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stNANES4: Realistic Fusion

well then I will change the wonder then.

Orders for Russia:
Build the Great Statue of Peter the Great(Confidence +2, culture +1)
(basicly a statue of the current Russian ruler).

Expand in every direction as quickly as possible.
Epxpand economy by building roads
Update in a few hours, also remember to change religion and government stats if they are incorrect (check rules).
Sorry, no story now


- Expand East into Sinai peninsula
- Increase economy by irrigating Nile

Leader: AAminion00
Government: Rough Despotism
Religion: Animalism
Army: 300 men, Poorly Trained, Stone Age
Navy: 3 canoes, Poorly Trained, Stone Age
Economy: Stable
Culture: None
Education: N/A
Confidence in Leader: 7
Chinese explorers sail in their canoes along the banks of the Yangtze, where they start setting up marketplaces. However, construction of these marketplaces has been slowed by the annual flooding of the Yangtze.

The Indus tribe has a fairly easy time expanding down the Ganges, but has a harder time expanding toward the south, making slow progress there.

The desert is a harsh foe for the expanding Median tribe, but the soldiers trek on. Also, an army expansion for the Medians hits their economy, but it is nothing that can't be easily fixed.

The Aztecans expand quickly, using the knowledge of the land to expand rapidly. Also, more people start farming, allowing the Aztecan economy a boost.

Celtic Woad Raiders allow people to expand quickly, sooon allow the Scots to dominate all of Scotland.

South Africans are able to expand fairly quickly using extensive knowledge of the varied terrain in the southern part of the continent.

The Roman people do not feel inclined to expand, but they do receive significant military upgrades. However, the massive amounts of upgrading take a toll on the Roman economy.

The Russian people have fairly fast expansion through the vast plains of the continent.

Byzantine people expand very quickly, as their engineers have laid roads, expanding their economy.

The people of the Nile start expanding into the Sinai Peninsula, making slow progress in the desert. However, irrigation of the Nile has started and soon, all Minion crops will be serviced and the economy increased.

American and Assyrian leaders have not shown any particular fondness towards leading their nation.

Aztecs start the Great Aztecan Temple, and already nmany people are flocking to help in construction However, it's benefits are great and the temple is huge, so it will take a while to construct (6 turns).

South Africans start the Great Lion Temple, on a plateau overlooking Cape Town. This wonder will not take long to build, but is still a great one indeed (3 turns).

Russians start the Statue of Peter the Great in Russia. Many flock to help with this monument (4 turns).

Azale, you have to say how you upgrade economy.

Good job, only Jason and CG didn't send orders (Grrrr...)
Assyrian Empire

The Emperor lie dead in his quarters. The time of Assyrian idleness was finally over. His son, Hepip II would take rule, and he was not a pacifist like his father. Being schooled by the finest generals of Mesopotamia, Hepip was a king among generals, knowing a battlefield like the back of his hand.

He always walked around with his club on his back, ready for anything. That is what he was like. A man willing to take chances, willing to go out on the limb, especially for his country. He walked into the large hut which be the war room of the imperial section in Nineveh, what is Assyria now. There the warrior lords of the various bands of warriors who are loyal to Assyria greet him with a nod. Sitting down on the floor by the fire, which melted into the dark starless sky through the open roof. The 12 men there each controlled 20 men who were loyal to Assyria, the Emperor commanded 60, and so that is why he was emperor. Hepip began the meeting.

"My friends, the time of Assyrian dormance is over. Our armies more then quadruple that of our neighbors. Let us take advantage of this! I propose a joint strike upon our enemies in Assur now! THey have always tormented and ordered Nineveh to do their biddings. They will not expect an attack, let us hit them when they are not expecting it!"

Most of the men nodded in agreement, though there was one who stood up.

"We should join with these people, they are much alike our own. Why waste blood when we can waste words on them, words of encouragement to join our empire? I will not commit my men to such atrocities such as war."

"The majority has spoken, Maja." Hepip said, also rising from the hard floor. Their heads now almost reached the top of the adobe wall.

"No" Before Maja could let out another word after, Hepip had his club across Maja's face so quickt that many of the other men wondered why Maja was lieing on the floor.

"Let this be a lesson to the rest of you. Once the majority has spoken, the decision has been made. I expect your warriors at the gates tomorrow." and he left the room and dissapeared into the black, empty night, leaving Maja on the floor rubbing his chin and the others gazing at awe. Some went to go help Maja but were stubbornly shooed away by the embarrased general.

Increase army
Attack Assur with 240 men (60 remain in Nineveh for the protection of the city).
The canoes are to help with the transportation of supplies down the river.
(assur is south)
Initiate the Wonder: the Circle of Bards ( +3 Culture +1 Confidence)
is there some reason that the wonder did not start?
Increase Army
are those 25 Woad Raiders it?

(im still pretty much a NES newbie so i might have done something wrong that im not aware of)
@Feanor- The wonder was supposed to start, I missed it b/c it was late and I was being hassled to get off the computer. However, yes the 25 Woad Raiders is it for increasing army. In Stone Age, regulars increase by 50 and UU's increase by 25. It is the Stone Age, so it is fairly slow.
The Celts

Brennus was very satisfied with how the celtic expansion went , his elite troops , the woad raiders , prooved invaluable for the task and therefore he planned to recruit more so that the expasion may go even faster.

Expand in southern england
Initiate (or continue) the Wonder: the Circle of Bards ( +3 Culture +1 Confidence)
Recruit 25 more Woad Raiders
- Build a wonder: The Ishtar Gate (+ army ++ culture)
- Grow Economy
- Expand South
Orders: Use canoes to expand farther along yangzee river
attempt to use the annual flooding to our benifit by using the leftover silt to improve farming.
Update tomorrow afternoon. Get your orders and stories in!;)
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