Term VI - Debate: Governor of Minami Ken


Sep 25, 2004
Toronto, Canada
Welcome to the debate for Governor of Minami Ken! Underneath is a lengthy, identical message posted in all the debate threads: READ IT TWICE.

Spoiler :
I am perscribed by law to post the debate threads now. Unfortunately, my plan to have questions sent in by citizens so I could sort through them will not come to pass; instead, the law states that you may start asking them here. How the heck will I moderate the debates, you ask? Well, I can put up some guidlines. I can't enforce them myself, so Chieftess, eyeri, Rik Meleet, I hope I can have your co-operation, and hope you're on the forums frequently. What? It's the holidays? I had no idea.

The Rule:

- Bias, insulting, or irrelevant questions will be deleted. One and you get a warning. Two and you are not allowed to post any more.

This is how it will work. Post a question you have. Post one question at a time. Any running candidates can answer each question once. Answer one question at a time. If you don't have a question to ask, or a question to answer, do not post in the thread. This format is already set to turn into an uninformative, embarassing, messy free-for-all. Please be co-opertive. I will try my best to change things for future elections.

Note: Haha! I just noticed that in the code of laws, it states that "Any citizen may post a question for the candidates to answer"! So, technically, I guess I really can't moderate this at all. Have fun.
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