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Test IV Time - The Alternative World 2016-10-05


Space Time Keeper
Feb 17, 2005
Test IV Time - The Alternative World

This Mod Presented By Stargate and joelwest

The Mod:

After the C4demo version i have done, i try to make it to full version. Finally it is here!
The full version is call: Test IV Time - The Alternative World
The mod is to testing the CIV3 game machine to play CIV4 type game with some unique idea and perspective.
It is the my most biggest effort to put it to work and hope you like it:)

The 2 types game:

The Modified Version:

A hard type of T4T version with use some modified rules like CIV4.

1. 4 type of civics goverments
2. Comprehensive religion
3. Resources required wonders,etc.

The Simplified Version:

A easy type of T4T version with use the CIV3 game systems.

1. Complete 11 sets goverments
2. Simple religion
3. None resources required wonders,etc.

The gameplay:

1. There are 18 civs with their new speciality.
2. Units with similar civs colour from CIV4.
3. There are 7 religions same in Civ IV.
4. The techs is full version with follow arrangement.
5. Any civs have it's own unique unit.
6. Every civs have different 2 starting tech.
7. Resources is similar with CIV4.
8. Units all available except grenadier.
9. New buildings and wonders.
10.Terrain use new terrain from others creator.
11.The mod have first page CIV4 title.
12.Sounds included with CIV4 Menu sound. (optional)

The future project:

joelwest improved T4T biq and files -> now in progress ( see below for download )
The expansion pack- Test IV Time 2 - Warlord Expansion...coming soon


Recommended CPU 1.0 Ghz above and RAM 256Mb above.

How to install:

1. Choose the 2 huge files (Test IV Time v1.0 , Test IV Time v1.0 ) and the biq file (T4Trmrs to download.

2. Unziped the (Test IV Time v1.0 ) huge file to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

3. Unziped the (Test IV Time v1.0 ) huge file to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

4. Unziped the (T4Trmrs with 2 biq file and T4Ttext to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

5. Download the (T4T v1.1 patch) and paste to:
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios

6. Download ( and unziped to: (optional)
C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios
*Important: Backup original C3C menu1 sound in another place before transfer copy T4T menu1 sound to: C:\Program Files\Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Conquests\sounds\Menu


When play in CIVIII Conquest choose civ-Content of (Test IV Time (Random Map) Modified v1.1)
or (Test IV Time (Random Map) Simplified v1.1) to play.

Version 1.1:

1. House resources in The Wheel tech change to Animal Husbandry tech.
2. Favourite AI goverment in T4T Modified version included.
3. Frigate in England included.
4. Redcoat ini file change name from musketman.
5. Delete chokonu ini file run sound problem.
6. Some improved civilopedia.


1. Mod creator from Stargate and joelwest.
2. Unit creator from (all have contribute in making the units).
3. Map pic and info from (all have contribute in making the pics and info)
4. Thanks to all member and guest who had view, play or give comments to my mod.

The 3 huge files are only download once.
The 2 biq files is now at version 1.1 , later version will update soon.

T4Trmrs v1.0 removed after 271 downloads

Hope you have fun!

T4Trmrs and T4t v1.1 must download together for mod to work.


The first parts of 2 huge files download here:

1. 9.58MB

2. 8.71MB

The second parts of huge files download here (optional):

3. 3.22MB

joelwest improved T4T biq and files: New updated! :D
See the Downloads Database!
T4T add on scenario as a set of ten packs (89 MB total)
17L Test 4 Time Complete JDW (Random Map) 1.2 for biq

Try scenario base on Test IV Time systems:
The Opium War 1840-1895 v2.0 Try it! ;)

Test IV Time info:
Tech Tree
T4T add on scenario methodology at page 3

Extra Info:
World map for this mod needed, if someone interested can contribute for it at this forum.
If can, produce two play types for Test IV Time world map version.
Also request grenadier unit...

Test Play from Civfanatics:
Civinator , sercer88 ,CivSURFER ,aotearoa ,Bober ,kristopherb ,Shaun ,Churchman NeverMind (techtree)
,keldath ,johnnyjal ,joelwest (new idea biq) ,Virote_Considon ,Tasslehoff, AznWarlord
Last edited by a moderator:
The biq looks very interesting :) and I see some parallels to my mod, which is no wonder, as it is influenced by Civ 4 too. Too bad, that the download of the big file is not possible at this time.
Here some screen shot of Test IV Time tech

Compare to CIV IV Tech

When I try to start a game of T4T, I get a message saying "missing entry 'icon_bldg_buddhism'" or something like that. Then the game just quits. I never get to even start one of the games. If anyone knows why this is happening, please, let me know if I can fix it; because I really want to play T4T!
To Civinator:
Glad to know someone in common interest on this mod. The huge files is here, don't hestitate to download it. Let me know if you like it :cool:

To sercer88:
I found your problem, i think you forgot to download the 2 huge files included in this forum..try to download the 2 links above...if you find any bug, inform me because i not yet finish test play this mod myself :lol:

I just gave your mod a try and decided to write something about it and when I opened this thread, I see that you have just adressed something to me. :)

You put a lot of work in that mod and there are a lot of new ideas, what I always highly appreciate. :goodjob: I just reflected about the civics and the mixture of governements and improvements to symbolize these civics. May be it´s better not to mirror all the civics from Civ 4, as there are too many combinations you must do (so in this stadium of gameplay it seems you did them well :) ) and a normal player can easily be somewhat confused about this cornucopia of decisions.

