• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

stNANES4: Realistic Fusion

puglover you get it, but people, please read the Religion and Government rules! I will change it for you if it is not changed by the first update, on Sunday or Monday.
First update is actually in about a half-hour or less, but you don't need to send orders. It will just deal with new civilizations forming. The government and religion changes need to be in by the first update with orders.
Wandering throughout the lands of the middle kingdom one man rises above the rest to claim leadership over all chinese men women and children. In his hands the destiny of the chinese people is entrusted. It is decided to stop their nomadic ways and found a center of civilization in the midst of the wilderness. This "True Kingdom" would be the center of all things good in the world.

Grow economy by introcing marketplaces for barder and trade in chinese towns.
Send the men of the army forth to explore new lands and claim them for china, in every direction.
i dont think naervod will take puma;s orders
No, I will take them, but please, every one read government and religion rules and change your stats accordingly!

Along the banks of the Upper Tigris, a group of people band together to call themselves the Assyrians.

Nearby, yet unbeknowst to anyone, the Medians begin the fabric of their civilization on the shores of the Caspian Sea.

On the Bosporous Straits, a group of men and women decide to settle down and call their city Byzantium.

The minions of a great leader settle on the Nile Delta to form the country of Minionland.

Along the banks of the Ganges river, a great of wise shamans band their people together to form the civilization of Indus.

On the Yangtze Delta, a group of short but quick and strong men found a civilization they call China.

Built on seven large hills and the banks of the Po River, Rome quickly becomes a prosperous city-state.

In the Highlands of Scotland, a group of warriors unites and sets up a few villages, calling their nation the Celts.

Along the banks of the Potomac River, a charismatic man named Ronald Regan takes charge of a few ailing groups of people and makes them into a strong, established nation, America.

On Lake Texcoco, the beginning of a city with causeways is built, signaling the rise of a tribe calling themselves the Aztecs.

-NPC Messages-




Welcome to the NES. This update I did not take orders, so if any of you posted orders, I will use them for next update. This update is to show where your civilization is and therefore allows to to do some detailed expansion orders.

Also, a reminder, that no one has posted changes (in NEW posts) to their religion/governments, which I cannot keep stressing is important, because if you don't do it, I will do it for you next update.

@amirsan-For next update, you need to change your orders to say how you will expand your economy.

Next update scheduled for Monday.

Shaman Aklar was a determined man. Indus had been created using his own two hands, over three lifetimes. Others had helped, sure, but he was the one to anchor the little civilization along.

He would make sure Indus remained safe under his wise rule and leadership. The fertile Ganges (i think thats the river) would help his dream.

- increase economy
- expand south, and down the Ganges river using 200 men
It was just as the prophets predicted. Darius of the Medes rose to power and became Emperor. He ordered an expansion to the south. An Empire was born. Will it stand the Test of Time?

- Train the Army
- Expand Southwest

Through thousands of years in th past, of our ancestors have been exploring and searching for a place to settle thier first village. It was called Tenochitlan (spelling error). The people of Tenochitlan praised the god of the Sun and gave sacrifice everyday untill many were dying. One man rised up before this and called the land and people of Azteca his. His name was Montezuma. He traveled to the heart of Tenochitlan with his followers and murdered the last chief and used his blood for the Gods. He called himself the Despot in this what he called a Despotism.

The people, not only approved this, they worshipped Montezuma. Many people day by day visit him, and cheer him outside of his built Masonry Temple Palace. He loved his people, he grew as one of them and wanted the best for them. He decided to begin a great Pyramid for Philosophers and sacrifices to sooth the people with help from the gods. He called it The Great Aztecan Pyramids.

The people cheer as the Pyramids are being constructed, each one takes turns to help every month, then another starts. This is the work ethic of our people.

As much as I take pride in our people's hapiness, I take more in our military. We have no other way except rocks to fight the animals around us, I call our Shrine Gods to find out a way to fight in war, not hunting. They told me they will need more Temples to do thier best, I agreed and paid for a contruction of one temple and one temple only to begin on thier research.

-Expand in all ways.
-Begin the Great Aztecan Temple +3 Education, +1 Hapiness, +1 Confidence.
-Higher Education by building a temple to motivate our Shrine Gods to research new ways of war.

Hello, is this still moveing???
Built on seven large hills and the banks of the Po River, Rome quickly becomes a prosperous city-state

actually its the piave river , the river po is almost 1000km more to the north (i was born and raised in by one of the lakes that flows into the po :) )

The Celts
After many years of anarcy , a great man arose his streng and brutality worked as a magnet for the people of the Highlands , flocks of young men from nearby villages came to him and swore loyalty to him , now he had and army , and proclaimed " its time forge his empire out of darkness"

Use every capable men to expand in england
Initiate the Wonder: the Circle of Bards ( +3 Culture +1 Confidence)

Increase Army Size (if not possible Train the Army)

UU: Woad Raiders (Very Fast Unarmored Foot Unit)
Leader:Czar Peter the Great /Jack_www
Government: Despotism
Religion: Animalism
Army: 300 men, Poorly Trained, Stone Age
Navy: 3 canoes, Poorly Trained, Stone Age
Economy: Stable
Culture: None
Education: N/A
Confidence in Leader: 7
No this isn't dead, amirsan, thanks for joining Jack, and thanks for the correction Feanor. Also, a reminder for all those whohaven't done so to post orders and also change their religion/government stats if they are incorrect.
The Empire of Russia

The People of Russia finaly founded their first city, Moscow. Now their leader Peter the Great has risen amoung them to lead the Russian people to a bright future. Using the Russian people's intelligence and strength Peter the Great looks to build a strong Russian nation.

Start to expand out of Moscow toward Europe. Start anther city.
Start the Great Library(+3 education, +1 culture)
Yes, 4000 BC is too early, especially since there is no education until Bronze Age.
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