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Of course, I haven't figured out how it's implemented yet. I'm assuming it's just that if you pick "choose religions", when Isabella inevitably picks Meditation first, she will always pick Christianity.

Does anyone know if it goes beyond the extent of that?
Of course, I haven't figured out how it's implemented yet. I'm assuming it's just that if you pick "choose religions", when Isabella inevitably picks Meditation first, she will always pick Christianity.

Does anyone know if it goes beyond the extent of that?

Check "XML/Civilizations/CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml" to see if theres any mention of a relation bonus for favorite religion.
Even though a lot of them were leaders of religions societies. The argument for adding more religions just got more compelling.

Some ideas...

Alexander - Greco-Roman Mythos
Augustus - Greco-Roman Mythos
Boudica - Germanic Myth
Brennus - Germanic Myth
Cyrus - Zoroastrianism
Darius - Zoroastrianism
Genghis Khan - ?
Gilgamesh - Mesopotamian Polytheism
Hammurabi - Mesopotamian Polytheism
Hannibal - Mesopotamian Polytheism
Hatshepsut - Egyptian Polytheism
Huayna Capac - Mesoamerican Polytheism
Julius Caesar - Greco-Roman Mythos
Mao (he's still "Chinese Leader") - None
Montezuma - Mesoamerican Polytheism
Pacal II - Mesoamerican Polytheism
Pericles - Greco-Roman Mythos
Ramesses - Egyptian Polytheism
Ragnar - Germanic Myth
Shaka - None
Sitting Bull - None
Stalin - None
Genghis Khan - Mongolian Shamanism ;)
Check "XML/Civilizations/CIV4LeaderHeadInfos.xml" to see if theres any mention of a relation bonus for favorite religion.

I just went and compared Alexander's Warlords XML to his BTS XML. These were added:

<MemoryType>MEMORY_LIBERATED_CITIES</MemoryType> <iMemoryAttitudePercent>150</iMemoryAttitudePercent>

So no, I don't think so.

Hang on a second - I have a sudden desire to check Stalin's espionage weight
I just went and compared Alexander's Warlords XML to his BTS XML. These were added:

Hmm.. Ok, try checking a leader that has a favorite religion. Check Isabella (she if anyone ought to have the modifier :lol: )
Hmm.. Ok, try checking a leader that has a favorite religion. Check Isabella (she if anyone ought to have the modifier :lol: )

Hmm, there's still the Same Religion/Different Religion modifiers, but nothing on Favorite Religion other than what I already mentioned. I don't think it's there :dunno:

Also, in a complete shock, Stalin has the highest espionage weight (150), closely followed by Mao and Catherine (130). Gandhi has the lowest (50)

Oh Gandhi, you're so naive.....;)
So now for the $64,000 question: what exactly does this do to gameplay, since it's defined in the standard game? Is it always there, or is there a special "switch" in code somewhere for a modder to activate it later on? Or is it just relevant for the "choose religions" option?
what is the new button for the espionage screen (f11?)
Hmm, there's still the Same Religion/Different Religion modifiers, but nothing on Favorite Religion other than what I already mentioned. I don't think it's there :dunno:

Ok, well, as Gaius Octavius stated, there could be modifiers in other files. Then again, as long as favorite religion:
  • Makes the leader likely to choose the religion when they get a religion tech
  • Makes the leader likely to adopt the favorite religion when it spreads to their lands
then I suppose the modifier is implicitly stored in the SameReligion modifier. (since they will be more likely to be running their favorite religion anyhow)
I'll poke around the other XML files for a little while, if I see anything related to a leader's favorite religion, I'll inform you guys. Doesn't seem to be, though..
So now for the $64,000 question: what exactly does this do to gameplay, since it's defined in the standard game? Is it always there, or is there a special "switch" in code somewhere for a modder to activate it later on? Or is it just relevant for the "choose religions" option?

'Choose religions' is in the standard game? Didn't we just see Joao found Buddhism?
I'll poke around the other XML files for a little while, if I see anything related to a leader's favorite religion, I'll inform you guys. Doesn't seem to be, though..

You could try doing a file search in the XML directory for files containing text strings such as "FavoriteReligion", "favorite" etc. (AFAIK the XML directory is mainly text format files, no large binaries, so a text string file search should go smoothly)
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