Term - 4 Presidential Thread: The Jade House

The loss of this wonder should have immeadiately been brought up for discussion at the turn chat. The strategy would've been obvious: Switch Gorina's palace to the next-highest sheild cost building, and set Memphis to palace!

Please don't atempt to excuse yourself of this matter, CG. The moment you got a pop-up informing us of the wonder's completion elsewhere, that should have been discussed at the turn chat! Recognize that this was a serious error on your part, and don't do it again.
Well, everyone seems bent on going 10 turns each time out now, so I really don't know what else to say.

CivGeneral, you really need to bring back the lost art of stopping the chat when necessary. This whole fiasco could have been avoided if:

a. You alerted the people to this problem.

b. Stopped the chat and let us all figure this out together.
CivGeneral did stop todays chat after 8 turns, so their is hope :)
Originally posted by zorven
Ok, here is an anlysis of our Memphis / Gorina situation.

As of 1070 AD:

Memphis needed 3 turns to complete Cop's and produced 17 shields per turn. This means Memphis had about 349 shields stored.

Gorina needed 53 turns to complete a Palace and produced 16 shields per turn. This means Gorina had about 152 shields stored.

So we have lost 200 shields worth of production to a cock up?
Now we could lose Smith's company too :(
Hey CG - how's the ego holding up? ;)

C'mon folks, we're approaching the point of flogging the remnants of a dead horse here. This is CG's first run as President. It's been a while since we've had a total newbie. Let's try some ideas on preventing this in the future.

[EDIT 2]
CG - I think your decision was not the best possible decision, but I do understand your reasoning. You've got a lot of talent willing to support you, and help in anyway you ask (well, to a point!). Sometimes, running a fast turn chat may result in things being missed - this may have been one. Take your time - nobody will complain about a few more minutes to make sure of some decisions. Give us more information about what you are doing during the t/c. We see the game through your comments, help us see what's going on.
[/EDIT 2

Citizens, let's allow the past to lie undisturbed. It's been a while since we've gotten beat out when we were this close to completing the wonder.

Your resident peacemaker,
-- Ravensfire

EDIT: Added smiley that should have been there.
EDIT 2: Massive edit to cut down on angst - CG did not deserve it!
CG has a good point about not switching Memphis to the palace because that would have required over-riding the Gorina queue for which we have no legal mechanism in place. After the term 3 fiasco where the president was villified for making a legal decision we cannot blame him for wanting to avoid an even worse fate by making an illegal decision. And there is nothing wrong with playing ten turns. It is not the president's fault that we cannot get our act together and give him intelligent instructions!
Yeah Ravensfire you are right. Lets move on. However an apology is always appreciated. ;)
Do we have anything in the constitution for a recall? I think I can get Arnold Scwarzenegger to run in a recall election . . . . oh wait, no he says he is busy.


Anyway, CG I'm sure you are going to do a great job with the rest of this term and I think that this little mishap is just all part of the learning curve.
Mr. President,

Please post a new turn chat instruction thread as soon as possible.

Also, it would be nice to hear your views on any of the discussions that are currently taking place in the Citizen's Forum. What are your plans, CivGeneral? What do you hope to accomplish this term?
Mr. President,

I echo DZ's remarks above about a new turn chat thread. My most pressing question, however, is when is the next turn chat? There is no turn chat schedule posted in this thread, nor anywhere else I can see.

I would like to attend the next session, but my weekend is rapidly filling up.

-- Ravensfire
Mr. President,

Do you have any plans to post informative game play summaries in a timely manner?
After a gruling trip to Red Tape Central (The Conneticut Department of Motor Vehicles) Yesterday. Now I can take the time to answer your questions.

@DZ: Ill try to read up and catch up with the Size 12 plan. Though I hope it does not have Red Tape like the Conneticut DMV ;). The TC Instruction page is up.

My Goals (Short Term), are to make sure we have the Smiths built before the rest of the civs get there grubby hands on it. My other Short Term Goal is to enter into the Industrial age. My Long Term Goal is to make sure we have Cities with at least a size 12 before or when we start to enter the Industrial Age.

@Ravensfire: The TC Has been posted. Ill edit the above page with the scedual.

@Zorven: I do have plans to post informative game play summaries. Though they take a while since I like to post them as a Essay Formant
@Ravensfire: The TC Has been posted. Ill edit the above page with the scedual.

Thanks CG! BTW - what's a scedual? :lol:

-- Ravensfire
My concern about timeliness is that your summaries could be usefull in discussions between game plays. The longer you take, the less time they are usefull to discussions.
Originally posted by ravensfire

Thanks CG! BTW - what's a scedual? :lol:

-- Ravensfire

Scedual. A Variant of the spelling of "schedule"
Ahhh, that would be from the SED* then.


-- Ravensfire

*SED - Southern English Dictionary
1120AD -1200AD Summary posted
I have seen a few comments in the provincial threads about worker requests being ignored. While I agree in general that the DP needs to have freedom in this area to optimize game play mechanics, it would be a good idea to prioritize the areas emphasized by the local citizens, or to explain how other actions are more beneficial.
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