Given I feel the major balance issues have been ironed out, I'm graduating the mod to Beta.
1: Added Clanky4's new Empire at War unit graphics.
2: The Venator-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes, from Republic at War.
3: Added quotes for the Z-95 and X-Wing. Most of these quotes are shared between both units.
4: The TIE Bomber now has unique quotes.
5: The TIE Fighter now has unique quotes.
6: Added quotes for the Stormtrooper. These quotes are currently shared with the Scout Trooper and Dark Trooper as well.
7: The Victory I-class Star Destroyer now has unique quotes.
8: Added unique quotes for the Shock Trooper.
9: Added unique quotes for the Acclamator-class Cruiser from Republic at War.
10: Added unique quotes for the Alliance AAC-1.
11: Added a set of quotes shared between the Tartan Patrol Cruiser and the Broadside Cruiser.
12: Added unique quotes for the Corellian Corvette.
13: Y-Wings now have unique quotes, taken from Empire at War.
14: TIE Interceptors, TIE Defenders, TIE Avengers, and TIE Scouts now have a TIE Fighter sound when you select them, give them an order, or have them run an interception mission. This sound is also used for the TIE Fighter's patrol sound.
15: Added unique quotes for all three Imperial heroes, taken from Battlefront EA.
16: The Rebel Lucrehulk now uses the Rebel skin I made.
17: Actually allowed Missile Corvettes + replacement units to do Collateral Damage (I set stats for the collateral damage but forgot to actually enable it).
18: Corellian Gunboats can now deal collateral damage (less than Missile Corvettes) but have their bonus against starfighters reduced.
19: Added Rogue Squadron as a new Rebel hero, based off the standard X-Wing. It requires Industrialism, Squadron Focus, Streamlined Production, and a Squadron Factory. Rogue Squadron possesses increased strength and interception, gains 50% evasion, and starts with Ace and Leadership.
20: Added the Tierfon Yellow Aces as a new Rebel hero, based off of the Y-Wing. It requires Squadron Focus and a Squadron Factory. The Yellow Aces have higher strength than normal Y-Wings, gain 50% evasion, and start with Ace and Leadership.
21: Added General Wedge Antilles as the 4th Rebel hero, based off the Executor-class. He requires Galactic Domination and a Capital Shipyard. He has 115 strength (compared to the Executor's 100) and starts with Leadership, Led by Warlord, and Tactics.
22: All heroes (aside from squadrons) start with Led by Warlord.
23: Added Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters. Some base DLL is in, but not compiled (I'm not very adept at that, the tutorials are no help because in both tutorials I saw, one of the links was broken). Because of this, they're buildable immediately upon obtaining their required techs.
I'm a bit unsure about the two squadron heroes being World Units as opposed to National Units (due to the nature of air units as a whole). In addition, since I've seen Rogue One, I've considered giving the Rebellion the U-Wing, which would be a starfighter slightly more adept than the Z-95 and be a fair bit more expensive, but have the ability to carry a foot unit.