the Internet

Oh I assumed that all the projects are the same in that they work for all. I' ve only built the Manhattan project.
Any civ with electricity, computers and fiber optics should be able to share in the effect of the internet. Of course, even a symmetrical effect could be made less symmetrical if you prepared for it.
I have never wasted my time building the Internet. By the time I could build it there are never two other civs which have any tech that I want. I have known AI civs to build it, and the best of luck to them as they try vainly to catch up with my tech progress.
The internet is, in my opinion, the most important wonder in the game (besides perhaps the Pyramids). Many a game has been salvaged by being the first to get it; I have on occasion received 10 or more techs from it. Granted some are military tradition and divine right and such, but often I also get flight, fascism, sometimes communism... frankly, it's extremely powerful for any game you are not completely dominating at the end.
In a recent game it was down to me (Sitting Bull) against Hammurabi. Yet he was stubbornly (blindly? foolishly? uselessly?) building the Internet. :lol:
The internet should give you access to building special Pirate and Ninja Units. And you can create the Chuck Norris wonder that roundhouse kicks your biggest rival.

I have never wasted my time building the Internet. By the time I could build it there are never two other civs which have any tech that I want

The internet is one wonder i build every single time i've gotten to that stage.
If i am a tech-laggot, i bee-line for the internet, knowing that the moment i build it, all the missing gaps in my tech-tree will be filled and i will be the grand poombah of technology(has always worked so far).
If i am tech-maestro, i still build it, simply coz its the most effective way of making SURE no civ catches up to you.
Welcome to the Forums Sandrocottus_eh. :beer:

Building a wonder to deny it to the other civs is always worth doing if you can spare the resources.
Thanks, super49er....i am actually not a newbie per se...i posted months ago under an UserID i forget ( IIRC, i presented a historical perspective on Ashoka)....but yeah, i find that by the time internet is a tech-option, i am already a vast empire and even if i get into war, atleast 1/4th of my cities arnt involved in the war, ie, building wonders and financial buildings,culture,etc.
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