The games from Koei and real life history

PH, being surounded is a great advantage!

You need to raise taxes and buy an army quickly, the AI won't attack large forces, it doesn't take into account the quality of your force, so you will have time to train them. ;)
But when I go to attack a country either my home base or the newly conquered state will be weaker than the surrounding....I guess it all comes down to strategy, only attack when those around you are weak.
A good way is to asassinate a weak ruler with Ninja, then bid on his provinces.

The AI tends to spend heavy early, but you get their army with the province.
I just noticed this thread.

I loved Koei games!

It too got me interested in the ROTK period and Shingen got me interested in feudal japan.

I think Koei has led me to spend hundreds of dollars on the gaming industry since the early 90s. It even led to Civilization. :)

My problem is that everything I do now is all PC based and so I cannot partake of the new Koei products. :(
I finally found PTO 2 for PC about a year ago.
Does anyone know where you can get a copy of ROTK 4 or higher for the PC?
Koei's Uncharted Waters:New Horizons was really helpful in terms of historic geography. Old Colonies's presence such as Goa, Macao, Bathurst whose names are now obsolete really made the game feel realistic, as most Koei games are, despite the lack of graphic quality.
Originally posted by Pellaken
I know where you can get some... but due to nazi abandonware laws, I'm not allowed to say it..

on a totally unrelated topic, look at the PM Pellaken button... hummmm
Good way to put it Pellaken, I might be PMing you too, for, uh, no reason at all. ;)
Koei has RTK VIII out now....but it is only in Traditional Chinese or Korena. :(
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