The Empyrean: Too cuddly?

You can imagine it however you want until Kael comes in and says you've got the wrong idea, which he hasn't. This whole topic is basically "what do I think the Empyrean would be coolest as", not... really a reflection on what it actually is, since that's kind of vague right now.
Yeah, we know that it preaches wisdom and enlightnenment and redemtion, but also has seems to have comitee and concenius issues, but beside that, theirs not much offical (Kael telling us) information.
Edit: Now that I think anout it, you're right, Magister.
I don't Bureaucratic is the right way to describe it. I don't think they are obsessed over paperwork, and following specific procedures is really a Law/Order thing. The Empyrean isn't about bureaucracy, but discussion. They aren't likely to act until discussing the matter with their peers and experts, and they would continue to seek a consensus instead of allowing their actions to proceed when a simple majority is reached. In general, the followers of the Empyrean tend not to be particularly decisive, and when they do make up their minds they are quite willing to change them when new information is uncovered.
Yeah, I suppose you're right. It's like a Polish parliament rather than a bureaucratic hell.
I still don't think that Pillar of Fire fits them thematically. It should really be an Order spell, since lorewise it was the Order priests who used this (unsuccessfully) against the Luonnatar. Ring of Fire should also be an Order spell, like in Amelanchier's entry.

Pillar of Fire would also make a lot more sense for Seraphim than their current spells (cure disease, heal, fireball, summon fire elemental)
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