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TETurkhan Test of Time (Map & Mod)

hrm ok question...

I hope this wasn't asked but I really don't have enough time to read through all 12 pages of response...

with map size 256x256, how much of a problem is the hardcoded limit on number of cities? What about level of corruption over a big empire... say for example if I could grab enough land to the equivelant of the old USSR? - DaDoo

Good Question.
The way I edited the map it will be tough to hit the hardcoded limit of 500 plus cities... and besides trust me you don't want this cause it makes the game almost unplayable unless you have an insane amount of patience (waiting between turns) or some demon of a computer. Corruption could pose a problem and I set the mark at around 32 cities. keep in mind though, cities in this mod grow very large so if these seems limited its not. The USSR on my map can accomodate (meaing good city locations) around 40 at the most.
Well I don't think it would be "historically" inaccurate to include America, because you have the Romans and Greeks around at the same time. (Greeks came way before Romans, however they were eventually conquered by them). Plus there were no "French" in 5000 BC. You can probably find quite a few other examples of this as well. Not that it is wrong.

So I don't think it would be a problem to include them really, plus it would give more dynamics to the populations in the Americas as I believe there is only a total of about 3 civilizations there in the mod anyway.
Greeks and Romans were relatively close together location wise. This holds true for most Civs I think you have in mind, however with the Americans they were clearly a people who never were in the New World Prior to that time (talking tens of thousands of year if even ever)

Furthermore discovery of the new world was a cataclysmic event for Native Americans, and is something I wanted to regenerate in the mod. Problem is where would I put the Americans around 5000BC? Placing them in the New World completely destroys any concept of colonization, throwing them on an island not able to build ships until the age of sail makes for a terribly boring game (for whoever plays them). It’s a situation where I had to decide Americans yes, colonization no or Colonization yes & Americans no. I chose the ladder, which was no easy decision.

As I mentioned a few times I do want to bring the Americans back in a mod called American Destiny starting from around 1500 to the present time. However this project will most likely not come out until early next year :(
Hey TETurkhan,

Is there a way to download a small update file to update from v1.65 to v1.68?

I'm only on a 56k connection and currently 56% done with the v1.65 update DL. I don't wanna have to download all over again just to update to v1.68.

I was trying out your scenario w/ cities on PTW.

I have tried to load it a few times and it cant get beyond the "configuring scenario" bar. The map seems to be loaded fine but the game just stalls after the bar fills 3/4s of the way.

Any help would be great
Ok I just finished testing out a game with version 1.66. I played the world map on regent, regicide elimination rules. I've got a lot of critiques so don't take it the wrong way, just my opinion on things.

First off I had tried playing on monarch, and in that I got way behind on tech very quickly, much quicker than I would in a normal game. On monarch civs are much more likely to trade techs around easier, and I think the larger number of civs makes this effect even worse. Is there anything you can do about changing the value of communications with other civs? Within 5 turns it seemed everyone had contact with everyone else around the world except the americas. If it took longer to "know" who everyone else is that could slow down tech trading a lot.

I played as the Germans and conquered neighboring civs one at a time until I controlled the whole of europe gibralter to moscow. The ancient and medeival periods were fairly balanced and played out nicely. The use of pirate ships to prevent exploration till the end of the middle ages worked out great. I managed to sneak a galley to greenland and establish a colony there, and I founded new york around 1650 or so.

Around the end of the middle ages is when things started breaking down and losing realism. First was the resource placements. For this I'm in favor of gameplay over realism to an extent. In my game I had control over all the saltpeter resources in europe by the time I discovered them, but it could have easily gone the other way, especially with 3 lumped together. I would suggest leaving strategic resources spread out away from each other, luxury and bonus are fine where they are though.

Also, I think you should create a new settler unit for each era. I like the idea of settlers being expensive, but by the middle to end game they aren't relatively expensive.

Another suggestion, is there any way to make a synthetic resource? Meaning you research saltpeter, but if you don't have any then 2-3 techs later you research a tech, maybe not a required one, that acts as a saltpeter resource.

Put down one friggin huge ditto for rubber. I can get along without saltpeter and survive, but without rubber its game over. Keep rubber resources in their same general areas, but spread them out some more. IE, take the 4 rubbers in west africa and move them all over africa. This will encourage colonozation of africa, but prevent one country from monopolizing the worlds supply.

Ok now we're up to the industrial age. Just when things were starting to get exciting the game crashed. Reloading saved games all the way back and it still crashes in the same year. Not sure if its related to your mod or not though. WWI was pretty much flaring up all over the world right about the time the techs for it had been discovered which I thought was pretty amazing. The whole world was at relative peace, then overnight everything was in flames, and it wasn't just one vs. everyone else, was a pretty balanced conflict.

The game crashed just as I was rolling my first bombers off the assembly line and I've got some problems here. When I think of the bomber in the game I think of a WWII B-17 which should probably have a much lower operational range than 35. 15-20 would be more reasonable. I shouldn't be able to bomb Bejing from Moscow with WWII units running around. I was thinking putting in a third bomber between bomber and the stealth with a range of like 50, the B-52 maybe?

