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The Norse Presidency


Oct 28, 2008
Los Angeles
Table of Contents:
Entering Office
July 1970 - January 1973
July 1973 - January 1976
July 1976 - January 1980
July 1980 - January 1985
July 1985 - January 1989
July 1989 - July 1997
January 1998 - January 2001
July 2001 - January 2007
July 2007 - July 2016

The Norse Presidency

Basically, I was bored and decided to do something new. I started a new game as Ragnar and let it autoplay for a couple hundred turns. I used a customized version of RevolutionDCM, with an almost completely remade Dynamic Civ Names component. In this game, I turned on Choose Religions, Revolutions, and a bunch of other goodies.

As continued to autoplay, I noticed the effect of Revolutions on an Archipelago map. The number of civs more than quadrupled (and this only counted surviving civs) to 13 (from 3). I saw wars and civil wars rage through the world. Once the year reached 1969, I stopped watching and got into the game. I ran for president of the Buddhist Republic of Scandanavia against the incumbent, a half-eaten turkey sandwich. After a hellish election, I managed to carry 51% of the vote and win. I entered office and prepared to lead this glorious nation.

First Cabinet Meeting
Upon entering office, I summoned my cabinet for a meeting, to get an overview of what I was dealing with.
My International Advisor gave me a broad overview about our foreign relations and the state of our international affairs:

The world had three world powers, a regional powers, and a rising power. The two world powers were the Christian Republic of France and the Hindu Persian Empire. The previous president had started a war with France, and they still weren’t happy about it, even though they had come out of the war with our northern possessions. They had a small protectorate, the Boroughs of Aachen, a state which consisted mostly of the aforementioned city, which had several autonomous boroughs. The other world power was the Hindu Persian Empire, which also had a protectorate, the Boroughs of Istakhr. They also had an area nominally under their control, but with a large degree of self-governance: the Autonomous Malinese Region. There was a similar situation in the Jewish Republic of Russia, with the Autonomous Japanese Region and the Boroughs of Ghulaman.
We are the regional power, with an autonomous region of our own, led by the Indians.
The sole rising power was the Hindu Republic of Greece, which, while having a large army, did not have the same ability of power projection as any of the other powers. We’ve also discovered that the previous administration had plans to attack Greece.

We have few friends on the international stage, my advisor reminded me. France hates us, the Greeks and Persians are indifferent, the Russians don’t like us, and everyone else is too weak to be of any use. My advisor also gave me a map.

I then got my military advisor to get me a brief sit-rep. The French were by far the most dangerous, but the Persians and Russians were also threatening. Our army was scattered across our many islands and territories. We have 14 Regiments of Riflemen and 2 Regiments of Grenadiers in the Army. In our Navy, we have 2 Galleons and a Caravel. Totaled, our military is only half the size of the Persian Imperial and French Armed Forces. The French Army is also better trained and equipped. Situation excellent. We may attack.

That done, I turned to my domestic advisor. Scandinavia was in turmoil, with revolutionary fervor reaching very high heights. There were cries of “Stolen Election” and “I Voted for the Sandwich” and even some “Ban Vegetables” all over the country. Something would have to be done. Our financial situation is excellent. We have a massive treasury and are running a huge surplus.

My technological advisor interjected at this point. We are quite advanced, although the French do have the power of steel and the Persians and Russians both have electricity.

My 3rd Grade Scandinavian Language teacher then came in and gave me detention for misspelling “Scandinavia”.

My Indian Affairs Advisor also walked in at this point. Seems someone “forgot” to notify him of the meeting. He starts ranting about the state of the Indian Region and how we needed to help it. Something about how Indian Army troops still use longbows and elephants. I quickly grow bored of him and start paying attention to the squirrel outside. It is a fine squirrel.

After he left, I officially gave my first presidential order: lunch. Now cries of “Assassin!” are being trumpeted around.
I like the writing here. The political situation looks very interesting. Mind sharing where you got the Dynamic Civ Names or did you do it yourself?
I basically opened DynamicCivNames.py and deleted everything underneath #Main Naming Conditions.

Then I completely rewrote that part with new names. I also made a civics module that adds 5 new civics (City-States, Religious Law, Socialism, Corporatocracy, and Antitheism).

After I finish (or abandon) this game, I'm going to try and rewrite the rebel names section.
I basically opened DynamicCivNames.py and deleted everything underneath #Main Naming Conditions.

