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stNANES4: Realistic Fusion

Update pushed back to Tuesday unless I get 3 more sets of orders by 7:00 PM PST tonight (3 hours).
Ummm, you already posted orders, which set do you want me to use?
- Attack Assur with 300 men
- Defend Media with the rest
- Continue construction of the Ishtar Gate (2/6)
- Train the army for war

The King feasted on birds and fruits at the feast in the Palace. The Assurians were outnumbered 2 to 3. And soon the warriors would be skilled in battle. The Medes were winning battles. The King was overcome with pleasure. Media took much land in the war. Workers etched the names of the fallen on the side of the Ishtar Gate which was under construction. The Army morale was at an all-time high and Assur was on the run.
Byzantine Orders

Continue building Great Port of Byzantine
Send 3/4 of the Army to fight the Bulgars and annex their lands.
Send the remaining 1/4 of the army to the east to annex the rest of antonolia.
I have 8/11. I will start update. If you want to send orders, contact me on AIM.

- increase economy
- expand down Ganges
- expand north
- expand south
- continue Ganges Shrine (x2)
Naervod, please change me to Egypt

Egypt was expanding now, but it still needed to be much bigger. The king knew that an increased economy was the best way to increse the empire, so he hastily ordereed for the construction of a great lighthouse. Up untill then, Alexandria merely recieved small fishing boats, but a great lighthouse would allow for merchant ships from all over the world to reach the great Egyptian port. His architects had already drafted plans, now AAMinion00 just had to wait for the farming season to finish, and he'd send the populus to work on the tower.

In the meanwhile, a great expedition was mounted. The king's whole army, recently increased, was to march into the lands known as Israel and Phoenicia, and annex the people there as part of the Egyptian empire.


- Increase army
- Start Great Lighthouse of Alexandria (+3 economy)
- Expand with army to Israel and Phoenicia
The Koreans become a fully fledged civilization, already controlling the Korean Peninsula and bordering China.

After hearing threats to their nation, Zulu warrirors rally and push the South Africans back a little. However, expansion goes as normal in the north.

A combined Assyrian-Median attack takes Assur off guard and destroys them completely with many wounded, but no dead.

The Roman economy, at rock bottom, cannot handle the stress of adding more men to the army. Adding to their problems, the Etruscans have added more men to their ranks.

The Byzantines enter fierce battles with the Bulgars. It is a deadly war of attrition with both sides taking many casualties for only a little land gained by the Byzantines.

-NPC Messages-
To: China
From: Korea

We would love further cooperation with your nation, what were you thinking of?

To: South Africa
From: Zulu Barbarians

We will never join you should you threaten us like that.

To: Scotland
From: Welsh Barbarians

Please do not expand any further south.

To: Indus
From: Mauryan Barbarians

Do not expand to the west, lest you be set upon by our warriors.

The Great Lion Temple of South Africa is complete. It boosts Chief Volum's ailing (hint hint) approval rating and helps the South African economy.

The Great Lighthouse of Alexandria is started! This lighthouse will have torches to warn off ships from the rocky coast. This will greatly help the Egyptian economy (4 turns)


China, I used your second set of orders since I assumed they were final set since they were last ones you posted.
USA has become NPC due to lack of leadership.
Missing Russian orders for a second turn. If there are no posted orders next turn, it will become NPC.
Azale, you need to say how to increase economy.
I am removing UU's and Wonders from post and making it a histograph post (starting next turn). All wonders and UU's can be seen on nation template.
The feast was of MASSIVE proportions, the Grand Chiefs and Governerors had to be carried out because of drunkeness. :crazyeye: The turkey was the best in the Empire and the fruit was grown by the richest of farmers. Confetti filled the air as a parade marched past the balconies of the Palace. The people celebrated. The people were so happy they worked twice as hard and the economy boomed. The Assurian king was led in a gold 12x12 cage during the festivites. Then a blanket was thrown over the cage and the soldiers played a game. They would throw spears blindly into the cage and try to impale the king. The fifth spear went throgh the king's heart. He fell in a bloody heap on the floor of the cage. His ministers and governers were tossed into a pit of raging lions and his generals were burned at the stake. :king:

- Continue the Ishtar Gate
- Expand according to the Middle East Deal
- Grow Economy

To: Neighbors
From: Media

Ishtar the spirit of the Earth speaks! Allies, would you be interested in this good division of the Middle East?


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Aklar was flustered and angry over the boisterous demands from the Mauryans. They demanded the larger and more powerful Indus Civilization cease expanding to the west. So he had 3 options:

1. Agree with the Mauryans and halt expansion westward.

2. Negotiate a land deal, to fairly divide territory

3. Send the army and show them who's boss

I think its pretty clear what Aklar chose.

- finish Ganges Shrine (3/3) (+1 culture, + faster expansion)
- increase army size
- expand to the south
- expand down the Ganges into RL Bangledesh
- use entire army (300 men) vs the Mauryans (150 men), if it seems we have the situation well in hand, allow settlers to come and help expand west
To Media
From Assyria

We would like a small strip of land around the Tigris that borders you, but other then that we are happy with this division.
The Archdruid Arundel was right , the celts and the welsh tribes were shared their heritage en faith , Brennus was glad no blood was shed , but there was only one problem , the celts needed to expand and south was the only option , the only alternative for now was ireland and that was acceptable , but what when ireland was conquered? will Brennus have to resolve to war to be able to expand his empire?

Expand with the whole fleet and army into ireland
Improve economy introducing taxes
Continue wonder Circle of Bards

Welsh cousins , our fathers were brothers and we worship the same gods , are you willing to reunite our tribes and join us in our and prosper in peace in these great lands?
Originally posted by Jason The King
To Media
From Assyria

We would like a small strip of land around the Tigris that borders you, but other then that we are happy with this division.

Very good. We are agreed. Let's see what Egypt and Byzantium have to say.
Sorry for being gone for so long.

Russia orders:
keep on expanding(for the long term)
Start building roads between cities to make trade easer.
Start contruction of a market place in Capital.
Send a band of warriors out, 20 of them to find other nations.
Byzantine Orders

Upgrade econom by building road systems
Continue building the Great Port of Byzantine. (t3)
Continue the invasion of Bulgar territoruy with 3/4 of the army
Continue expansion eastwards and fill out the rest of Antonolia
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