The America Thread

Perhaps. But if we can somehow bring the Black Market into the game, certainly the Speak Easy wouldn't be so out of bounds. Besides it would fit with the Roaring Twenties theme.
If you want to go with a Roaring Twenties theme why not use the name Jazz Club?
If you want to go with a Roaring Twenties theme why not use the name Jazz Club?
Jazz Club could be an interesting option for that kind of theme. I think all Civs should be allowed to put up a Night Club in their Entertainment District or Zone. For America I do like Jazz Club. And I did mention the Cotton Club which could instead be a Wonder. Much like Caesar's Palace which could double tourism and happiness rates of a regular Casino
Jazz Club could be an interesting option for that kind of theme. I think all Civs should be allowed to put up a Night Club in their Entertainment District or Zone. For America I do like Jazz Club. And I did mention the Cotton Club which could instead be a Wonder. Much like Caesar's Palace which could double tourism and happiness rates of a regular Casino
Just to note that Jazz is considered to be the quintessential 'American' music style, so an association with that music would be very appropriate for an American Unique.
Perhaps. But if we can somehow bring the Black Market into the game, certainly the Speak Easy wouldn't be so out of bounds. Besides it would fit with the Roaring Twenties theme.
You're assuming I was alright, or on board, with the Black Market as presented.
The only real thing from the 20s is Coolidge. The other things are from a larger time period.
Just to Chime In, the Black Market is not particularly 'American'. Some sort of Unregulated Retail Trade has been a feature of societies going back at least as far as Classical Greece, so it's more than a stretch to try to confine it to an American Unique.
By the same token, the Speak Easy was a reaction to an attempt to prohibit a popular Vice in one time and place (Specifically, about a decade, or 2 to 10 turns In Game). More generally, limiting the time and place you can drink alcohol is, I think, historically more associated with England (the traditional 'Pub Hours') than America, where such restrictions were almost always in the hands of local jurisdictions rather than a general, Civ-wide phenomena.

Besides which, in general, events and decisions that even at the time resulted in almost wholly negative and unwanted consequences to the Civ, like Prohibition and/or general Law Breaking, are a poor choice for a Unique to represent that Civ. I suggest that culturally, the Jazz Club would be a better American representative Unique.

Another suggestion, for a Unique that to my knowledge, has never been contemplated: The Spreme Court. The idea of a separate legal check on the 'sovereign' authority of the government (either Monarchial or elected) is very nearly unique to the American system.
Another suggestion, for a Unique that to my knowledge, has never been contemplated: The Spreme Court. The idea of a separate legal check on the 'sovereign' authority of the government (either Monarchial or elected) is very nearly unique to the American system.
How would a Supreme Court building work in game? I would think that any civ could have a separate legal check of the player, which might be given to any civ that builds a "legislative assembly building" in their government district, or has a form of democracy as a government.

I think in terms of unique buildings for America these would be my top 3:
Film Studio/Drive in Cinema- The first is already a unique in Civ 6 and the second could be an improvement. Either way they both have to do with the film industry.
Saloon- Amenities and maybe could be built on desert representing the Wild West?
Jazz Club- as mentioned above.
Just to Chime In, the Black Market is not particularly 'American'. Some sort of Unregulated Retail Trade has been a feature of societies going back at least as far as Classical Greece
It goes back even further than that. There are professions as old as Civilization itself. I have detailed, in other threads, a rough idea of how the Black Market can be implemented. it can be the tipping point in persuading other Civ leaders to accept deals. An offer they can't refuse. Or at least can't resist. Of course thoughts about which Special (aka illicit) enterprises would be allowed in the game. Gambling, Booze, Narcotics can all be considered. After all the Opium trade was quite the enterprise back in the day. And let's not leave out Rum-Running Pirates. Of course the idea needs some smoothing over. Perhaps each Civ begins connection with certain special barbarian types. Once Trade and Markets are available. Those connections gain access to certain "optained" goods. This continues through all era's.
Jazz Club could be an interesting option for that kind of theme. I think all Civs should be allowed to put up a Night Club in their Entertainment District or Zone. For America I do like Jazz Club. And I did mention the Cotton Club which could instead be a Wonder. Much like Caesar's Palace which could double tourism and happiness rates of a regular Casino
And, of course, as I, and Evie pointed out, a civ should not be built almost completely around a historic snapshot of it's leader's day and age. That's ridiculous.

