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Star Wars

Updated the mod with some fixes I found.

1: Removed defense bonus from 'coast'.
2: The Quasar Fire-class Cruiser is now called the Quasar Fire-class Carrier.
3: Added the Light Vehicle Factory, which becomes available at Anti-Infantry Vehicles. All units that previously required the Factory now require the Light Vehicle Factory.
4: Added the Heavy Vehicle Factory, which becomes available at Composites. All units that previously required the Industrial Park now require the Heavy Vehicle Factory.
5: The Imperial Advanced Factory now requires a Heavy Vehicle Factory instead of an Industrial Park.
6: The Factory's stats are now identical to those from Final Frontier.
7: The Industrial Park now has the same stats as the Manufacturing Plant from Final Frontier.
8: Removed unheathiness from Power.
9: Made Dark Troopers require a Barracks instead of a Laboratory.
10: Actually implemented the Quasar's button because I forgot to before >_<.
11: Added a changelog.
12: Made the Power Generator an actual respectable size.
13: Reduced the cost of all Transports to 60 (from 125).
14: Added unique select and order sounds for Yoda.
What's the rationale behind this?

It felt a bit ugly having the Dark Trooper's required techs be in the early part of the tech tree while his required building was in the late-mid game. Alternatively, I could've moved his required techs to the later game. It depends on what people like more.
Updated the mod with some fixes I found.

1: Removed defense bonus from 'coast'.
2: The Quasar Fire-class Cruiser is now called the Quasar Fire-class Carrier.
3: Added the Light Vehicle Factory, which becomes available at Anti-Infantry Vehicles. All units that previously required the Factory now require the Light Vehicle Factory.
4: Added the Heavy Vehicle Factory, which becomes available at Composites. All units that previously required the Industrial Park now require the Heavy Vehicle Factory.
5: The Imperial Advanced Factory now requires a Heavy Vehicle Factory instead of an Industrial Park.
6: The Factory's stats are now identical to those from Final Frontier.
7: The Industrial Park now has the same stats as the Manufacturing Plant from Final Frontier.
8: Removed unheathiness from Power.
9: Made Dark Troopers require a Barracks instead of a Laboratory.
10: Actually implemented the Quasar's button because I forgot to before >_<.
11: Added a changelog.
12: Made the Power Generator an actual respectable size.
13: Reduced the cost of all Transports to 60 (from 125).
14: Added unique select and order sounds for Yoda.

Ok I tested the mod with one game and what I can say is: It is amazing!!!
Anyway here some mine suggestions for next releases,

1) Lock Dark Side of Force technologies to Rebel Civilization so they can't research it and at the same time Lock Light Side of the Force technologies to Galatic Empire.
2) Strenghten special units like Darth Sidious Darth Vader, Yoda.
It is strange to see a Dark trooper with 24 and Darth Vader with 45. Dark troopers are just puppets for Darth Vader, while in this way a group of just 4 of Dark troopers can kill him. I suggest to at least double their power (Darth Vader 90, Darth Sidious 100, Yoda 100, and so on...). I will do this change by my own and I will triplicate their strenght (135 Darth V. and 150 Darth S. and Yoda)
3) But the most important thing.... I am deeply disappointed that my character Darth Revan is missing!!!! Where is him? LOL I am kidding. My third tip is to change the soundtrack with the original SW. You can find it via You Tube and download the tracks with YouTubeMP3.

Anyway great mod man!!!! And may the Dark Side of the Force is with you!!! Catch the POWER!!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA
I love the fact that you separated the force, i guess "religious" type stuff, from the other techs. So you can choose whether you want to focus on actual tech progress or something slightly more in line with social progress.
Ok I tested the mod with one game and what I can say is: It is amazing!!!
Anyway here some mine suggestions for next releases,

1) Lock Dark Side of Force technologies to Rebel Civilization so they can't research it and at the same time Lock Light Side of the Force technologies to Galatic Empire.
2) Strenghten special units like Darth Sidious Darth Vader, Yoda.
It is strange to see a Dark trooper with 24 and Darth Vader with 45. Dark troopers are just puppets for Darth Vader, while in this way a group of just 4 of Dark troopers can kill him. I suggest to at least double their power (Darth Vader 90, Darth Sidious 100, Yoda 100, and so on...). I will do this change by my own and I will triplicate their strenght (135 Darth V. and 150 Darth S. and Yoda)
3) But the most important thing.... I am deeply disappointed that my character Darth Revan is missing!!!! Where is him? LOL I am kidding. My third tip is to change the soundtrack with the original SW. You can find it via You Tube and download the tracks with YouTubeMP3.