Then I completely rewrote that part with new names. I also made a civics module that adds 5 new civics (City-States, Religious Law, Socialism, Corporatocracy, and Antitheism).

After I finish (or abandon) this game, I'm going to try and rewrite the rebel names section.

*grumbles about having to pick up Python again*

I hope you continue with this story.
Quite an interesting situation. Two questions, though. 1.) You think you could make the dynamic names thing into a mod? I'm not too confident of my own abilities to edit game files. 2.) How did you get the game to autoplay for the first thousand-odd turns of the game?
Dynamic Civ Names is part of RevDCM, the standalone version was never updated to 3.19, unfortunately.

Autoplay is also a feature of RevDCM. Just press Control-Shift-X, a pop up will appear about how many turns you want it to autoplay. It'll automatically stop if there's a Revolution related event though.
The First Six Months
Within the first six months, I had a challenge in my presidency. The official diplomat of the Hindu Persian Empire approached us and said that his country demanded we hand over 720 million in Norse currency. I also said no until the military, foreign affairs, domestic and financial advisors reminded me their army is TWICE THE SIZE OF OURS, and that they had a large sphere of influence. I then told him the check was in the mail.

Of course, following this, the opposition party called me spineless and such. Things got even worse when the mail lost the check.

Following this, the opposition party said I had doomed Scandinavia to be crushed underneath the Imperial Persian Forces’ boots. I just can’t win. On the bright side though, we managed to launch two additional Galleons into Norse naval service, the NNS Adwewyr Edratlan and NNS Rrader Hgow Araw. Also, an Apostolic Palace resolution cut off relations with the Persian heathens anyways.

First Half of 1971
Our military build-up continues. Also, Novgorod has celebrations in my name. Always nice to be appreciated. This is likely because the other day I was caught wearing a Novgorod Nationals football team shirt. How nice. Meanwhile, another Norse Naval Ship is docked outside Persepolis, giving us crucial intel on their military movements outside the capital.

There were 5 Regiments of Riflemen, 3 Frigates, and 7 Galleons. Quite obviously they were preparing for an invasion of somebody. Hopefully not us. Its probably the Russians, they’re currently at war with the Hindu Persian Empire.

Second half of 1971
So far so good. We’ve commissioned a new regiment, the Norse 61st. I also institute a new policy on the naming of regiments. Now it will go by city names, not by nationality. Other than that, not much happened.

First half of 1972
The NNS in change of exploring the west reached the rebellious region of Dariush Kabir. And it was HEAVILY fortified. With the home front still in chaos, I decided I would have to officially recognize Egyptian independence. I told the regional commander to set up a meeting with the Egyptian Rebel leader.

It turned out the enigmatic leader was actually a very attractive female. I asked her what were the Egyptian Rebels demands, expecting that they desired recognition of their independence.

They wanted a little bit more than that. I rejected her “fair” offer and made a counter offer: dinner for two.

She didn’t like that. So instead, I approached the Celtic Rebels of Ecbatana.

Also a woman, but much less attractive. I asked what were her demands.

Again with Birka. What was so great about that city? I only got 30% of the vote there. She also had a sly look on her face. It frightened me. After rejecting this offer I quickly made up an excuse and left.
So it looks like both rebellions were to continue. And the opposition keeps going on and on about how I should end it, telling me to recognize their independence and stop losing Norse lives in those two hellholes.

Second Half of 1972
Not much happened. We recruited the 62nd Rifles though.

First Half of 1973
Our scout ships have reached Ecbatan and have reported on troop counts there. Their defenses are… somewhat antiquated.

We immediately draw up plans for the invasion of Ecbatana. Looks like one of the rebellions is going to end soon after all.
Very nice start. It's a good thing you didn't select the Ottomans as your civ. You'd never have beat the #4 turkey sandwich* for president with that constituency.

* #4, because you said it was half-ate
Yeah, it would appear that replacing the player with an AI has an adverse effect on world technological development. Nobody even has infantry yet, only riflemen. Most don't even have steel.
Its a feature; you place it to remind yourself you have plans for war against that enemy. Basically, it means that the autoplay AI had had plans to DoW that enemy in the future. Thats why I said there were war plans against Greece.
Very entertaining reads. I enjoy your sense of humor.

