• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The only thing this game needs is toilet paper

If the AI thinks it has decent odds in the individual battle, it will attack. They won't have their tanks run away from armies of knights. Once flight comes around, no army is safe. They build and use bombers quite effectively.

Not completely true. They build plenty of bombers and use them, but as with all their other units, don't concentrate them well. They'll still bomb the crap out of armies, though.
An army of two Mounted Warriors? It doesn't surprise me that the AI attacked with Archers in that case; even with regular archers the chance of defeat isn't particularly high.

(unless I'm forgetting another abbreviation for MW...)

My point was that the rule is that the AI will not attack an army in the field unless it is sufficiently damaged to make it worth while. The army was at full strength so the rule is obviously a mistaken idea that is just floating around here.
Yes, if you got the abridged rule, it is wrong. If you got the rule with all the details (armies of units with defense = 1 are never safe, 3-cav armies are safe until tanks, etc.), it is right. Like many things, the short form misses many important details.
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