Anyway great mod man!!!! And may the Dark Side of the Force is with you!!! Catch the POWER!!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA

1: I don't really want to lock techs too much. While this does lead to the Rebels and Empire getting opposite side technology, they don't derive any benefit from them. I suppose it's akin them having the knowledge of such without implementing it.
2: Keep in mind that all Force Units (Yoda, Vader, Palpatine, and generic Padawans + Apprentices) have a +50% bonus against everything except other Force Units. Thus, Yoda and Palpatine have an effective strength of 75 against most units. This does mean that T-4Bs and AT-ATs (40 and 50 respectively) come fairly close to the three Forces heroes. If I do buff the Force heroes, I'd also buff Boba Fett also, considering Boba has some crazy feats in the expanded universe.
3: At some point, I would like to add a soundtrack to the mod, but that's low on the priority list right now. It'd really bump up the file size quite a bit, though it would make it feel more like Star Wars.

I love the fact that you separated the force, i guess "religious" type stuff, from the other techs. So you can choose whether you want to focus on actual tech progress or something slightly more in line with social progress.

Thanks mate.
2) Maybe you could add some counter promotions. Knowing the Dark side could help defeating dark side units too by being able to promote your light side units with anti-dark side promotions. And vice versa.
2) Maybe you could add some counter promotions. Knowing the Dark side could help defeating dark side units too by being able to promote your light side units with anti-dark side promotions. And vice versa.

Good Point Zeta Nexus,
In this way I might agree to not unlock the respective light/dark side technologies. The important thing I wanted to say is that Rebels should not train Darth Vader or Sidious, and Galatic Empire trains Yoda....
Other tips I forgot for next versions, but I admit is very difficult and I know that are necessary to have great modding skills, is to add the Dark Star. The effects of his attacks migth be similar to Rosetta Missles from MarsJetz, which completely erase the city (in this case the planet) and transform all the close plots into space!
Even about space plots you can take the features from final frontier mod (asteroids, novas, supernovas, black holes, radiations and so on)
2) Maybe you could add some counter promotions. Knowing the Dark side could help defeating dark side units too by being able to promote your light side units with anti-dark side promotions. And vice versa.

That could work, though probably the path of least resistance at the moment would be to have two separate unit groups.

Good Point Zeta Nexus,
In this way I might agree to not unlock the respective light/dark side technologies. The important thing I wanted to say is that Rebels should not train Darth Vader or Sidious, and Galatic Empire trains Yoda....
Other tips I forgot for next versions, but I admit is very difficult and I know that are necessary to have great modding skills, is to add the Dark Star. The effects of his attacks migth be similar to Rosetta Missles from MarsJetz, which completely erase the city (in this case the planet) and transform all the close plots into space!
Even about space plots you can take the features from final frontier mod (asteroids, novas, supernovas, black holes, radiations and so on)

The Light side and Dark side stuff is already faction-locked, the civilopedia just doesn't do a very good job of showing it. The tech-trees should reflect it though.

Adding Space Terrain such as Asteroids would be nice, but that would require altering the mapscripts, which are foreign to me. I'd also like to do that with Volcanic and Aquatic terrain, but like I said, mapscripts.

As for planet-destroying superweapons, I don't really want to include them because I feel they'd be unbalancing, or at least, VERY difficult to balance.
As for planet-destroying superweapons, I don't really want to include them because I feel they'd be unbalancing, or at least, VERY difficult to balance.