Naval units. I'd like to hear your opinion on the reasoning for the extreme expense for these. It looks like you are aiming for each civ to really only have one fleet for all their naval activities. I like the idea of not having fleets of 20+ battleships crusing the atlantic, on the otherhand I would like to have at least one in a lifetime. My most productive sea city(venice) was producing about 100 shiels/turn. Thats 100 turns to build a battleship. You mentioned that resources would increase shield production late in the game, but I'm not seeing that or maybe I just didn't get far enough.

Ok that was a lot, but I think thats it for now. If you plan on putting out another bix update in the next day or two let me know and I'll just wait for that to try and test this into the modern era.
Just to add a little input, I noticed Kormer brought up an issue about Bombers. Smoking Mirror made a great "Tri-Motor" bomber that I use an my first bomber level, then the regular Bomber, which looks quite formidable, is a step up from that one
First let me say thanks for taking time out to write all this. It is greatly appreciated :)

The primary concern I have here is the crash, is the game inoperative now? Can you localize the problem or even better email me your save game? teturkhan@hotmail.com

Ok I just finished testing out a game with version 1.66. I played the world map on regent, regicide elimination rules. I've got a lot of critiques so don't take it the wrong way, just my opinion on things.
-Not at all, actually your post is the best kind I can hope for.

First off I had tried playing on monarch, and in that I got way behind on tech very quickly, much quicker than I would in a normal game. On monarch civs are much more likely to trade techs around easier, and I think the larger number of civs makes this effect even worse. Is there anything you can do about changing the value of communications with other civs? Within 5 turns it seemed everyone had contact with everyone else around the world except the americas. If it took longer to "know" who everyone else is that could slow down tech trading a lot.
-I noted this problem when I first made the mod and asked the guys at Firaxis about it. Unfortunately if two Civs borders are touching one another they will have contact, and since the city version has all the various factions borders touching the speed of initial contact is instant. Other than putting less cities so borders don't touch there isn't much that can be done I am afraid. I wish there was a diplomat unit that needed to travel to the capital of the other Civs to make first contact, but this is not the case :( As for the tech rate, it is easy to fall behind especially when the AI is not willing to share their discoveries. Solutions I can think of are exploring for goody huts, trading resources (strategic & luxury) for them, and what works for me the best is conquering and waging war. When my armies are closing in on your enemies capital I find this to be a great way to squeeze a few techs from them in exchange for peace. The ancient era is meant to be one of warfare, and thus I placed less emphasis on tech research. Most games I play I put tech at 10%, use the extra money to build things, buy techs from other Civs, wage war etc.

Around the end of the middle ages is when things started breaking down and losing realism. First was the resource placements. For this I'm in favor of gameplay over realism to an extent. In my game I had control over all the saltpeter resources in europe by the time I discovered them, but it could have easily gone the other way, especially with 3 lumped together. I would suggest leaving strategic resources spread out away from each other, luxury and bonus are fine where they are though.
-I placed Saltpeter around most starting positions of Civs. In some places I grouped a few more than usual but for the most part it was pretty spread out. I agree with you that too much realism can hurt game play, but grouping of resources forces situations on players that can initiate them to desperate measures, like making unbalanced trade deals, or even to wage war for a resource they desperately need.

Also, I think you should create a new settler unit for each era. I like the idea of settlers being expensive, but by the middle to end game they aren't relatively expensive.
-Lots of work :) One thing to consider though, if you have the latest BIX, you will notice much of the terrain is not suitable for building cities. I carefully went through the map and only allowed cities only where they appeared in real life (the major ones anyway). As the industrial and modern age come around most suitable places for cities should have been taken (no?).

Another suggestion, is there any way to make a synthetic resource? Meaning you research saltpeter, but if you don't have any then 2-3 techs later you research a tech, maybe not a required one, that acts as a saltpeter resource.
-Very good idea and it was proposed by my friend Lt. "Killer¨ M, sometime back. I will definitely look to implementing for the next primary update.

Put down one friggin huge ditto for rubber. I can get along without saltpeter and survive, but without rubber its game over. Keep rubber resources in their same general areas, but spread them out some more. IE, take the 4 rubbers in west africa and move them all over africa. This will encourage colonozation of africa, but prevent one country from monopolizing the worlds supply.
-The cool thing with synthetic resources is it will enable offer an alternate to rubber but a few turns later as you mentioned already. One thing though that works for me is I make peace with a Civ that I need a certain resource with, I bribe them, give them incredibly good trade deals; all the while building units that are dependant on the critical resource they have. Once I have sufficient build up I then launch an attack on the very Civ that was nice enough to share it with me. I am nobody's b*t*h, and hell if I will let them dictate the course of my game. This works for me almost all the time :)

The game crashed just as I was rolling my first bombers off the assembly line and I've got some problems here. When I think of the bomber in the game I think of a WWII B-17 which should probably have a much lower operational range than 35. 15-20 would be more reasonable. I shouldn't be able to bomb Bejing from Moscow with WWII units running around. I was thinking putting in a third bomber between bomber and the stealth with a range of like 50, the B-52 maybe?
-The stats for units were all based on real life facts. However I may have accidentally used a bomber from a later time (let me look into this and get back to you). The crash is something I need to isolate right away. As soon as I look at your save game I should be able to determine the problem.

