• Civ7 is already available! Happy playing :).

Stream June 6

No indication whether the patch is coming out before this stream or after.
Was there a stream to coincide with the last patch? I forget.
Thursday is their stream-day, so the patch really could fall anytime between now and next week, although most likely later on Thursday.
I'm sure someone will correct me if I miss-remember, but I seem to recall there was a stream and then the patch went live later in the day. (Cue the fact-checkers in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...)

Last time the livestream was on a Friday and the patch was the following Tuesday.
June 6 . . . Wasn't there something else we sometimes commemorate on that day?

Oh yes, the fact that the Normans are still not a Civ in Civ VI.
Carl just tweeted that he is going to be on the stream, so I anticipate some warmongery.
They need a weird name for this patch. "June 2019 Update" is just too boring. The last one was the "Mid-Summer Antarctic Update" so I propose the "Pre-Solstice Terran Transmogrification". Who is with me?
They need a weird name for this patch. "June 2019 Update" is just too boring. The last one was the "Mid-Summer Antarctic Update" so I propose the "Pre-Solstice Terran Transmogrification". Who is with me?

Patagonian Late-Fall Patch.
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