• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


We are accepting aid from any nation, regardless of our political differences or ideologies. If SUDS wants to aid us, to use an example, we would not refuse despite our differences. We are not necessarily approving all the policies of nations that aid us, as we are sure they do not approve all of our policies either, but this is not something that is relevant in this case.

Those "difference" include the practice of genocide and other human rights violations by fascists and theocrats. Its appears you have shown yourself Janos faced and are no friend to freedom. You care not for democracy, for liberty, for humanity; you care for only vain efforts of prestige, at the expense of countless lives. You lost the moral argument the moment you accepted help from two of the greatest evils on this Earth.

The S.P.A. are welcomed to set up the blockade in the Gibraltar Straight.

We will consult with out allies in the G.D.T.D.G. before taking further action but from now on we will not be idle.

The Italian regime has still a chance to redeem itself.

We urge our allies in Germany to realise that if the Nordic Empire makes allies of Italy then it would be ill news for Germany indeed; we must together stand against the great menace.
The Sanctuary Republics would like to reiterate that any one from any country that the stain of war has affected is welcome to seek refuge here. We will be cooperating with neutral powers to ensure the safe travel of refugees and would accept any and all support to help us accomplish this task.

TransLuna offers airlift capabilities to assist in this endeavor.
Why would Italy threaten Germany? We have no interest whatever in conflict with Germany. We simply do not understand the logic of SUDS.
Neither does Italy.
Why would Italy threaten Germany? We have no interest whatever in conflict with Germany. We simply do not understand the logic of SUDS.

Your are talking of allying with the Nordic Empire, who have be noted to be threatening to Germany.

Also need I remind you on the subject of the Nordic Empire... THEY ARE ******** NAZIS?!

We would have been neutral if you had not accepted the help of either the theocracy in Afghanistan or the fascist Nordic Empire. Instead we are going to enable your enemy to have a blockade so that the Nordic Empire will not sail its fleets to the Mediterranean. Keep in mind we are prepared to step down if you reject the support from the theocracy in Afghanistan and the fascist Nordic Empire. It is our interest that neither power is enabled.
We are cooperating with Scandinavia only regarding Sahel. We do not see why we should reject the aid of those who wish to help us. We have disagreements with them but we are thankful for any assistance we can get. We find SUDS to be hysteric. Even Germany understands that we do not threaten them.
Italy has no interest in a free or fair referendum. The Sahel has acquired information that proves this.
The Day we let white men decide our destiny again is the day Africa is lost. And Italy is asking us to let white men decide our destiny.
Surely, even Italy can see why we take the steps we do.
How so? We are even ready to let Sahel observers monitor the referendum.
Italy has no interest in a free or fair referendum. The Sahel has acquired information that proves this.
The Day we let white men decide our destiny again is the day Africa is lost. And Italy is asking us to let white men decide our destiny.
Surely, even Italy can see why we take the steps we do.
I would like to see this information.
For the record we are in talks with our allies on the matters at hand: we will refrain from further comment till noticed.
We indeed expressed interest in weapons but not for the referendum. Rather, we were afraid that we would be invaded (we have been proven correct so far), so we wanted to be prepared. We hope Sahel realizes that this is a misunderstanding. Not to say that we have already expressed our wish to allow Sahel observers to monitor the referendum.
Regardless, the entire raison d'etre of the Sahel Protection Alliance has been threatened by Italian presence on the continent.
There is one way the Sahel protection Alliance would be willing to resolve this peacefully - Through the creation of a free, democratic and independent Tunisia under protection of both the SPA and Italy. African integrity will have been preserved, and Tunisia will profit from the aid of two blocs, not just one.
We can accept this deal if Italy is compensated by [1 point].
Thank you very much. Wish our peace lasts for a long time.

We also wish to express our thanks to all states that supported us during this crisis. Whatever others may say about you, we express our thanks.
Federation to build Internet 2.5
Plan to link Optical Computers, Fiber Optics nationwide

Before the war, South India was a hub of Information Technology with Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, and Thiruvananthapuram among the major IT hubs of India and Bangalore was referred to as the Silicon Valley of India. Both local and multinational corporations set up offices and major operations in the country and even during the war and aftermath information technology was still instrumental in the local and regional economy. However, with time and demand on the local telecommunication grid outstripping capacity there has been a demand for the upgrading and expansion of the network. The central government, along with an alliance of state and local governments, universities, corporations and civic group unveiled the blueprints for what is called Internet 2.5. The plan will incorporate Optical Computing and Optical Networks to cover the entire country and possibly be expanded to neighboring polities.

What is Optical Computing?

Optical or photonic computing uses photons produced by lasers or diodes for computation. For decades, photons have promised to allow a higher bandwidth than the electrons used in conventional computers. Optical computing was finally considered ‘market-ready’ in the late and mid-2020s. Early consumers were primarily research and academic organization. As the technology was further developed, prices dropped, and operating systems and software caught up to the new hardware, optical computing became increasingly widespread in homes and businesses.

The new computers proved vastly more powerful than previous digital computers but were still unable to develop their full potential due to the limits of networks (including the Internet) designed for digital systems. As some companies and organizations developed their own optics-based intranet, the demand for widespread optical computing networks grew exponentially. The adoption of optical computers in the 2020s led to a revolution in computing power but unfortunately also required a vast overhaul of the physical computing infrastructure that made up the Internet. There was some resistance to the change, especially from some of the computing giants who were afraid to lose their dominance and near-monopolies along with a shortage of capital and destruction of physical and electronic infrastructure.

What are Optical Networks?
On the Internet 2.5’s incarnation, large mega-servers (called meta-nodes) will service a particular area such as Chennai and Bangalore and connect with other meta-nodes via fiber-optic networks. From there, connections will be primarily wireless, with personal nodes (such as wearable goggles, phones, and contact lenses) or the increasingly ubiquitous minor home or commercial nodes connecting primarily via a technology comparable conceptually to early 21st-century blue-tooth or direct node to node cellular access. This will have an effect of linking physical space and virtual- internet- space to a much greater degree as most nodes were associated with a very real physical presence. People have already been experiencing the internet via ‘wearables’, with virtual reality superimposed over their vision for some time. The ‘node-to-node’ component of the Internet 2.0 reinforced this. Now when an individual met another, they might also see their social media presence as a scrollable semi-transparent graphics display floating beside them. A restaurant might have a virtual menu hanging outside its doors. And while the internet became more tied to physical space, it will lose none of its geography-defying reaches.

Who will pay and what is the cost?
The basic Internet 2.5 will be free with extra services such as full immersion nodes and downloads available for a fee. Subscription based services and marketing will also be available but restrictions on advertising, product placement along with age-based ratings are to be handled by the Central Board of Certification (CBC) office under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

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