Star Trek: The Dominion War

Ah, okay. Something's acting weird, then. I can only build a Lagh it comes up as my next suggested build after finishing the previous build. It doesn't appear in the drop-down menu.

As I've played I've noticed one other oddity. The mood icons of the citizens seem to be mixed up on every Dominion world I conquer. The happy citizen has the unhappy icon, and vice versa. And the content citizen has the resisting icon, while the resistor has the content icon.

As for the gameplay itself, I'm liking it a lot so far. Much better balanced than the next generation mod, which just ends up with dozens upon dozens of ground units on every world. I agree that maybe the Dominion needs to be tougher, as I'm rolling right through them with very little help from the Federation. Of course, with the current balance playing as the Dominion should be a nice challenge.
Yeah I probably need to double the units the Dominion starts out with and make the Dominion units a little cheaper to produce.
Great Mod thanks for making it!
@Civinator recommended this mod however sadly the old Atomic Gamers downloaded is long dead. The Atomic Gamer file backup doesn't seem to have it in there either. Does anyone still have a copy of this? It looks super cool.

Once found I can add it to the CFC server for permanent hosting as I have large file access. I'll probably re-pack it smaller like I've done with other large file rescue cases too.
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am pretty sure ı have played this one , quite possibly ı have it on some external drive , and could manage to upload it on Mediafire , as ı was advised by a CFC member to do so , regarding some other scenario . When webcafes are back in use in Turkey as am using a tablet and older brother's web connection at the moment .
Blake00, unfortunately, I don't have this mod.

If necessary, I have a mod "Star wars: galactic civil war"

Thanks Node60.. darn.. thats a shame. Hopefully someone out there has this!

As for Star Wars Galactic Civil War.. wow thanks.. I actually think I have that one but haven't tested it. Someone on another forum gave me a bunch of scenarios that included SW Galactic Civil War. The BIQ is dated 26/10/2008 so I don't know if its the latest but maybe I should stick it on CFC? Although I notice in that thread you linked that his scenario was updated with many fixes and included in a combined Star Wars modpack called 'SW Revenge of the Mod' which surprise surprise has dead download links. Do you have that by any chance?

possibly have that one , too , because it rightly kicked me out when ı chose the ClS to see what units and stuff they had .
Success! @Ninja Flick still has this Star Trek Dominion War mod and is going to send a copy to me. :) Once I've got it I'll stick a copy up here on CFC.

As for the enhanced SW Revenge of the Mod (that contains an updated Galactic Civil War) @r16 if you have that one too I'll grab a copy and restore that here too! :)

I'll PM you a place of mine you can upload it to if you find it.

Man this is great news to wake up to! :)
I've successfully preserved Star Wars Galactic Civil War and the other well known trek mod Star Trek v0.9.0 beta (although it's music files are still missing).

However sadly my excitement 2 weeks ago was premature as Ninja & r16 have gone silent so I still don't have a copy of this Star Trek Dominion War mod or the Star Wars Revenge of the Mod. Hopefully someone comes forever with them so I can upload them to CFC.

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r16 is regularly annoying the hell out of the world , but ı really need webcafes to be re-opened so that ı can post any files on the internet , this whole coronavirus bans and all . When all clear on that front , ı will hook up all of my external drive things and check .
Good news! @r16 and @Ninja Flick are off the hook for finding Star Wars Revenge of the Mod haha. GeneralKilCavalry over at Realms Beyond Civ Forum has saved the day and sent me a copy. No idea what version it is though so hopefully he had the final one! Have repacked and uploaded it to CFC and posted about it HERE. I also fixed a silly issue with Star Wars - The Clone Wars and uploaded that too.

Back on topic to this thread. Still not luck finding @sum_aar_jam 's Star Trek Dominion War mod sadly. Also I forgot to mention above that while I successfully found and preserved Star Trek v0.9.0 beta I didn't mention that sadly I've been unable to find its separate music files download so if anyone has that too (@Node60 ?), let me know.

Good news! @r16 and @Ninja Flick are off the hook for finding Star Wars Revenge of the Mod haha. GeneralKilCavalry over at Realms Beyond Civ Forum has saved the day and sent me a copy. No idea what version it is though so hopefully he had the final one! Have repacked and uploaded it to CFC and posted about it HERE. I also fixed a silly issue with Star Wars - The Clone Wars and uploaded that too.

Back on topic to this thread. Still not luck finding @sum_aar_jam 's Star Trek Dominion War mod sadly. Also I forgot to mention above that while I successfully found and preserved Star Trek v0.9.0 beta I didn't mention that sadly I've been unable to find its separate music files download so if anyone has that too (@Node60 ?), let me know.

I have been lurking around here for quite a while and thanks to being furloughed due to covid, I've been rediscovering the joys of Civ3.

When I downloaded a mod for Civ 3 back in the day, I kept the downloaded zip/rar files intact in another folder just in case I need to reinstall the mod from scratch.