Seems like an interesting mod. So, Egypt and Celtia are actually break-away cities/regions from your empire?
Yeah, the Egyptians and Celts are rebels. Actually, the Celts were originally broke away from Persia, but were annexed by the Ragnar AI, and I don't know where the Egyptians revolted from, but they were similarly annexed.

Only the Russians actually were originally broken away from Scandinavia, and they've since eclipsed their mother country.

Next update will likely be on saturday.
Second Half of 1973
We continue our troop buildup. We continue recruiting new regiments in Nidaros to prepare for an attack on Ecbatana. Not much happens. I’m also now halfway through my first term.

First Half of 1974
Mansa Musa, representative of the Autonomous Malinese Region in Persia, approaches us with an offer.

He desires the secrets of Steam Power, and is willing to give 340 million in Norse currency. Seeing as how our treasury is already pretty big, we decline.

Word spreads that a rebellion has occurred in Persia.

Unlike the Egyptian or Celtic Rebels, these are mostly disorganized anarchists, trying to expel the Imperial Persian Army from their territory.

Second Half of 1974
Some bad stuff has developed. I can’t get troops to Ecbatana. Both the Russians and Holy Romans refuse to give my ships passage. I instead park my ships in our waters, trying to find another use for these troops.

First Half of 1975
So news has spread that the population of Rheims, which has always chafed under French rule, has begun another uprising, led by a man named Justinian.

Perhaps I can take advantage of the fact that the Byzantines are occupying their attention to recapture the northern provinces we lost in the Franco-Norse War.

Second Half of 1975
Big stuffs happened in this half of the year.
First, Machiavelli made a list of the biggest countries in the world.

Next, the Autonomous Indian Region approached with an offer.

Seeing as how the Indians are nominally under our control, we accepted.
We discovered Steel, but realized we had no iron with which to make new artillery pieces. Damn.

And finally, but very importantly, Rheims fell to the Byzantine Rebels.

With the election approaching, I decided it was time to strike. I drafted up a document and asked the legislature to declare a state of war between the Buddhist Republic of Scandinavia and the Christian Republic of France and the Boroughs of Aachen. I stated that we must retake the northern provinces we lost so long ago, and that we must come to the aid of the Byzantine Rebels of Rheims, fighting for their freedom.

The motion passed, albeit slimly. With this, a state of war is now in effect between us and them. Our navy landed several regiments of riflemen on the shores of southern France, in the region known as Germany, while the Norse Navy blockaded the northern half of the island.

This was primarily the result of miscommunication. The Norse Army was landed too far south and now had to march north to capture Berlin from the fierce French Imperial Guard.

First Half of 1976
Our forces have managed to make it just south of Berlin, and are preparing for a head on assault, despite the fact they have no artillery support. The French Navy has been spotted in full force in the waters north of Nidaros. In brighter news, a great tycoon has emerged in the aforementioned city.

The time for battle is at hand.
Second Half of 1976
The Battle of Berlin was an absolute bloodbath. It wasn’t a battle, it was a slaughter. It started when Berlin had received many reinforcements from the north.

Some were hastily raised militia, poorly trained. Others were hardened veterans. The overzealous general decided to launch an attack anyways.

It ended in a decisive French victory. Out of 12 regiments of men, only one, the Norse 25th Guards, managed to complete their objective. The others were slaughtered on the battlefield. Worse, with the French Navy in the strait between Scandinavia and France, we cannot get reinforcements to them, or even evacuate the remains of the regiment. This is horrible for my reelection campaign. Fortunately, I managed to pass the blame to the general in command of the Berlin Campaign and the commander of the Norse fleet that dropped the soldiers off too far south. If he had landed the troops in the right location, we may have managed to capture Berlin before the reinforcements would’ve arrived.

First Half of 1977
I managed to win reelection, fighting off a fierce challenge from my rival, Senator Daterape. The fact that I portrayed this as a wartime election truly helped. There were several international incidents in this period however. Everyone demanded we give them the secrets of steel.

We rejected them all. Meanwhile, there were some developments in Persia.

Second Half of 1977
We continued to rebuild our shattered army and raised not one, not two, not four, but THREE new regiments of riflemen. Our army is beginning to recover from the devastation of the Battle of Berlin.

