Team Free Embassy

From FREE for turn 274:
Dear Wise Ones in The Council,

Saber's naval forces keep growing and moving around. We have spotted
four (not three, but four) major groupings of Orange units at sea.

Saber hasn't made any threats or demanded anything of us; they still
seemed very focused on you. That could change.

We only sent three screenshots this time, all from the Gulf of Freeborn.

Sincerely yours,

Art Parry
aka CommandoBob

Let FREEdom ring
Let the white dove sing...
Looks like the SABER ships moved closer to their core? We should run some EWS to be sure...


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I suggest we immediately send the following to FREE:
Dear FREE friends,

We have long appreciated your intel regarding SABER ship movements, but we feel we have come to a point where we must question what your own fleet is doing. We encountered a large gather of ships just off the coast of The Bayou, including no less than 10 transports and 3 carriers. Being in range of no less than two of our cities, this force could clearly pose a threat to us, and we have a very hard time seeing any legitimate reason for that fleet to be in that position. The fact that you have not mentioned these ships with a word is of course further cause for worry.

But in the spirit of our long-standing friendship, we still cling desperately to the benefit of doubt. Safety must come first, which we are sure you would understand, but after our long mutual history we feel we must at least give you a chance to explain your fleet's presence before we are forced to sink it. Such an explanation should, if it should have the least chance to stay our hand, come with a) screenshots detailing the contents of all transports in that fleet, and b) screenshots showing the locations of at least the majority of your remaining 13 transports. The latter should include mention of the year, so we can see that they are recent.

We sorely regret that we must send this note at this time, and desperately hope that the talk of Blue Brotherhood has not all been empty words. Please reply with haste, since our admirals await our word.

Still hoping for friendship,
Niklas, speaking with the voice of the Council
Sending Niklas's note (with the second and third sentences slightly edited) to the Team FREE gmail and as a pm to Commando Bob:
Spoiler :
Dear FREE friends,

We have long appreciated your intel regarding SABER ship movements, but we feel we have come to a point where we must question what your own fleet is doing. We encountered a large gathering of ships just off the coast of The Bayou, including no less than 10 transports and 3 carriers. Being in range of no less than two of our cities, this force clearly poses a threat to us, and we have a very hard time seeing any legitimate reason for that fleet to be in that position. The fact that you have not mentioned these ships with a word is of course further cause for worry.

But in the spirit of our long-standing friendship, we still cling desperately to the benefit of doubt. Safety must come first, which we are sure you would understand, but after our long mutual history we feel we must at least give you a chance to explain your fleet's presence before we are forced to sink it. Such an explanation should, if it should have the least chance to stay our hand, come with a) screenshots detailing the contents of all transports in that fleet, and b) screenshots showing the locations of at least the majority of your remaining 13 transports. The latter should include mention of the year, so we can see that they are recent.

We sorely regret that we must send this note at this time, and desperately hope that the talk of Blue Brotherhood has not all been empty words. Please reply with haste, since our admirals await our word.

Still hoping for friendship,
Niklas, speaking with the voice of the Council
From FREE:
Dear Wise People of The Council,

Yes, there is a large force of FREE ships off your coast.

There are also 6 Saber Transports roughly 4 tiles east of Freeborn.
Those cities on 11NW are rather lightly defended. Should Saber decide to attack, those three cities could disappear in a flash.

The only way we have to neutralize that threat is to have our own forces at sea in the same general area. While their carrier force is too far away to invade, it could easily support an invasion of 11NW.

Building up forces on 11NW isolates those units, plus a little paid snooping would reveal them anyway. At sea, should Saber invade, we have the ability to liberate those cities from the Orange menace that threatens the world. And perhaps remove some little Orange rinds that float across the ocean.

Saber thinks that the chances of The Council getting into space are very slim, due to their constant aeriel bombardment. That makes us their next target. And 11NW is very close to the center of Saber's current fleet movements.

Saber has been able to invade The Council for several turns now and has not. We think they are getting tired of doing their Dance of Death in the deep blue sea and are looking for a quick kill, which means 11NW.

Yeah, we're close to your shores, probably too close. That is our fault. We made no attempt to hide our movements from Saber when we moved our units. We did move a Destroyer first, so that we could avoid any Dark Blue subs in the area, but none were found. Other than that, it was just a show of force to remind Saber that their's wasn't the only navy in the area.

As for what units are in the transports we're not prepared to say.
Most of our other transports are in Ellis Island, Farkle Liberation or Unshackled.

