The Norman Conquest of Italy (c3c)

Johann MacLeod

Duc de Lorraine
Nov 6, 2002
University of Louisville
Duchy of Naples
Holy Roman Empire
Lugdura Aborea
Norman Invaders
Emirate of Sichy
Kingdom of Croatia

Byzantine infantry
spearman (european spearman)
Norman Knight
Feudal Knight
Muslim Archer

Files (i didnt include the snoopy terrrain as it made the files too big, you can add it yourself if you want)
The Normans in Italy

The first Norman conquest was in southern Italy, where only wreckage of earlier political systems survived. The Byzantine empire held the mainland and the interior was divided among Lombard princes; and island of Sicily was ruled by rapidly shifting Moslem dynasties. the first Normans came to Italy in the early eleventh century as mercenary soldiers, but soon they were fighting for themselves instead of for employers under Robert Guiscard the Normans had conquered almost all of the man land by 1071. meanwhile Robert's younger brother Roger had launched the conquest of Sicily. In this slow and bloody operation, the Moslem strongholds had to be reduced one by one, but by 1091 Sicily was firmly in Rogers possession. His son Roger II eventually inherited the mainland conquest as well and in 130 took the title King of Sicily.
This conquest of southern Italy was in many ways a more remarkable feat than the conquest of England. There were fewer Normans in southern Italy than there were in England, and their first leaders had little authority. but in Italy, as in Normandy earlier and in England later, the Normans showed an uncanny ability to build a strong government out of whatever institutions they found at hand.


  • normanconqss.JPG
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This reminds me of the Renaissance Europe scenario. But how do I add the snoopy terrian again? I tried making a file in the NormanConquestItaly/art folder named terrain and copied all the files in the Renaissance Europe in the new terrain I made but it doesn't show up on the Civ edit.

It looks great but and I think the papacy doesn't have a "l".
Johann MacLeod said:
because the tech tree doesnt matter enough to foolwith it. theres not enough time elsaping to alter it. so i merely slowed it.
Well, I see. Now I had played the Scenario to its final end. Hm, don't you think, this is much to easy? I didn't look often to the scoring. So I was a little surprised when I won the game so fast.
i think i might have to make the vicotry pionts higher again, before the holy roman emipe would take one city and then instantly win. are ther any other noticeable problems of defects?
I'm sorry but I can't get this scenario to run. Could you expalin in slightly more detail what needs to be done?
I'm soory to revive an old thread, but i really like the scenarion, but many dozen turns in i find that the game is crashing. The problem is in Pediacons: animname. That is all it says, thank you.
I noticed with some scenrios if u look in the units32 folder they may just be missing one or two letters
I like very much this scenario.
I played this scenario and it works but, when I arrived to the 30th turn, I saw two windows

1º PediaIcons Missing entry: "ANIMNAME_<&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;&#8303;[]g&#8303;"

2º PediaIcons Missing entry: not found "ANIMNAME_"

I supose that there is a new unit that no has ANIMNAME. I read pediaIcons several times but I don´t find a unit that no has ANIMNAME.
The creator of this scenario hasn't posted in this thread for 3 years. It looks like the scenario was never finished. Sorry, folks.
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