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Temple of Artemis + Great Lighthouse

Hans Lemurson

Jan 2, 2006
Silicon Valley
I'm probably not the first person to have noticed this, but I'll spit it out anyways:
Temple of Artemis + Great Lighthouse has some bad-ass synergy.(of the per/city kind)

ToA: +100% on all :traderoute: income in the city it's built. This sort of invalidates the rest of the article, but you can still read it for your amusement.
GLh: +2 :traderoute: in all coastal cities

Now, both of these wonders come fairly early (Polytheism and Masonry+Sailing respectively) so if you are going to take advantage of this, you'll probably need to rush for the combo.

How valuable is it? I'll do a conservative and crude estimate:

Assume that half of your cities are coastal. This means on average that's +1 :traderoute: per city in your empire. You'll probably only have dinky 1:commerce: domestic traderoutes to deal with at this stage. Now double the yield of all of these routes to +2:commerce:. You have on average, 4:commerce: worth of trade per city, which is 3 more than you would normally expect.

At it's most basic level, this combo gives you about +3:commerce: per city (+5:commerce: for coastal, +1:commerce: for inland). Since this is per city it is going to rather effectively offset the maintainance cost of new cities. This will make carving out empires a breeze, as the new posessions start to practicly pay for themselves! Even as your research% falls, your total beakers will probably still be rising.

In fact, if you just decide to build an ass-load of coastal cities, you will make a profit from each city construction.(and later, a prophet in your capitol!) If you just make them work the coast for some extra commerce and population control (keeps maintainance low), you'll be generating 9 commerce right off the bat from these suckers. Well, you have to pay some maintainance eventually, so let's assume an average profit of 5 commerce per city. So...if each city is netting you +5 commerce, is there anything stopping your expansion?

Leader Synergies:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt: His Industrious trait will help you get these wonders ASAP, and Organized is going to seriously lower the marginal cost of each new city. Cheap courthouses are a godsend, and the cheap lighthouses makes getting the Great lighthouse even easier! Your Industrious and Organized traits will reduce the 660 hammer pricetag of these wonders to around 430. You might get a little screwed in rounding, so estimate 500.

Hannibal: Carthage's unique building gives your coastal cities +1 trade routes. It's fairly obvious where the synergy comes into play. Comes a little bit later than the main developments here (this is a BC gig to pull), but will be rewarding nevertheless. You pay full price for the wonders though.

Any Organized or Industrious leader will probably have a reasonable amount of synergy here too.

So, a the theoretical development of all of this is that you just might be able to pull off something somewhat resembling the Infinite City Sleaze, provided all your cities are coastal. If you keep all of your developments coastal, and you have an organized leader, you could probably profitably control a preposterously large number of cities for the date and level of development you are at. Things will only get better once Currency and Code of Laws is researched, and when foreign trade-routes start to open up.

My advice to you is simple: Take FDR as your leader and REX yourself silly. You also might want to engineer this a bit and start on a map with plenty of coast.
Side note, the +100% is applied BEFORE the trade routes become 1 minimum (2 minimum for foreign)

so for ToA to do Anything you need
1. ability to get 1.5 commerce from a Foreign Trade route (3 Commerce>minimum of 2)
2. ability to get 1 Commerce from a Domestic Trade Route (2 commerce>min of 1)

for #1 you need a population of about 5+ in a capital (connecting with a nother city pop 6+)
a pop of about 7+ trading with a city of about pop 7+

For a Domestic Boost
you need a capital of about 9+ trading with a city of about 9+ (that is far away)
you need a city of 10+ trading with a city of 10+ (that is far away)

in short:
ToA will only provide much benefit for Foreign Trade Routes, until the later game. (and until then it will probably at best be a +1 or very Rarely a +2 per Trade Route)

What it gets real synergy with is if your capital is coastal (Capital provides a bonus to trade, combint that with GL and ToA would probably provide some decent Trade.)
It's +100 trade route income for all cities? For sure? Wow, that would be nuts!
Only in the city you built it in? Aw nuts, there goes my article... :(

That'll teach me to read things more carefully, and not make posts at 4am. :crazyeye:
Still if you have a Coastal Capital, and pump out ToA there (GLight somewhere else) then you still get very nice Synergy... as the capital can actually get good benefits

1. It will probably the one that will get 'First pick' of Foreign Trade Routes
2. It gets a Trade route benefit that is Synergistic with the ToA bonus

Basically you could end up with, instead of 2-4 Commerce from Trade Routes (1-2 Foreign Routes at 2 each)
7-10 commerce from Trade Routes (3-4 routes at 2-3 each)

add Harbors and a Bureaucracy Bonus and this Capital could be Great... just not game breaking

I've 2 games on Warlords. My second was with the Inca's (Financial), and had Artemis and GLighthouse in my coastal capital. I ran Beurocracy the whole game (IIRC) and it was generating HUGE income.

Oh, it also had a shrine

DaveMcW said:
It's only +100% in the city that built ToA. But its a very nice combo to have in your capital, where it stacks with Bureaucracy.

I thought it was every city after reading the rule book -- the description there is pretty ambiguous. But 100% in every city seems too unbalancing.

from the rule book:

"Effect: +100% trade route yield. 1 free priest. The city is more likely to generate Great Merchants".
Krikkitone said:
Yes...until Economics

Which gives you +1 trade route in every city anyway, what the lord taketh away, the lord also giveth...
Krikkitone said:
Well Economics doesn't ive a Trade Route.. it gives Free Market, which you can switch to to get a trade route.

Oops, my bad! I usually switch to FM at that point, so I got in the habit of thinking that economics = +1 trade route.
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