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Stupidest thing you've ever done (that you can remember)

May 22, 2003
I know I've done some stupid stuff. I'd have to say the stupidest thing I've ever done is snorting lime-salt (It's like lime flavored salt) not once, but twice. (once for each nostril). But today I almost topped that one, close, but not quite. I saw my friend driving up so I ran out in front of him, then I tripped and fell. I got my right foot ran over, but that didn't hurt too much. The part that hurt is that when I fell I sprained my left ankle. :crazyeye: Talk about stupidity (too bad you don't have hindsight BEFORE you do something stupid). :lol:

So this got me to wondering, has anyone else done something this stupid, or even worse? I'm pretty sure I can't be the only person here without any common sense.
well i can think of three really stupid things. i licked rust once. i stuck a paper clip in an outlet once. and i snorted a smartie and then about an hour later i snorted a sweat tart.
Putting dry ice in my mouth in order to create the "dragon effect" - which is fume coming out of my mouth.
What happened in reality is that after a few second, an accidental and uncontrolable burp caused the ice to slip into my throat and stick to my gullet in the same way that a wet tongue sticks to an icy panel. That caused a painful cold blister that healed after about two weeks, living me almost unable the swallow for the first few days after the incident. ;)

Luckily no permanent harm done, despite the stupid act.
1. Walked away from the single most beautiful woman in the world (rich, witty and intelligent too).

2. Almost killed myself (inches from losing my head), and then acted like everything was cool.

I've done a bunch of other stupid things, but the above warrant endless torment and self-hatred.
Fortunately I have a knack for avoided stupid incidents by.. not being stupid. The worst things I have done are paltry compared to what you guys have done :p
wow,where do i begin,lets see..
the biggest expression of stupidity was probaly when i kicked a sea urchin(football style) on the beach.it was in my toe nails for the next few years.
most recent,drunk ofcourse,got pissed off and slammed my fist into a wall.still hurts,have to see doctor .. :ack:
Top 5 Alltime Stupidest Actions, in chronological order.

(1) Appx. 1986 -- I slashed a neighbor's tires with a knife. Hey, they triple-dog-dared me!

(2) Appx. 1995 -- A few of my friends poured nail polish onto a shirt that was used as a makeshift flag of protest against the local borough government in order to set it on fire. Nobody had the balls to drop a match on it. I did.

(3) 1996 -- I hated my Math teacher in nineth grade, so I purposely failed the fourth quarter in order to "show him". I did not do a single bit of work. I ended up failing the quarter with a total of -1 point. I recieved -1 point for writing my name in ink, on a test. You are supposed to use a pencil. I left the rest of the test blank.

(4) 1997 -- I met and became excellent friends with a girl who moved into my school district when I was in 10th Grade. I would have dated her, but my best friend wanted to date her. So, out of loyalty I passed on someone I could very well have spent my life with. What is more is that my loser best friend ended up using drugs and drinking excessively and handed that behavior off to her. Now with her beauty and character withered away, she is just an empty shell and a single-mother. This I reget the most, not because of not being with her, but what her being with him has done to her life. I know if she would have been with me, things would have worked out better.

(5) 1997 -- I was mad at my parents for something I cannot even remember so to "show them" I began smoking cigarettes. Although I quit after a mere two or three years, it was likely to most stupid thing I've ever done.

(6) 2000 -- I tried to join the United States Army. Thankfully I was rejected due to a prohibitive medical condition.

Okay, so that is six...
John HSOG said:
(5) 1997 -- I was mad at my parents for something I cannot even remember so to "show them" I began smoking cigarettes. Although I quit after a mere two or three years, it was likely to most stupid thing I've ever done.

i also started smoking because my parents annoyed me.they accused me of smoking before i even started.i was getting so tired of my mothers 'why do you smell like an ashtray?-bs' that i did it.
I faintly remember once, in a vodka induced haze, saying something vaguely affirmative about Bill Clinton.............but I will deny it if ever asked in public.....
I had gum in my mouth before basketball practice once, and, rather than ask to go to the restroom (where the nearest trash can was) to throw it away, I stuck it in my sock. And that's just one of many...
Wow, you guys have done stupid stuff. :twitch: :joke:

I like to think I haven't done many dumb things, (I thought this would be things that made you feel stupid.) But I broke my wrist by doing something stupid (if you've ever seen 2 driveways really close to each other, the sidewalk goes up and back down. If you bicycle on this, you will be in the air for a few seconds. Well, that was a bit too fun and I made a mistake... I'l leave it there.) What else... I routinely open the refrigerator door when looking for something like a phone (it makes you feel pretty stupid when you realize what you're doing, but no actual harm done to you.)
When I was in school some guys payed me $4 to poor vinegar onto a pile of salt, wad into a ball about the size of a half-dollar and swallow it whole.

Another time I dropped some Fren, ahem..excuse me, American toast into a floor in my bathroom one morning, I picked it up and took a bite assuming the 5 second rule, and unwittingly I never noticed it had fallen into shaved facial hair. I was spitting out hairs all day.
Went to college right out of high school. If I could do it again I'd have joined the military right out of high school and done college on the side. Dang, I could be retired in my 30's!

Let my soul mate pass me by. Happily married to another, but I know she could do better.

Waited till my 30's to start sky-diving and scuba-diving. Should have started long ago.
When I was younger I regularily made a garlic and chilli eating contest with my brother (we´re twins) -who could eat the greatest amount won 20 Austrian Shillings which was about 1.5 $ this time )

At most of the parties in my last school year I was so drunk, that I failed twice to notice that a girl I liked wanted something from me - and in my condition I said something really stupid and every door was closed (don´t remember exactly what I did say)
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