The Assent and Betterment of Rome

The map would make it easier to understand who's traveling were, but... yeah it's tiny!
Don't worry, yours is not a story that really requires images anyway.
In fact, if not for the fact that this is a Civ forum, it could very well be its own independent narrative.
I sure hope you'll find your motivation, this is good stuff.

What do the A&B interruptions mean?
I like these combat segments.
So this happened today.

In celebration I thought I'd pop the question.

Is anyone actually interested in this thing? I know it was dropped by the wayside last November, without making excuses I will say that it was pushed to the side because things got ridiculously busy and my life became a complicated mess. This left me with only the time to spend a few minuets here and there to myself and so I spent it doing other things rather than working on this mess of a story. With that being said, if anyone is interested I will clean up the notes that I had spread around a couple dozen files and folders from when I was writing, then I'll put in the effort to do this. If no one is interested I won't be offended at all.

oh I'm interested, just a bit (understatement of the century) of a lurker. I'd definitely like to see it continue. Though, a few pictures would be nice too ;)
What's the significance of 314?
Yea, I'm also interested, though honestly I need to re-read the thing, I forgot who was doing what and why.
3.14 is the first three digits of pi.
I have no idea why it's significant to me, it has no bearing on anything that I do. I just like pi (and pie) I suppose.

Also, I spent a few hours creating something... Maps!
I got a full geographic map of the continent, then created a topographical map for the current times. Then I redacted them. ...What?... redacting things is fun

You okay there? Inhale a little to much pie fumes?
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