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Star Wars

This really sounds interesting. I will surely follow the thread for updates, and when I'll go back to Civ4 i must try it! Thank you for your work!
Given I feel the major balance issues have been ironed out, I'm graduating the mod to Beta.


1: Added Clanky4's new Empire at War unit graphics.
2: The Venator-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes, from Republic at War.
3: Added quotes for the Z-95 and X-Wing. Most of these quotes are shared between both units.
4: The TIE Bomber now has unique quotes.
5: The TIE Fighter now has unique quotes.
6: Added quotes for the Stormtrooper. These quotes are currently shared with the Scout Trooper and Dark Trooper as well.
7: The Victory I-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes.
8: Added unique quotes for the Shock Trooper.
9: Added unique quotes for the Acclamator-class Cruiser from Republic at War.
10: Added unique quotes for the Alliance AAC-1.
11: Added a set of quotes shared between the Tartan Patrol Cruiser and the Broadside Cruiser.
12: Added unique quotes for the Corellian Corvette.
13: Y-Wings now have unique quotes, taken from Empire at War.
14: TIE Interceptors, TIE Defenders, TIE Avengers, and TIE Scouts now have a TIE Fighter sound when you select them, give them an order, or have them run an interception mission. This sound is also used for the TIE Fighter's patrol sound.
15: Added unique quotes for all three Imperial heroes, taken from Battlefront EA.
16: The Rebel Lucrehulk now uses the Rebel skin I made.
17: Actually allowed Missile Corvettes + replacement units to do Collateral Damage (I set stats for the collateral damage but forgot to actually enable it).
18: Corellian Gunboats can now deal collateral damage (less than Missile Corvettes) but have their bonus against starfighters reduced.
19: Added Rogue Squadron as a new Rebel hero, based off the standard X-Wing. It requires Industrialism, Squadron Focus, Streamlined Production, and a Squadron Factory. Rogue Squadron possesses increased strength and interception, gains 50% evasion, and starts with Ace and Leadership.
20: Added the Tierfon Yellow Aces as a new Rebel hero, based off of the Y-Wing. It requires Squadron Focus and a Squadron Factory. The Yellow Aces have higher strength than normal Y-Wings, gain 50% evasion, and start with Ace and Leadership.
21: Added General Wedge Antilles as the 4th Rebel hero, based off the Executor-class. He requires Galactic Domination and a Capital Shipyard. He has 115 strength (compared to the Executor's 100) and starts with Leadership, Led by Warlord, and Tactics.
22: All heroes (aside from squadrons) start with Led by Warlord.
23: Added Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters. Some base DLL is in, but not compiled (I'm not very adept at that, the tutorials are no help because in both tutorials I saw, one of the links was broken). Because of this, they're buildable immediately upon obtaining their required techs.

I'm a bit unsure about the two squadron heroes being World Units as opposed to National Units (due to the nature of air units as a whole). In addition, since I've seen Rogue One, I've considered giving the Rebellion the U-Wing, which would be a starfighter slightly more adept than the Z-95 and be a fair bit more expensive, but have the ability to carry a foot unit.
Given I feel the major balance issues have been ironed out, I'm graduating the mod to Beta.


1: Added Clanky4's new Empire at War unit graphics.
2: The Venator-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes, from Republic at War.
3: Added quotes for the Z-95 and X-Wing. Most of these quotes are shared between both units.
4: The TIE Bomber now has unique quotes.
5: The TIE Fighter now has unique quotes.
6: Added quotes for the Stormtrooper. These quotes are currently shared with the Scout Trooper and Dark Trooper as well.
7: The Victory I-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes.
8: Added unique quotes for the Shock Trooper.
9: Added unique quotes for the Acclamator-class Cruiser from Republic at War.
10: Added unique quotes for the Alliance AAC-1.
11: Added a set of quotes shared between the Tartan Patrol Cruiser and the Broadside Cruiser.
12: Added unique quotes for the Corellian Corvette.
13: Y-Wings now have unique quotes, taken from Empire at War.
14: TIE Interceptors, TIE Defenders, TIE Avengers, and TIE Scouts now have a TIE Fighter sound when you select them, give them an order, or have them run an interception mission. This sound is also used for the TIE Fighter's patrol sound.
15: Added unique quotes for all three Imperial heroes, taken from Battlefront EA.
16: The Rebel Lucrehulk now uses the Rebel skin I made.
17: Actually allowed Missile Corvettes + replacement units to do Collateral Damage (I set stats for the collateral damage but forgot to actually enable it).
18: Corellian Gunboats can now deal collateral damage (less than Missile Corvettes) but have their bonus against starfighters reduced.
19: Added Rogue Squadron as a new Rebel hero, based off the standard X-Wing. It requires Industrialism, Squadron Focus, Streamlined Production, and a Squadron Factory. Rogue Squadron possesses increased strength and interception, gains 50% evasion, and starts with Ace and Leadership.
20: Added the Tierfon Yellow Aces as a new Rebel hero, based off of the Y-Wing. It requires Squadron Focus and a Squadron Factory. The Yellow Aces have higher strength than normal Y-Wings, gain 50% evasion, and start with Ace and Leadership.
21: Added General Wedge Antilles as the 4th Rebel hero, based off the Executor-class. He requires Galactic Domination and a Capital Shipyard. He has 115 strength (compared to the Executor's 100) and starts with Leadership, Led by Warlord, and Tactics.
22: All heroes (aside from squadrons) start with Led by Warlord.
23: Added Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters. Some base DLL is in, but not compiled (I'm not very adept at that, the tutorials are no help because in both tutorials I saw, one of the links was broken). Because of this, they're buildable immediately upon obtaining their required techs.

I'm a bit unsure about the two squadron heroes being World Units as opposed to National Units (due to the nature of air units as a whole). In addition, since I've seen Rogue One, I've considered giving the Rebellion the U-Wing, which would be a starfighter slightly more adept than the Z-95 and be a fair bit more expensive, but have the ability to carry a foot unit.
Is this still in development, I'm a newbie modder and would love to help out if you'd like, even if'ts just creating new factions.
Is this still in development, I'm a newbie modder and would love to help out if you'd like, even if'ts just creating new factions.

I'd say this is still being worked on, but it's been a few months since I worked on it (DLC struggles annoyed the hell out of me and put me off Civ4 modding for a time). I feel like I should get back to working on the mod though sooner or later.

Edit: How the heck did autocorrect put DLC instead of SDK...
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I'd say this is still being worked on, but it's been a few months since I worked on it (DLC struggles annoyed the hell out of me and put me off Civ4 modding for a time). I feel like I should get back to working on the mod though sooner or later.
If you do get back into it, i'd be willing to help you out if you need, just pm me
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