At time I am at 1500 BC and it´s too early to say something about gameplay but I´m sure that I can say: Your mod is highly innovative. :thumbsup:
I did download all of the files I need to, but I might not have downloaded them into the right place. After I first downloaded the files, I tried to play it, and it wasn't even in the list of games. I realized that I hadn't unzipped the files, so I did, and the choice of T4T still wasn't there. Then, I moved the two random map files to various locations until the icons showed where they should have. Then when I clicked on them, that message came up.
To Civinator:
thanks for your nice comments :)
I try to put as much as i can to mixture of governments and improvements to symbolize these civics to make it more realism :D
to tell you the truth, it a bit complex mixture as start...until it reach the 88 types combinations, a New Record! :trophy:
a normal player have to play the easy simplified version first to get use of the game if found modified version confused :crazyeye:

To sercer88:
I think you not yet unzipped the huge files to the place where you put the "two random map files". You have to read carefully on the "How To Install" section in this forum to get the problem fix. Good Luck:rolleyes:
Hi Stargate,
Dwnloaded yer mod cause my video card crapped out on my other computer:mad: and I can't run Civ 4 on my old one. You did a good job and I'm enjoying playing it,thanks.I did download a few leaderheads that were closer to the civ 4 ones and plugged them in.You can find them in the civ 3 graphics downloads.Gonna do the warlords civ's?By the way ,this is my first ever post and I hope I don't mess it up!
To CivSURFER: too :lol: you will get addicted to play the T4T than the CIV4..because we play CIV3 longer time than CIV4...right?
A few leaderheads can make more realism to the game...i like your style :cool:
Yup, T4T warloads expansion is in looking some new ideas.
Is great!...welcome to Civfanatics forum, happy to know someone have the same excited yet funny feeling when testing my mod.
let me know, if you find something can be improved :)
Hi Stargate,

How can I know how to choose between the different types of goverment ?
There are no explanations for them.
Or am I missing something ?
To aotearoa:
I think you play the modified version of T4T and see the government page :D
Yup, sure there have explanations to this problem.
Try to look it at: Civilopedia - Game Concept - Civics
It is a combinations of 4 type of civics to form a government :thumbsup:
Test IV Time modified version of civics government
Civic Name--Upkeep Cost--Required Tech--Effects

:gp:Government Civics:

Despotism----------Low----None-------Rampant corruption and waste.

Hereditary Rule----Medium--Monarchy--+4 military police unit stationed in the city. Problematic corruption and waste.

Police State--------High----Fascism-----None war weariness. Nuisance corruption and waste.

Universal Suffrage-Medium--Democracy--Can spend gold to finish production. Minimal corruption and waste.

:culture:Legal Civics:


Vassalage-------High--------Code of Laws---+30 more free units.

Bureaucracy----Medium-----Civil Service----+50% commerce in capital hall.

Nationhood------Low--------Nationalism-----Can draft 2 units per turn.

:hammers:Labor Civics:


Slavery---------None------Bronze Working---Can sacrifice population to finish production in a city.

Serfdom--------None------Feudalism---------Workers build improvements 50% faster.

Emancipation---None------Liberalism---------+1 hammer from workshop.

Caste System*-None-Democracy+Communism-Communal corruption and waste plus trade bonus for every commerce output.

:commerce:Economy Civics:


Mercantilism------None-----Banking--------No maintenance cost from buildings.

Free Market------None------Economics-----Any tile worked by a citizen laborer which already produces at least one commerce will produce an extra commerce.

State Property
---None-------Communism----Communal corruption and waste from distance to palace.

*Only available for replacement of Slavery civics from combination of State Property and Universal Suffrage civics.
hey. Something went wrong. When i'm trying to to start scenario an error occurs
Error reading file
Missing entry in "text\PediaIcons.txt": ICON_BLDG_Buddhism

i unzipped all files according to your instruction to civ III\conquests\scenarios

it's very strange- as i understood other people who installed this mod did not have similar problem. :confused:
To Bober:
may be you using "WinAce Archiver" unziped software...which can produce it's own extra folder...that's make biq file cannot read the source to original address of the T4T big files...try to use winzip software and see what happen :)
To Bober:
may be you using "WinAce Archiver" unziped software...which can produce it's own extra folder...that's make biq file cannot read the source to original address of the T4T big files...try to use winzip software and see what happen :)
Great!!! thanks for advise. it works now. i used total commander embedded archiver to unpack files. really dont know what kind of software it uses.

Mod is great! Axeman in ancient age really fits!!! But i have a little remark ;) why alphabet is researched after writing? :D
But i have a little remark ;) why alphabet is researched after writing? :D

The first forms of writing were pictographics; drawings which showed the contain of sentences and even stories. As ideas and terms - and not human sounds - were used for these drawings, they could be understood by people, even if they don´t speak the same language. A famous example for that system are the Chinese and Japanese. Even if they don´t talk the same language, they can read the written text of the other civ (at least it was explained to me in such a way at my last stay in China).

Than the number of pictograpic signs was largely reduced by using a phonetic system. The "new order" for that phonetic system is the alphabet. :)
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