Suggestion. Displaying GNP on the main map.


Feb 19, 2002

Your Gross National Product GNP is an important part of your stability.

I think it would be useful if it was displayed on the main map screen.

This would avoid the multiple actions needed to check it every turn or so:

Having to select F9 or click on Info screen icon.
Then Demographics. (for the value).
Then Graphs. (for movement up or down).
Then Score and GNP(gold).
Then Last 50 turns. (In order to see it better).
Followed by Esc or click Exit button, to return to the main map.

It could be displayed in the top left corner after the gold per turn income. Displaying the actual +/- value. It should also be colour coded. Red for falling GNP, yellow for static growth and green for increasing GNP.

If the value can not be displayed, then how about just the letters GNP colour coded as described above.
BTS is going gold very soon (if not already gone). I think that won't be modifications to the mod for some time.
Sorry guys. Some of my comments in the original post are not relevent.

Rhye uses a more detailed formula to calculate the GNP for stability purposes. The GNP calculated in the demographics is to simplistic and only takes into account total commerce and expenditure.

So displaying that, would probably not be all that useful.
Sorry guys. Some of my comments in the original post are not relevent.

Rhye uses a more detailed formula to calculate the GNP for stability purposes. The GNP calculated in the demographics is to simplistic and only takes into account total commerce and expenditure.

So displaying that, would probably not be all that useful.

Nope. However, combining GNP, Food production, MFG then comparing current value to 3, 6 and 9 turns ago will give you a rough estimate of what your stability bonus is.
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