TF2 CFC Highlander-Discussion Thread

Yea, my kill feed was lighting up like a Christmas tree. Everyone was just dropping dead left and right due to our proximity.
I love playing control points, and when we have the third (middle) point captured watch the engies sit back and defend our last point while the other team overwhelms us with ubers, gunslinger sentries, and demo spam. Lord_Iggy and I just finished a fun 2 v all where we saw that, plus pyros sniping with shotguns and three scouts on our 11 man team. While we lost, we fought the Good Fight (TM).

Although the highlight of the night came before, when the two of us were on opposite teams. While he was ubercharging a direct hit soldier, me and my 7 HP escape plan soldier literally ran circles around the ubercharged solder avoiding his shots until the uber wore off, at which time I critical hit Lord_Iggy off the bridge and ran away. Lolz were had by all (well, maybe not all. Definitely by me though).
I was laughing at frustration with my solly, who didn't know to take out his shotgun when his rocket launcher runs out of ammo during an uber. :p
Time to watch SPUF for the next few days.
I love Miss Pauling's dating profile.
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