First Half of 1978
We managed to slip a blockader runner out to the north and pick up the remnants of the Norse 25th Guards from the shores of Norse-controlled Germany. This was a great success for my reputation. One of our scout ships moved north east, through Greek territory, to the city of Rey, to meet with the leader of the Arabians.

Second Half of 1978
Grave news. The winds of revolution are blowing in Nidaros, my capital.

I blame the infidel Christians in Nidaros. Now instead of training more Grenadiers and Riflemen, I have to train inquisitors to inquisitionate the heathens.

First Half of 1979
Even more grave news. Even in the Buddhist Holy City of Birka, the heathen Christians are being to poison the minds of the populace.

Luckily, I am prepared this time.

Nobody expects the Norse Inquisition!

Second Half of 1979
The Christians continue to pollute our glorious air. We must get rid of them.

First Half of 1980
Bad things are happening. The opposition has called for reelection.

I considered buying the election, but my domestic advisor assured me that I could easily win a fair and open election.
And I have to give him a promotion now. I celebrated by purging the Christians from my glorious capital. I also got the chance to meet Saladin, leader of Islamic Rey.
Second Half of 1980
Not much happened. We raised more military, theres a blockade in effect around Bjorgvin, and this:

The Hindu Republic of Greece has signed an act of union with Nationalist Kyoto.

First Half of 1981
More demands for Steel.

We accepted Gandhi’s request but rejected Gilgamesh’s. We also convinced Representative Gandhi to establish a more amenable form of government.

He accepted.

Second Half of 1981
We really got lucky here.

A great man known as Henry Hugginger came forth and mediated our dispute. He somehow managed to get us out of the war without having to pay any reparations. While we’re at peace, we can continue to strengthen our war machine.

First Half of 1982
How quickly the French forget our slightly improved relations!

I refuse. The Norse Army for the Defense of the Republic is swelling in numbers, and although our artillery may be inferior, and despite the fact we have no cavalry, we have highly trained riflemen.

Oh crap.

Second Half of 1982
Now we have to kowtow to the French. Their new semi-automatic rifles are far superior to our weaponry. So when the Byzantines came up to us, I was forced to decline their request.

I would have liked to come to the aid of the Byzantines, but the Boroughs of Aachen are still a French protectorate.

First Half of 1983
Since we can’t beat the French Army with the quality of our weapons, we must beat them with the quantity of them, because as General Dzhugashvili of the Russian Army said, “Quantity is a quality all its own”. So we’ve instituted a massive recruitment drive to swell our ranks with cannon foddersoldiers. We will build up a massive army for our nation’s defense. And occasionally offense. The French Army may be bigger than ours, but there can’t be that much of a head start, can there?

Oh crap. Worst of all, this massive recruitment is draining our treasury. We’re down to just over a billion in the treasury.

Second Half of 1983
The massive recruitment drive is slowing. Its time to test the Army. We are assembling a force in Nidaros to finally go and quell the rebellious territory of Ecbatana. The invasionpacification force consists of 13 regiments of Riflemen, 1 regiment of Grenadiers, and one artillery piece, a catapult. there are sailing east, through Byzantium, to reach Ecbatana.

First Half of 1984
The flotilla now officially departs from Nidaros with the mission of Pacification of Rebellious Provinces. We wish Godspeed to the crew of the ships and the men onboard.

Second Half of 1984
The flotilla now reaches the edge of Norse waters. Ordinarily, this would pose a major problem, as France would border us and would refuse to allow the navy pass under any circumstances. However, the Byzantine Rebels in Rheims have taken control of the waters there. In exchange for officially recognizing the Byzantines as an independent nation, Justinian officially allows open passage through the waters of Rheims, and even docking in the port itself.

First Half of 1985
Soldiers of the Norse Army for the Defense of the Republic have landed on the shores of Ecbatana Island.

Operation Thunder Falls will commence shortly.
Why is a Catapult the best you've got? I think that your chances for victory are low without siege units (one catapult does not count at this point in time! :p). Do you lack Iron to make Cannon? Well, best of luck! Still an entertaining read!
Unfortunately, yes, that is my only artillery piece. For my entire empire.

I made a beeline to steel when I took over the empire, only to realize I didnt have iron. Seeing as how this is the dawn of the infantry era and all I have is catapults and trebs, Im kinda ignoring siege. Instead, the Norse military doctrine is officially known as "zerg rush".
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