This missive probably sounds terse and abrupt and for that I must apologize. I have just realized how late this response is to your earlier message. FREE ships could already be at the bottom of the ocean.

Sincererly yours,

Art Parry
aka CommandoBob

Let FREEdom ring,
Let the white dove sing...

My belief is that we have to trust FREE.

I think we have what we most want - neither thinks we can win, and invading us leaves the other open.

If they both turn on us, we die. If FREE invades, we probably die and SABER wins. If SABER invades, we probably die and FREE wins.

I dunno - what do you guys think?
This answer is way to weak for my taste. :shake:
No real try to convince us, not an approach of a guarantee. :nono:

They are not prepared to say what units are on board? :dubious:

He already expects we probably already sank them anyway. I say we should meet his expectations :smug: :hammer:

edit: It might also be a kick-off for SABER against FREE (or us) if we should manage to sink some units there (which I doubt)...
Like AT says above, the big picture is still the same: if FREE attacks us they are likely to lose, and SABER knows this as well, since they have only been sitting at sea in a sea-war of attrition.

I reckon we have to trust them, but be prepared for an invasion from BOTH. It could well be that they have decided to get rid of us before going for the winning battle between themselves.
Well, I don't buy the reasoning. If this force is there to liberate 11NW in the event SABER takes it why did they sail past 11NW towards The Bayou? The direct route to Freeborn from either of their continents is short and does not come close to our lands. I vote to sink those transports.

SABER is up to 8 armies and 30 marines.

I'm not sure how good our chances are of winning. We're nine turns from the final tech, our opponents seem to have enough fire power to deny us rubber by simply bombing our airport on OGI and they probably have enough cash to continuously sabotage Apollo or SS parts. I suggest we do not rush to build Apollo but continue to stockpile shields in the big pre-builds for a few more turns and track our enemies sabotage efforts against us.
Well, I don't buy the reasoning. If this force is there to liberate 11NW in the event SABER takes it why did they sail past 11NW towards The Bayou? The direct route to Freeborn from either of their continents is short and does not come close to our lands. I vote to sink those transports.

What if we sent FREE a quick note pointing out the flawed reasoning you lined up above?
Could that be a way of calling their bluff, or avoiding direct action?
I don't think it would help much to call their bluff. If this is the first part of a one-two punch then we need to use the subs to sink the transports so we can use our land forces to absorb any second blow.
Alright, I'll try to play in a short while. The consensus is clearly to sink the transports, so that's what I'll do.
We should reply with the battle log, something like:

Alas, dear friends in blue. We did receive your letter too late - the save hangup was from some other stuff we had to do, but we had sent the transports to the bottom.

We apologize for this, but we felt danger.
I was quite a lot more eloquent than that. ;)

Sent to FREE:
Dear People of FREE,

It is with heavy hearts we must inform you that our semi-automatic defense systems were triggered, and sent 9 FREE transports to the bottom of the Bayou Bay. We sorely regret that we had to take this measure, but the words we received in response to our desperate query did little to none to assuage the fears of our admirals. We desperately hope that the Brotherhood In Blue has not brought upon ourselves a classic tragedy, and that we have brought about a world of dreaded Orange.

We hope that the wise people of FREE see our move for what it was, and not take it as an act of aggression. There are now 9 submarines trapped next to your large fleet, totally vulnerable. We can only beg and hope that FREE will leave these ships in peace, regardless of their perceived crimes. They will no longer pose any threat to FREE, as we trust that our brothers will not venture recklessly close to our shores again, but instead only pose a threat to SABER should they send their forces close. We pray it is not too late to jointly thwart the Orange menace, and that we can one day look back on this incident and, if not laugh, then at least not remember it as the day all hope died.

Spoiler Battle log :
Sub vs LS-021: 3/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-018: 2/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-020: 4/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-019: 3/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-022: 4/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-015: 4/5 Sub
Sub vs LS-014: 3/4 Sub
Sub vs LS-012: 2/4 Sub
Sub vs Lydia Sutherland: 2/4 Sub

With a heavy heart,
Niklas, speaking with the voice of the Council
excellent note :hatsoff:
Why not use pm's?

I wouldn't pay much attention to be honest.
Interesting, though we already know they must be talking. CB has even said so himself in their letters to us, that SABER are trying to scare them regarding us.
Interesting stuff Aigburth. I didn't know Cyc was following the MTDG that much. BTW, I missed an opportunity to meet Cyc yesterday. He was near Rochester but I was sick yesterday. :(
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