Naval units. I'd like to hear your opinion on the reasoning for the extreme expense for these. It looks like you are aiming for each civ to really only have one fleet for all their naval activities. I like the idea of not having fleets of 20+ battleships crusing the atlantic, on the otherhand I would like to have at least one in a lifetime. My most productive sea city(venice) was producing about 100 shiels/turn. Thats 100 turns to build a battleship. You mentioned that resources would increase shield production late in the game, but I'm not seeing that or maybe I just didn't get far enough.
-Yes they are very expensive but actually based on real life costs. I did however enable Civs to generate way more money, almost insane about to help purchase them. I also made population worth much more shields (when you rush an order, you lose less population since its worth more). Give it a try and see how it works.

Ok that was a lot, but I think thats it for now. If you plan on putting out another bix update in the next day or two let me know and I'll just wait for that to try and test this into the modern era.
-key here is finding out what this bug is all about (waiting for your save game :))
When I think of the bomber in the game I think of a WWII B-17 which should probably have a much lower operational range than 35. 15-20 would be more reasonable. I shouldn't be able to bomb Bejing from Moscow with WWII units running around. I was thinking putting in a third bomber between bomber and the stealth with a range of like 50, the B-52 maybe?

Range of a B-17: 3750 miles
Circumference of Earth 24900 miles

3750/24900= 0.1506
0.1506 x 256 (number of squares across the World map I made)= 38.55 Squares. In my mod this number is 35 so its pretty much right on the money.
Originally posted by teturkhan

Range of a B-17: 3750 miles

Is that fully loaded down with bombs or empty? I imagine if it was carrying a payload that would reduce that number by a good bit.
I think I know the problem with the range of the bombers.

The range of a B-17G was indeed 3,750. However thats it's Maximum range ie; The bomber will fly 3,750 miles then fall out of the sky cause it's out of fuel.

So to make the range accurate for Civ 3 you should 1/2 that number.

Plug the numbers into the formula and you get a operational range of about 19 squares.

In game terms If you have your bombers stationed in Southern England you can reach South Eastern Europe. Which by the way is historicaly accurate
Very good observation Rico.

I was just thinking the same thing, let me try and see how far the range of bombers are when you play them, is it the full 35 or 18. if 18 that means the game automatically factors this in, if 35 I will have to half all my bombers.

Man I got some keeners here - cool

feed back like this is awesome!
Ok heres what happened. I was playing regecide with elimination turned on. Lose your king and the entire empire is wiped off the map. In my game the arabs weren't that great of an empire, but they had a lot of small cities spread out all over africa, europe, and asia. When a city is destroyed the game needs to recalculate all the cultural borders for the cities surrounding that city. During the AI's turn the turks managed to kill the arab king, which immediately destroyed all of their cities. When that happened the game needed to recalculate the cultural borders for pretty much the entire map, which took about 5 times longer to process than a normal turn would have. This problem is something that would only really show up when playing a large map with a large number of cities/civs, mostly because the calculations involved are exponential.
Ok here's another suggestion. Put in some bonus resources that increase production a lot to emphasize north america in the later stages of the game. Would make colonizing there all that more important.
I think I know the problem with the range of the bombers.

The range of a B-17G was indeed 3,750. However thats it's Maximum range ie; The bomber will fly 3,750 miles then fall out of the sky cause it's out of fuel.

So to make the range accurate for Civ 3 you should 1/2 that number.

Plug the numbers into the formula and you get a operational range of about 19 squares.

In game terms If you have your bombers stationed in Southern England you can reach South Eastern Europe. Which by the way is historicaly accurate

Totally right on this, thanks a lot Rico - I was thinking of looking this up actually just today when you posted it. The BIX update 1.70 addresses this mistake on my part. I set the range based on 2 way trip, where the game uses this number as one way in affect doubling the range.

thanks for the heads up :goodjob:
and I HIGLY RECOMMEND everyone download this fix cause it will most definitely make a difference in the performance of the game.
thanks bartdanr,

Its really good to see many of you helping out with the mod. The feed back you give is invaluable and greatly appreciated.

Seems the BIX is going through constant revision but most of it is cosmetic except for what Rico brought up regarding aircraft ranges. I say give it a week at the most and all the kinks should be worked out (just in time for the multiplayer patch :))

BTW, anyone know of a good medium sized world map? I am thinking about putting this mod onto a smaller sized one to enable people with slower PCs to play it.
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