quadrant civies are not so balanced and have not so many units):

Hirogen( They can't develop new ships, they start with good onces and a special startech):

Hirogen Hunter
Hirogen Venactic

Borg( have the strongest units in game after the krenimtemporalweaponship):
Borg Probe (TOS)
Borg Probe (TNG)
Borg Sphere
Borg Diamond
Borg Cube
Borg Tactical Cube


Temporalweaponship( 100 attack, costs 300000)

Kazon( They can't develop new ships, they start with good onces and a special startech)


Devore and Vidiian

Inspectionship( Devore), Raider ( Vidiian)

So they will be in an Delta Quadrant map.
Alright, will try again w/the realtrek map.

:thumbsup: on the Delta Quadrant units. (Although I think the Borg Diamond was just called Command Sphere. There was only one, as it was the Borg Queen's vessel. Just like the Krenim Temporal Weapon of which there was only one.)
Just wanted to say the UUs-rar seems to work fine with the realtrek map.;) (Although manually editing in the new Barracks in all UFP systems may be a bit much for the average player. Also, research of 75+ turns is reaaally slow - and the other civs seemed to progress even slower...)
Yes manually editing is a lot of work, but in the new realtrek map it will be done.
So i spend my time with debuging( because there some bugs in the star systems) the new one and not with editing the old one.
And the new map will have more star systems, so you will can research faster and there wil be also an dominion war version of the new map.

Although, with even more star systems? I already noticed some of them are so close their planets have overlapping orbits... perhaps it might be better to have less costly advances?:confused:
I also changed the position of the most systems and the planets they have ( between 1-7).
The advances are so expensive, because I wanted that the mod is in the star trek timeline and also the refitsystem make the game more interesting, because
with the first techs you can build new or refit ship( for example Federation:
with: PolyDuranium Hull: Miranda and Constitution
with: Integrated Deflectors: Soyuz and Consitution Refit in adition Starbase(MOV)

Also the high costs are important to simulate the strenght( build fast ships) of the Dominion, because are Dominion Fighter ( TOS) costs only 10. So faction like the Federation can only win with research.
A new map version and new mod version is finished.
For more Information and downloading look on the first post.
I installed both files, but (starting as the Romulans) no planets have population. :( (Funny thing is, they do have specialists...)
strange, i downloaded everthing but when i play breen the game crashed when i hovered with the mouse over the scoreboard where both me and gul dukat had 5000 points on turn 1 and when i tried playing romulan i got a defeat on the game start. i used your scenario.
Any idea what might be wrong?
:confused: OH......
There three things you could check.

1. Close all programs you do not need while Playing and take low graphic settings for playing.
2.Be sure that you use BTS 3.17 and hhe main mod with all patchs and that you have replaced the xml files with me xml files.
3. Use the new upload version of the map.

PS: On me PC it work.
Just saw that i placed the xml folder from your rar in the mod/Star Trek folder instead of the mod/star trek/asset one :mischief:
i guess thats why there are readmes in the star trek mod archives lol

EDIT: I got it to work but why the hell do the breen start wih a borg probe, not to mention the complete off numbers: my capital got 100 unhappyness and 10000 health.
REPOST: I installed both files, but (starting as the Romulans) no planets have population. :( (Funny thing is, they do have specialists...)
Do you mean that there is no normal population or that there is totaly no population?
In my map version all Romluan clonies have 2 inhabitans( Romulus 10).
It could be that only the star system has population. Not the planets.
I think the problem is rather that the techs give redicoulus number of happyness, unhappyness, ect.. so that you start with no workers cause they are all unhappy.
Rules of aquisition even gives a million additional trade routes per city.
And the specialist come from the buldings.
Yes but this is right.
The money from the trade routs you will need for researching.
Later in Game the different technologies will blanace there effects.
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