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Terra Fluida

I'm in design and testing (POC) phase atm :)
Seems similar to the idea described here, although not sure about the details. My main focus being to have climate interaction less predictabe and with more impact.

I'm writting a doc in google, I could authorise you to have a look and tell me what you think about it.

EDIT : I haven't consider heaven and hell at all, only classic earth climate for now (already complexe...)
That would be interesting, of course, if that's okay...
I wish there was some short of heavenly terrain, what I am currently thinking after reading the lore post of the arguments that been going on, instead of some "good god" doing it, it will mostly be nature himself. If you want beautiful lands, Grassy Meadows, clear streams, then it sound more like it's nature itself. If you want waterfalls, beautiful terrains, and whatnot, I recommend taking that Way of the Forest, as it fit more like that.

Adding these terrains, I always want the terrain to look beautiful, eerie, and horrifying. For example, you see a volcano appear, but you don't see created lava streams that are rivers as well, you don't see the demons tainting the rivers and turning it to blood river as well. The grass terrain currently lake diversity, why don't I see flower's or herbs decorated in some of the lands, why don't I see a waterfall connected to a stream of water that connects to the lake or the ocean? Why does the mountain's always look like a snowy peak when it's surrounded by a desert? it should look red and look more heated.

This is why i wish somebody who has the skills that can turn the terrain into something more much more better and beautiful, eerie, or horrifying. Making the game look very unique, like in most games. After playing Age of Wonders, it make me think that I wish there was more diversity of terrain in this game.
Expanding the climate as I plan should help create a more varied world, as should the extended hell axis. I'm glad to hear that there is someone out there who might be interested in the goodly terrain, too.
You could always release the module in parts like lemonjelly's Starting Something modules, so people could take out the parts they don't want.
I think just about everyone would be interested in the goodly terrain. It was the whole "heaven on earth" thing that turned people off. It just doesn't fit the lore. Going the nature and lack of corruption route seems like a viable and lore-friendly alternative IMO.

Speak for your self. The weary idea of a fluffy bunnies terrain of goodness brings me to rage.
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