The Great Tribes

Attentive readers may have noticed that in the last post, in the picture with the plans, one item was crossed out - Map loader optimization. I managed to achieve really cool results! After clicking the "New Game" button on the small map, it takes less than 2.5 seconds to launch! Huge maps are now launched on my workstation in 17-19 seconds!

Testing the animation of bears.

By pressing the button, the script animations are played in the order - walk Star -> walk -> walk Stop - idle_0 walk Star -> walk -> walk Stop idle_1, etc.

With this simple tool, you can quickly see how all animations work, together or separately.
I am happy as a child when such beautiful views are obtained on the map! Look at how massive the river is!
I guess, due to Civ7, I have to ask if these are fully navigable ;). (looks like though)
Probably depends on the scaling of the child. There might be planned to be two- or-three-tile-wide rivers/
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