The Bank

That would be fine. Though I was about to start a quest of my own, that i would moderate.... but you can strt yours for all this banter...
Whats the +50 for... and please subtract 96 gold to pay my mercenaries... they are getting agitated. They also may leave now...
ice2k4 said:
Dodonna "CivGeneral" Kusanagi
Before Turn Chat: 650 Gold
After Turn Chat: 650 Gold
Please post in this thread, you are currently placed under inactivity.
I was not notified about this how can I reactivate this acount since I dont like to be placed under inactivity.
you get placed in inactivity if you wernt very active before the t/c so it should be cool now :)
Drunk Rebel Pub Accountant's update

ICE owes 26 of his own drinking.
ICE owes 23 of the Victory party/Nobody's tab
Civ Gen owes 5
Jase owes 20
George owes 10
Swiss owes 10
Dutch owes 5
diamolik owes 6

Total 105

Taxes (10%)11 POOF--its gone
Robbo share(25%)26 Please deposit at next update
BC share( 65%) 68 Please deposit at next update
Boos wood works update....

Way back from May 3rd
Ice owes 4 gold
Taxed at 10% is 1
Give Rob the remaining 3
Dutchfire's bookstore
30 gp of Swissempire, 30 gp of BCLG100
makes 60:

10%=6 gp goes to nowhere
35%=21 gp goes to Ice2k4
55%=33 gp goes to Dutchfire
750 Gold from Ice, for starting the Casino.
100 Gold to Ice, for selling 50% share to SwissEmpire.
100 Gold from SwissEmpire, for the above.
25 Gold from Ice, Casino
25Gold to Swiss Empire, Casino
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