The European Union

It's possible to disagree with someone else's opinion without accusing them of playing dumb, as if that is the only reason why anyone could possibly disgree with you.

But the fact remains that the EU, as formed by the Maaaaastricht treaty in 1992, or 93, bears little relation to any of its forebears as they existed in the 50s, 60s or 70s. That it evolved out of them is not in question.
It's totally possible to honestly disagree with someone. It's happening everywhere and constantly.
Trying to pretend that the EU and the EEC are completely different and have little relation between each other, on the other hand, goes far beyond "honestly disagreeing" and jump happily into the realm of "I'll pretend I actually believe in a completely ridiculous claim just because it's convenient".
It's totally possible to honestly disagree with someone. It's happening everywhere and constantly.
Trying to pretend that the EU and the EEC are completely different and have little relation between each other, on the other hand, goes far beyond "honestly disagreeing" and jump happily into the realm of "I'll pretend I actually believe in a completely ridiculous claim just because it's convenient".

I never said they were completely different and not related to each other. This doesn't mean they're the same thing either. The EU didn't exist until 1993 so crediting it for the lack of European wars in the preceding 40 years isn't a valid thing to do. If the EEC or any of the other trade agreements or collaborations were sufficient to deter war then they could have remained in that state and still served that function without developing into EU. Which, despite the fact that you keep trying to underplay it, is a fundamentally different animal.
I never said they were completely different and not related to each other. This doesn't mean they're the same thing either. The EU didn't exist until 1993 so crediting it for the lack of European wars in the preceding 40 years isn't a valid thing to do.
And again you're trying to nitpick about pointless and irrelevant technicalities, painting them as if they were fundamental differences, and we all know it's false and not claimed in good faith - hence the textbook definition of playing dumb.

One point where we could disagree without "playing dumb" would be if you argued that the EEC/EU is not the reason for peace lasting in Europe. There is definitely an argument to be made here (right or wrong, but at least something serious to consider).
Trying to grasp at straws and artificially cleaving between the EEC and the EU, on the other hand, is not.
I think I am beginning to hate the EU:
The fact that the EU is characterizing “fake news” in the same context as jihadist propaganda is chilling. Former UKIP leader Diane James previously told Breitbart that the EU’s definition of hate speech, “Is so vague that it is the thin end of the wedge not just to curb hate speech but free speech as well,”
She added: “In my opinion, if the EU still allows to me have an opinion, I believe this matter should be decided by national parliaments rather than the unelected European Commission.“
I think I am beginning to hate the EU:

One mans hate speech is another mans freedom of speech
You know how German gets about the JUDEN no wonder Breitbart is worried, Breitbart is all about JUDEN :mischief:

9/11 = Juden
Healthcare = juden
Uber = Juden

seriously, EU should just ban these BS websites

“They’re always trying to claim that if I talk about world government and corruption I’m anti-Semitic,” Jones began, before calling the Emanuel brothers the leaders of the “Jewish mafia.”

“There’s mafias of all different stripes and groups but since you want to talk about it, the Emanuels are Jewish mafia,” he continued. “But, I mean it’s not that Jews are bad, it’s just they are the head of the Jewish mafia in the United States. They run Uber, they run the health care, they’re going to scam you, they’re going to hurt you.”

Vox, meanwhile, has pointed to the latest tirade as a sign that Jones believes “Jews run an evil conspiracy.”

“Is it not enough that Israel had fingerprints all over 9/11?” he then said. “The executive branch is nothing but a nozzle to suck up the wealth and the treasury of this country and offshore it.”
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One mans hate speech is another mans freedom of speech
You know how German gets about the JUDEN no wonder Breitbart is worried, Breitbart is all about JUDEN :mischief:

9/11 = Juden
Healthcare = juden
Uber = Juden

seriously, EU should just ban these BS websites
Its a little bit complicated:
“Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.”

-- Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online

...a furious Sharon reportedly turned toward Peres, saying "every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that…I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel, we, the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it."
I knew it cant trust those JUDEN,
I trust Islamic Association for Palestine press (and their evidence that it was an american tv ad that they interruprated and the JUDEN must have deleted all evidence and covered up thats is why there are no records of any such ads)

Seriously, this is not surprising no wonder the EU is trying to stop "fake news"

In a May 10, 2002 column (“Now Isn’t the Time for Bush League Moves”), nationally-syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer included bogus and inflammatory allegations against Prime Minister Sharon and Israel’s supporters in America.

First, she wrote:

In fact, it [American support for Israel’s actions] led Prime Minister Sharon to tell his Cabinet recently, “I control America.”

CAMERA conducted extensive Nexis and Internet searches, and found that no mainstream news organization reported as true the fabricated quotation.

The hoax originated with an October 3, 2001 press release from the pro-Hamas group, the Islamic Association for Palestine. It said:

An acrimonious argument erupted during the Israeli cabinet weekly session last week between Ariel Sharon and his foreign Minister Shimon Peres during which Sharon reportedly yelled at Peres, saying “don’t worry about American pressure, we control America.”

