Swordfighting Swashbuckler


Civ2 spearman
Sep 21, 2001
I can't beat many on swashbuckler. I've practiced swordfighting in tavern, and the best results I have so far is with cutlass, jumping and dodging. But it's hard. Once the speed increases, I don't see what the opponents next move is, making it almost impossible to beat him. Once you get a puffy shirt and a faster sword things will get much much easier.

What's a good tactic in the beginning? I chose wit and charms because I'm a good dancer now and the daughters give me stuff. The earlier the better, and with wit and charms, it's gonna be earlier. I need easier fights and get promoted so I can start charming the ladies.
skill at fencing (makes you faster)
Use your own dancing skill to get items from the attractive daughters, then go after the tougher targets.
I do believe chosing fencing is not necessary. It is tough, but one should be able to get by anyway without hundreds of reloads. I'll try some more.

You never know when you meet tough targets really. Maybe you know more about this.
Well, I think most of us usually don't reload. I find fencing to be the best skill to take - or medicine since you're gonna be sailing along time looking for silly Lost Cities, etc.
I haven't played without reloads myself. I think it would be tough. I'll try it though, but not on swashbuckler. I would never manage that because you have to depend so much on your reactions and timing in swordfights and dancing. Gotta be alert at all time, like super mario bros.
You are talking about Sid Meier's Pirates! Live the Life aren't you?

Board fast, cut their legs off.
Use Skill at fencing and all the fencing gear.
They never stand a chance.

You only need one key - the "1"

If you get careless and they have a rapier, you may need to reload the "Battle" save once an hour.

Yes I am talking about Swashbuckler level.
Once you got the gear you terrorize the carribean until age finally slows you down.
Use the cutlass and taunt. The cutlass slows down enemy attacks, so you can dodge. Then taunt, which will slow them down even more, giving you enough time to dodge and then land a counterattack. If you taunt the advantage very far in your favor, the enemy will stop attacking. In this situation, you can land a hit by faking them out: for example, hit high attack and then immediately press low attack. Of course, it still helps if you've got more sailors than your enemy. But that won't help against ladies' fiances, who are some of the best fencers in the game. Definitely get some good equipment before fighting them.
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