What you don't want America led by Lucky Luciano with the leader ability of National Crime Syndicate?

Unique Unit: Mafia
Unique Building: Speakeasy

It goes back even further than that. There are professions as old as Civilization itself. I have detailed, in other threads, a rough idea of how the Black Market can be implemented. it can be the tipping point in persuading other Civ leaders to accept deals. An offer they can't refuse. Or at least can't resist. Of course thoughts about which Special (aka illicit) enterprises would be allowed in the game. Gambling, Booze, Narcotics can all be considered. After all the Opium trade was quite the enterprise back in the day. And let's not leave out Rum-Running Pirates. Of course the idea needs some smoothing over. Perhaps each Civ begins connection with certain special barbarian types. Once Trade and Markets are available. Those connections gain access to certain "optained" goods. This continues through all era's.
Let's not start glorifying criminals in Civ. It's just as bad as certain ideas to glorify slavery.

Another suggestion, for a Unique that to my knowledge, has never been contemplated: The Spreme Court. The idea of a separate legal check on the 'sovereign' authority of the government (either Monarchial or elected) is very nearly unique to the American system.

How would a Supreme Court building work in game? I would think that any civ could have a separate legal check of the player, which might be given to any civ that builds a "legislative assembly building" in their government district, or has a form of democracy as a government.
The Supreme Court would be a liability. :lol:
The Supreme Court would be a liability. :lol:
Without an independent judiciary you get governments in which the courts serve the government rather than the Law, as in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and modern Russia and China. In Game Terms, that should make a huge difference in Legitimacy of the government's actions, and therefore to Loyalty.
Without an independent judiciary you get governments in which the courts serve the government rather than the Law, as in the USSR, Nazi Germany, and modern Russia and China. In Game Terms, that should make a huge difference in Legitimacy of the government's actions, and therefore to Loyalty.
I think something like this would fit better as part of one of the ideologies to customize your government, turning it into a UB is kind of a gameplay complication and availability limitation when it could be perfectly part of the adminsitrative system for any civ (after all in many countries power ballance is a matter of corruption not the legal system per se).
Let's not start glorifying criminals in Civ.
We're talking a Franchise that featured Stalin, Alexander The Great, and Napolean. They didn't exactly get their fame by selling flowers. They were tyrants and conquerors. Not all that different than Blackbeard or Al Capone.
We're talking a Franchise that featured Stalin, Alexander The Great, and Napolean. They didn't exactly get their fame by selling flowers. They were tyrants and conquerors. Not all that different than Blackbeard or Al Capone.
I wouldn't put Napoleon on nearly the same level, there, as Stalin.
Let's not start glorifying criminals in Civ. It's just as bad as certain ideas to glorify slavery.
Oh. As someone who jaywalked once (school traffic was busy), I acknowledge the fact that I can’t get into civ.
(Also the post that you replied to was just for fun)
We're talking a Franchise that featured Stalin, Alexander The Great, and Napolean. They didn't exactly get their fame by selling flowers. They were tyrants and conquerors. Not all that different than Blackbeard or Al Capone.

Strictly speaking, Alexander of Macedon was not a tyrant: the Greek word simply meant someone who achieved power illegailly, and he was the Royal Heir and was acclaimed by the Macedonian army, so got into power by strictly legal means - legal at the time in Macedon, anyway. His control in Persia and all of its conquered states like Egypt was also, strictly speaking, legal by the standards of the time: he conquered them, which is the way the Persians also got them in the first place.
Strictly speaking, Alexander of Macedon was not a tyrant: the Greek word simply meant someone who achieved power illegailly, and he was the Royal Heir and was acclaimed by the Macedonian army, so got into power by strictly legal means - legal at the time in Macedon, anyway. His control in Persia and all of its conquered states like Egypt was also, strictly speaking, legal by the standards of the time: he conquered them, which is the way the Persians also got them in the first place.
Of course I did say this Franchise has featured Tyrants and Conquerors. Alexander and Genghis Khan would be in the second category.
I wouldn't put Napoleon on nearly the same level, there, as Stalin.
My point is this Franchise has featured some of the most dreaded characters in history. So why not include the likes of Al Capone or Tommy Lucchese, who lorded over their own Empires in much the same way.
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