Notably, in the same press release, the direct quotation “we control America” changed to “we the Jewish people control America.”

When CAMERA requested substantiation from Geyer, the columnist first asserted that she was abroad and would have to check her notes when she got back home in June. After CAMERA contacted editor Bruce Dold of the Chicago Tribune (which ran the Geyer column), he replied:

Ms. Geyer does indeed cite the same sources you note [an Islamic Association for Palestine press release that claimed Kol Yisrael radio reported the Sharon statement] on the Sharon quote. If you have a statement or confirmation from Kol Yisrael, I’d like to see it. As for the second point [concerning the alleged television ads], that is not a direct quote from an ad, but Geyer’s own interpretation of the nature of the content.

Repeated CAMERA requests for Geyer to identify the specific ad that led to her “interpretation” have gone unanswered. Clearly there is no way that her readers could have understood that she was “interpreting” rather than paraphrasing or quoting from a supposed ad. Since it is extremely unlikely that any “U.S. television” station would have broadcast any such ad, Geyer and her syndicate owe her readers another “Editor’s Note” or apology.

Copyright © 2002 by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America. All rights reserved. This column may be reprinted without prior permission.

You hate the EU, because you like fake news? Seeing as you're linking to such uninformed sites as infowars and breitbart. Or because there should be more anti-Jew, racist and conspiracy 'news'? So more armed idiots can go looking for non-existing basements?
I knew it cant trust those JUDEN,
I trust Islamic Association for Palestine press (and their evidence that it was an american tv ad that they interruprated and the JUDEN must have deleted all evidence and covered up thats is why there are no records of any such ads)

Seriously, this is not surprising no wonder the EU is trying to stop "fake news"

And this is your source? FAKE:
Copyright © 2002 by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America.

Seriously go get stuffed yourself
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You hate the EU, because you like fake news? Seeing as you're linking to such uninformed sites as infowars and breitbart. Or because there should be more anti-Jew, racist and conspiracy 'news'? So more armed idiots can go looking for non-existing basements?
I dont know why you have to make such an arse out of yourself. The reasons why I start to have an increasingly negative feeling towards the EU are qouted in my first post. The links in my post are just a way for you to read those quotes in the original source and within wider context.
The fact that you completely ignore the substance of the matter and try to twist the discussion into labeling and ridicule shows that you are not a honest debater or should I say that you are a FAKE debater?
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Get in line then. It's the Pet Hate of the Season, for all kinds of people. Sometimes for reasons that might even have to do with the EU...
I am here for discussion and getting in line doesnt usually facilitate that...
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I dont know why you have to make such an arse out of yourself. The reasons why I start to have an increasingly negative feeling towards the EU are qouted in my first post. The links in my post are just a way for you to read those quotes in the original source and within wider context.
The fact that you completely ignore the substance of the matter and try to twist the discussion into labeling and ridicule shows that you are not a honest debater or should I say that you are a FAKE debater?

Asking a simple question makes me an arse? I think I'll consider this a fake reply... And FWIW, infowars and breitbart are neither sources nor news sites.
Asking a simple question makes me an arse? I think I'll consider this a fake reply... And FWIW, infowars and breitbart are neither sources nor news sites.
Please to answer your simple question just read the qoutes in my first post. They describe some of the beef I have with present EU. I am taking a note of the fact that you consider the sources linked as a low quality but I think its a safe in this case to consider the information in the quotes to be genuine.
So, what's the big news here ?
That European governments have had hate speech laws for the past 70 years ?
That Facebook and Twitter are expected to follow the laws of the countries in which they operate ?

Please to answer your simple question just read the qoutes in my first post. They describe some of the beef I have with present EU. I am taking a note of the fact that you consider the sources linked as a low quality but I think its a safe in this case to consider the information in the quotes to be genuine.

Fist off, when trying to have a look at breitbart you have to wait for quite bit of spam to load. Apart from that, I don't really care if either of those sites manage to get some actual news on their site. It wasn't what I asked.
So, what's the big news here ?
That European governments have had hate speech laws for the past 70 years ?
That Facebook and Twitter are expected to follow the laws of the countries in which they operate ?
The fact that the EU is characterizing “fake news” in the same context as jihadist propaganda is chilling. Former UKIP leader Diane James previously told Breitbart that the EU’s definition of hate speech, “Is so vague that it is the thin end of the wedge not just to curb hate speech but free speech as well,”
She added: “In my opinion, if the EU still allows to me have an opinion, I believe this matter should be decided by national parliaments rather than the unelected European Commission.“
Seeing as sites like breitbart are the voice of what hate speech is (they call the Kellogg's company 'leftist' for no longer advertizing on their site, as well as starting a 'boycot' of them) I can't be particularly impressed. Unlike some people seem to think free speech is not a license to insult people. Two people calling each other names is not free speech anymore than two blokes having a go at one another is an argument.

Free speech, in short, is something for adults c.q. people who can act mature.
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