In this folder, I have the following zip files with file dates of June/July 2013 which is probably when I downloaded the files in the first place.

Zips are:

1) "Star_Trek_Graphics_0.8.0" which has music files in it c 48 mb zipped file size

2) "Star Trek 0.8.4" (map)

3) "Star Trek Medium maps" (contains maps funnily enough)

4) "Star Trek 0-9-0" (scenario files with map)

I also have the following Star Wars zip files:

5) "Star Wars; Galactic Civil War" - scenario and map

6) ""theclonewarsbeta05" - scenario and maps - one for the Battle of Genosis, the other map is "The Clone Wars."

Wetransfer link to files for item 1 only is as follows

If you want the others zips or can't get wetransfer to work, let me know

I have been lurking around here for quite a while and thanks to being furloughed due to covid, I've been rediscovering the joys of Civ3.

When I downloaded a mod for Civ 3 back in the day, I kept the downloaded zip/rar files intact in another folder just in case I need to reinstall the mod from scratch.

In this folder, I have the following zip files with file dates of June/July 2013 which is probably when I downloaded the files in the first place.

Zips are:

1) "Star_Trek_Graphics_0.8.0" which has music files in it c 48 mb zipped file size

2) "Star Trek 0.8.4" (map)

3) "Star Trek Medium maps" (contains maps funnily enough)

4) "Star Trek 0-9-0" (scenario files with map)

I also have the following Star Wars zip files:

5) "Star Wars; Galactic Civil War" - scenario and map

6) ""theclonewarsbeta05" - scenario and maps - one for the Battle of Genosis, the other map is "The Clone Wars."

Wetransfer link to files for item 1 only is as follows

If you want the others zips or can't get wetransfer to work, let me know


Thanks JATF!

Star Trek 0.8.4
Star Trek Medium maps
Star Trek 0-9-0

Are all safe and accounted for thankfully. However Logitech had a separate Star Trek music download mentioned on the download page for Star Trek v0.9.0 that is still missing sadly. Do you see that in your files by any chance?

Sadly none of those files relate to the star trek scenario in this thread which is 'Star Trek Dominion War' so that is still missing. :(

Star Wars Galactic Civil War

These 2 are of interest to me though as while I've found other copies of them they were not the original downloads files and had no version numbers so I couldn't tell if they were the final releases or not.

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Thanks JATF!

Star Trek 0.8.4
Star Trek Medium maps
Star Trek 0-9-0

Are all safe and accounted for thankfully. However Logitech had a separate Star Trek music download mentioned on the download page for Star Trek v0.9.0 that is still missing sadly. Do you see that in your files by any chance?

Sadly none of those files relate to the star trek scenario in this thread which is 'Star Trek Dominion War' so that is still missing. :(

Star Wars Galactic Civil War

These 2 are of interest to me though as while I've found other copies of them they were not the original downloads files and had no version numbers so I couldn't tell if they were the final releases or not. If it's easier feel free to just drag your copies into my public onedrive folder here:!Agrov_TMGxTthleXEOVTYK3aBJ6Q

The only music files I have were in the zip file "Star_trek_Graphics_0.8.0"

There is an Internet Archive tar file which was supposedly taken from Atomic Gamer prior to its demise - might be in there? 5 gb file size though (I haven't downloaded it)

I never have any luck uploading to Onedrive so Wetransfer to the rescue again for the other two zips.

The only music files I have were in the zip file "Star_trek_Graphics_0.8.0"

There is an Internet Archive tar file which was supposedly taken from Atomic Gamer prior to its demise - might be in there? 5 gb file size though (I haven't downloaded it)

I never have any luck uploading to Onedrive so Wetransfer to the rescue again for the other two zips.


Hmm are you sure it's music? I'm my star trek 0.8.0 files I've just got ambient sound files, no music files. So jeez if you've got music for that one I'll take that too if I can haha!

However sadly Logitech make his own set of music for his 0.9.0 release so I'm still on the hunt for it!

Yeah I've already got multiple Atomic backup downloads thanks, files I'm after weren't there sadly.

Thanks for the 2 mods, I've the files and will check them against my copies to see if they're newer. If they are I'll go modify the new mod downloads I setup for them.

due to some bad experiences elsewhere on the web ı truly avoid links . And a rather bad history of browsing over a decade . So , here are the files ı have . To be taken and reloaded elsewhere . ı would download at least the first pages of relevant threads but ı found these in some civ folder of rar files alone so no credits ı can give . Will be erased in 14 days so it can be profitable to hurry . A powerful anti virus programme is always good . this has 25 civs in it

and this is as Star Wars scenario ı found in the same folder , no idea which one or its name withing the forum . There is this Pentagenesis mod , ı think also in Atomicgamer downloads with some sci-fi stuff . Can be checked for the units perhaps .

if they don't show up , ı might try next week . Corona thing and all .
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