Strategy discussions

So, Kuche doesn't care if we research Chivalry, and they will research it themselves. Now our goal should be to reach Military Tradition with a decent tech lead over Kuche, while not giving Kuche any incentive to attack us early while they have Chivalry and we don't :hmm:. Meanwhile, we want to make sure we don't help Anarchie too much against the Brotherhood :hmm::hmm:.

Yeah, things do not get less complicated, right? But I hope that Kueche is not going to attack us while our lux trade is active.
I think I had some brain fart. actually it WAS agreed on that Chivalry is part of the agreement.

Look here:

1. Die Deutsche Küche, The Eagles and Goldene Anarchie build a research alliance making the technologies warrior code, ceremonial burial, mysticism, the republic, polytheism, code of law, map making, construction, monotheism, chivalry, literature, mathematics, horseback riding, currency, feudalism and engineering available to each party.

2. Die Deutsche Küche researches warrior code(75), ceremonial burial(50), mysticism(100), the republic(600) and polytheism(300).

3. The Eagles research code of law(214), map making(300) and construction(500).

4. Goldene Anarchie researches literature(250), mathematics(200), horseback riding(125) and currency(400).

5. Researching the technologies monotheism(900), chivalry(800), feudalism(800) and engineering(900) will be assigned to a party as soon as the bonustechnologies of The Eagles and Goldene Anarchie are determinated. A possible war may be regarded in those assignments.

6. None of the technologies part of this agreement are permitted to be passed in any way to The Knights’ Brotherhood with only two exceptions: Literature has been passed before negotiating the agreement. Mathematics are permitted to be sold for a price of 125 gold.

7. The costs of researching every technology have been noted above. Those costs will be shared by one third for each party. There are only two exception: The costs of researching code of law will be shared by one half for Die Deutsche Küche and The Eagles each. In case The Eagles and Goldene Anarchie receive the same bonustechnology Die Deutsche Küche will only pay one quarter of the costs to The Eagles and Goldene Anarchie each. If Mathematics are sold the gained gold will by shared by one third for each party.
All goldtransfers are added and than rounded to integers.
So if The Eagles and Goldene Anarchie will both put 1700 gold into researching technologies of the medieval age Die Deutsche Küche will pay 548 gold to The Eagles and 492 Gold to Goldene Anarchie.

8. The transfer of the gold payments may be prioritized in order to prioritize the research of the receiving party. In case of a war Goldene Anarchie may delay their payments up to 10 turns. But in that case transfering technologies may be delayed, too.

9. All technologies will be exchanged immediatly when researched. Delaying that is only possible if both the sending and the receiving party agree to do so.

I am currently doing some calculations and will come back to our trouble.

Furthermore, the Theology, Education deal will only be between Anarchy and Eagles.
Please have a look at this:


As a conclusion, I think we have to reimburse 8 gold to Kueche, we have to receive 208 gold from Anarchie from the first deal AND we have to receive another 100 gold from Anarchie after the Theology/Education deal.

I do not care that much for the payment between the other teams, but we need to convince Anarchie that Chivalry was planned right from the beginning, just not, who will research it.

Why didn't Kueche mention it?? It was so obvious?
Kuche - I wouldn't worry about 8 gold. They think they paid us the right amount, so I wouldn't confuse the issue. They owe us Chivalry, and then we will be even, and I think we should just leave it at that.

Anarchie - They owe us 208 gold regardless of whether they think Chivalry was part of the deal or not. Let's just get our 208 gold, and not talk about Chivarly. That's not our problem.
I think I had some brain fart. actually it WAS agreed on that Chivalry is part of the agreement.

i am currently doing some calculations and will come back to our trouble.

Furthermore, the Theology, Education deal will only be between Anarchy and Eagles.

Actually, I mentioned it was part of the deal as early as October 26th in the Anarchie Embassy thread. I also posted this in post 243 in the same thread...

Proposed message to the ANA ~

To the Free People,

Our friends in the Kitchen are adamant about keeping Chivalry in the 3-way agreement. Researching the agreement, we have found that they have a point, it was in the original proposal and agreed upon treaty. Therefore Eagles have decided to change course a bit.

There is also the matter of the gold due us by the Free People for prior technology. Have you a payment lined up to send to us? We need it now to help with our research costs. Thanks.

Your Eagle Correspondent

You must have me on ignore, Calis. The Anarchy does not owe us 208 gold, as you state. They owe us that and the 42 gold (one third of the profit made selling Mathematics to the BH) for a total of 250 gold. But oh well.
Yes, Cyc. You are right and I am glad you point me at it. I just recognized that you have written it in post 243. :blush:

And the second point just slipped by me.

I do not have you on ignore. Sorry about that!!

I will correct the amount to 250 gold!!
No problem, Calis. I was just having a momentary lapse of reason. Glad we agree.

As I stated in the Anarchie thread, I believe we should start eaning towards an isolationist position in our scientific research. As least refrain from putting anything in writing until we are sure of every step through these murky waters.

Let's bee-line for MT after education. Let's not trade techs until the last possible moment of opportunity. With the Worker additions to the core, and the immediate growth, we should be able to put some stress in our counterparts. Hopefully, we can disrupt any plans they have made and move toward the game supremacy that Calis spoke of in another thread.

I'm still thinking about Barracks and defensive units....
As I stated in the Anarchie thread, I believe we should start eaning towards an isolationist position in our scientific research. As least refrain from putting anything in writing until we are sure of every step through these murky waters.

I think you mean the same as I do, but I want to point it out clearly. We must be careful not to end as the wrong end of a 3-1 alliance. We should do our own research, but should try to keep some friends. Exchange of luxuries and such.
I think we need to continue a loose tech alliance with Anarchie. If we do not trade with them, it seems very likely that Kuche will. I think we should stipulate in our current agreement that if either Theology or Education is traded/sold to anyone else, then Eagles and Anarchie will split the proceeds. We don't need a long-term agreement with them, but as each research project is started, we should probably make a short-term agreement with Anarchie.
I think we should try to trade world maps with the Kitchen and take snapshots of our rivals. Then trade world maps with the BH or the Anarchie (or both) and take more snapshots. Then compare the 2 or three (depending on if we trade with everyone). Let's get a good idea of what's gone on with the war on the other continent (hopefully).
Our world maps are the most valuable. Thus, I would not like to trade it away. But for your purpose, we could trade territory maps.

What do you think?
The world is going to be known to all soon anyway. We need to see the differences in the other nations maps. If it has been a while since the Kitchen has traded with the BH, then if we get the new BH map, we can see the difference the war has caused, givining us a more accurate picture of the world today. We already know what the world looks like, but by slyly obtaining the other nations maps, we will also learn world history, not just world geography.

Our world map for this education is a good deal. But we have to play it right and post the new pics.
I'm okay with trading our world maps away if it gives us a possible advantage. I'd rather see us get everyone else's world maps and maybe something extra if we can pull it off.
True. Maps plus gold is fine...
I'm ok with trading maps. Gold would be nice, but I think it is extremely unlikely anyone will agree that our map is worth giving anything extra.
4 to 1 so far...
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