Could be a unique victory condition for Dark Side: Building the Death Star project.
I tested for a whole game the mod. I confirm it is a great work in my opinion to be the first version.
I suggest to play as archipelago map, it will emphatize more the starcraft battle, without removing the importance of the ground battle.
Secondly a good upgrade I can suggest is to add the original sounds effects of star wars (space fighters sound, lasers attack sound, lightsaber sound when jedi or sith fight).
Add the other minor civilizations of star wars:

The Old Republic (if someone wants to create scenarios of that series)
and so on
I tested for a whole game the mod. I confirm it is a great work in my opinion to be the first version.
I suggest to play as archipelago map, it will emphatize more the starcraft battle, without removing the importance of the ground battle.
Secondly a good upgrade I can suggest is to add the original sounds effects of star wars (space fighters sound, lasers attack sound, lightsaber sound when jedi or sith fight).
Add the other minor civilizations of star wars:

The Old Republic (if someone wants to create scenarios of that series)
and so on

1: I second the recommendation for a Archipelago map.
2: That would be nice to do, though the problem would come with the fact sounds are linked more to animations than to units like in [civ3]. Someone did make some lightsaber sfx for some jedi units, but the DL link for that animation has been lost to time.
3: I do want to eventually add more factions, but I'd prefer to have a decently balanced game with the two current factions before adding more.
Another thing I noticed during the gameplay, the AI doesn't produce Jedi/Sith, I tested the game even in a Pangea map. AI usually produces ships in archipelago maps (in which I totally agree the strategy), but in Pangea maps it usually produces vehicles, mechs, soldiers and commanders, no Force based units (jedi or sith).
Did a full test-game as the Rebellion, updated the mod with some fixes and whatnot.

1: Added Publicmaps folder (currently empty).
2: Dark Trooper now requires Streamlined Production (in addition to Bionics and Robotics) and a Factory (instead of a Barracks).
3: Swapped Boba Fett's tech requirements (merely a cosmetic change).
4: Railroads are moved to the placeholder tech. Roads now use their graphics.
5: Fixed graphics of Jumplane and Warplane
6: The Barracks now requires Military Tradition instead of Military Academies, to make it available when you get access to basic soldiers.
7: The Squadron Factory now requires Survivalism instead of Light Craft Manufacturing, so that it becomes available as soon as you get basic starfighters (Z-95s/TIE Fighters).
8: Allowed cities to work Space Terrain with Planetary Construction (removed it in the big tech tree revision, never put it back somewhere -_-).
9: The Missile Corvette, Marauder Cruiser, and Broadside Cruiser have their strength reduced to 24 (from 28).
10: Changed prices of Squadron Factory, Shipyard, and Capital Shipyard (now 40, 50, and 120 respectively).
11: Fixed patrol sounds for majority of starfighters.
12: Split Force units into Light Side and Dark Side units
13: Added Anti-Jedi and Anti-Sith promotions, which require the level 2 techs of the Light Side and Dark Side lines respectively. They provide a +50% bonus against their opposite side.
14: Darth Vader and Darth Sidious both begin with Anti-Jedi and Anti-Sith. Yoda begins with Anti-Sith. Boba Fett begins with Anti-Jedi.
15: City Garrison 3 and Barrage 2 no longer give bonuses against Force units.
16: The Armor promotion line for Starships now applies a defense buff to coast in addition to ocean.
17: Removed Tracking Equipment promotion (ships can't defend cities anyway, and it clashes with Upgrade Sensors IMO.)
18: Assault Munitions now give +15% Combat Strength, +6% Bombard strength, and requires Improved Weapons, instead of a city attack bonus.
19: Advanced Weapons now gives +20% Combat Strength.
20: Squadron Factories and Squadron Defense Networks now give +4 and +6 Starfighter slots in a city, respectively.
21: The Mechanized Infantry, Rebel Field Commander, and Imperial Officer no longer have Interception abilities (holdover from base game's Mech Infantry).
22: The Corvette, Corellian Corvette, Corellian Gunship, and Tartan Patrol Cruiser now have 50% Interception probability (boosted from 30%).
23: The Rebellion can no longer build Mobile SAMs.
24: The Rebel MPTL-2a now has a 25% chance to intercept starfighters.
25: Added the Carrier as a default unit for the 3rd Frigate slot that the Quasar occupies for the Rebellion.
26: Add the Victory I-class Star Destroyer as the Empire's 3rd Frigate. It has only 30 strength, compared to the Venator's 35, but can inflict collateral damage against enemy stacks and holds 8 starfighter squadrons.
27: The Venator-class Star Destroyer has its price reduced to 285 (from 380) and starfighter capacity reduced to 6 (from 8).

Another thing I noticed during the gameplay, the AI doesn't produce Jedi/Sith, I tested the game even in a Pangea map. AI usually produces ships in archipelago maps (in which I totally agree the strategy), but in Pangea maps it usually produces vehicles, mechs, soldiers and commanders, no Force based units (jedi or sith).

I did notice that a bit. Perhaps some alteration with the Force area of the tech tree would be a good idea.
Alpha 1.04 is now out, with some changes after a game as the Empire.

1: Added Asteroids and Nebula (currently only added as terrain, mapscripts haven't been altered to include it.)
2: Replaced Fallout with Radiation Clouds from Final Frontier.
3: Tagged the Carrier as a Heavy Ship instead of a Naval unit.
4: Removed the Recon and Naval unitcombats.
5: Imperial Star Destroyer renamed into Imperial-class Star Destroyer, to be more in line with the names of other star destroyers.
6: Reskinned the Imperial Venator-class Star Destroyer.
7: Made it so the Rebellion couldn't build the Sith Training Ground.
8: National Parks now become available at Planetology.
9: Mt. Rushmore now comes at Synthetic Composites.
10: Removed Computers and put Robotics in its place.
11: Added Artificial Intelligence, in between Robotics and Radar Polymers.
12: Dark Troopers now require Artificial Intelligence instead of Robotics.
13: Made Monuments come at Awareness
14: Removed Meditation and made The Force come in its place.
15: Lightsabers now require Heavy Weaponry, Shield Generation, and The Force, and have their cost reduced to 200 (from 500).
16: Protection of the Force and Power of the Dark Side now directly require Light Side and Dark Side respectively.
17: The Jedi Padawan, Sith Apprentice, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, and Yoda now require Lightsabers in addition to their current tech requirements.
18: The Rebel Commando and Boba Fett now both start with Charge.
19: The Scout Trooper now targets Mobile Artillery first outside of cities, like the Rebel Infiltrator.
20: Missile Corvettes, Marauder Cruisers, and Broadside Cruisers now deal collateral damage to enemy stacks, but have their strength reduced to 20.
21: Anti-Tank Infantry, PLEX Soldiers, Frigates, Nebulon-B Frigates, Acclamator-class Star Cruisers, and Quasar Fire-class Carriers no longer have interception abilities.
22: The default Marine now starts with Charge, Ambush, and Pinch, and no longer has Evasion.
23: Jedi Padawans and Sith Apprentices now require the basic Light Side and Dark Side techs, instead of the level 2 techs.
24: All Anti-Force unit promotions now require Combat or Drill 3.
25: Recon Troops, Scout Troopers, and Rebel Infiltrators now conduct flanking strikes against Anti-Vehicle Turrets and Anti-Air Turrets in addition to Mobile Artillery.
26: Added quotes for the Imperial-class Star Destroyer, taken from Empire at War. These quotes are also currently shared with the Venator, Victory-I, and Executor.

Also, I noticed Clanky released some Empire at War units... after uploading the file to mediafire. Those will be in the next update, I assure you.
Just an update, but unfortunately not of the downloadable variety.

The link in the database wasn't working, I don't know how long it was like this, but it's been fixed.

The next version will be out eventually. I'm working to add level-locked upgrading (AKA what FFH uses to limit their magic units), but that involves mucking about the SDK. There will also be the Empire at War unit graphics that Clanky4 released a while ago, a bunch of new sounds for a bunch of units, and I'm planning to add Jedi Knights and Masters (though only after adding level-locked upgrading) and three new Rebel heroes: Rogue Squadron, the Tierfon Yellow Aces, and General Wedge Antilles, who will command the Lusankya.
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